Waifu claiming thread: Misaki Waits Nervously Edition

Waifu claiming thread: Misaki Waits Nervously Edition


The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu and converse with others
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>insult other waifus harshly
>discuss fun and light topics like politics and abortion
>post fitting, non-sexualised content
>most important: Go to church you degenerates

Other urls found in this thread:


There's always room for more!

It was only a joke anyway, don't worry

Nothing wrong if you enjoy it!
rp seems cool.

I strongly like the sound of both.

Oh, like this?

Don't feel unwelcome here! It's a nice place!

Not naive but optimistic. A lot of people aren't good, but the majority certainly are!

Alrighty, get some good sleep then!


Yaah, I suppose. I just asked because I've been watching it is all.


Yaah, we do. I like to think that nearly everyone I've ever met was like that, a good person fundamentally. But perhaps that's naive.

Very nicu

Still watching my back

E-Eh...? That's a long time...

I always seem to meet people from all over Texas online and offline. It's insane, really.

Again, you're welcome~!

Awoooooo! My heart can't take it~!

No worries dude!

I've wasted my night doing nothing when I should be working...why am I like this


Last claim from me for the night. It was nice talking to you, /waifu/.
