Say 3 things you hate about white people

Say 3 things you hate about white people


they was never kangs

they let some niggers free

I hate the fact they didn't send all blacks to africa when they had the chance.

I know something you hate about white people: That they're better than you

-they work too much
-they pay too many taxes (just to support lazy niggers)
-they build too many improvements to our civilzation (while niggers and ching chongs just leeching on them)

they are not a space faring people like the africans and muslims

Losing WW2

they are faggots
whiny faggots
and fuckng faggots.

They freed the slaves
They give welfare to spearchuckers
They to this day allow niggers to live

they usually get dubs

just sayin

Yeah, this is the sad thing about white people. They was never Pharaohs and shit.


1. pink dicks

2. flat ass women

3. annoying


Ya cuz dick that looks like over cooked BBQ is where it's at right?

Monkeys and guerrillas have big butts

Yes, white people are annoying but at least their not criminals at birth.

I'm not black

We burn easy in the sun
We put up with too much bullshit from other races.
It's impossible to be racist against whites no matter how hateful you are toward them.

I could go on and on
We're blamed for black people selling their own people to us when if they didn't, then they'd just eat them in cannibalism.

We're blamed for native Americans selling the land to us then backing out on the deal, Indian givers

We're blamed for the mass genocide of jews when everyone knows they deserve it.


You guys are so damn Punctual.


too smart
too attractive
too giving

1) Jennifer Lawrence
2) Katy Perry
3) Lena Dunham

Wow she looks dead inside

Winning all the time
Winning all the time
Winning all the time

And niggers aren't annoying?
How is that an agressive criminal is less annoying than a gentleman?