Did I fall for the netflix shill?
The first two episodes were dogshit, should I continue.
Did I fall for the netflix shill?
The first two episodes were dogshit, should I continue.
Dont be a baby.Watch something in its intended entirety, then judge.
>le contrarian poster
Didnt take long for me to get hooked
If you're not entertained by then you should probably stop
yeah. sit through 8 hours of shit, then decide.
It was decent. Not great but keeps me comfy b
I'm not joking though, it's so slow and the Nancy character so far is garbo.
I was expecting quality similar to Narcos since it was produced by netflix but all I got was a underbaked Super 8
lucas is a little prick. wish he'd shut the fuck up.
>le netflix shill
I wish you'd shut the fuck up.
The quality is similar to narcos
The setting just isnt the same, it's probably just not for you
>not doing this
Why are plebs so entitled?
>the quality is similar to narcos
In what way?
But Super 8 was not set in the 1980s, kiddo
In every ways
Nigger I review movies for a living, I know what I'm talking about.
Shut the fuck up. Even the cliff hangers are cheesy in this shitty ass series.
>Nigger I review movies for a living
If recent events are any indication that mean you're the least qualified person in the thread to talk about movie then
Sorry for trying to have a decent conversation, now go suck your own dick
You should actually watch it next time you want to make a thread about it.
>I review movies for a living, I know what I'm talking about.
Ayy! Literally kill yourself
You're the equivalent of a guy taking his car to the shop, the mechanic telling him what he thought was wrong isn't and then sperging out about "muh profession" (although yours is fake and useless whereas a mechanic serves an actual purpose)
Why the fuck would you come on Sup Forums
Let me guess you read what is posted here, and you write "your own" opinions and call them reviews.
The acting is super hit-or-miss. Great child actors, not great teenage actors.
The story is rather predictable and, in my opinion, it builds up to a whole lot of bleh. Really disappointed by the ending, the last few episodes thing started really falling apart for me. Except for the last scene, I liked the twist.
I was particularly bothered that the entire story centered around missing Will, then once Barb went missing, no one really cared and it didn't do much except make Leslie or whatever her name is I to a central character. Didn't add much and wasn't given enough focus, especially when depicted starkly against how important will being missing was.
Steve is my favorite character for sure.
Goddamn the kid who played Eleven can act. Carried large portions of the show for me, I probably would have given up on it if I wasn't so captivated every time she was on screen. Have to give the Duffers credit for coaxing such excellent performances across the board from children. Not sure why they couldn't do the same for that completely wooden teenage boy. Jesus he was bad.
They did a marvelous job capturing the 80s without making it feel like an homage. Felt like an actually place, rather than a series of "That's So Eighties" atmospheric elements.
Overall I recommend it, if only to see some great child acting.
I feel the same way. Holy shit I got bored in the second episode. The cliffhanger makes me watch the third episode, that's the last chance this show gets.
Link one of your reviews faggot.
Same thing with me. I guess the show's not for everyone.
why are chinks so disgusting?
This show is being shilled by real shills and infected plebians. Drop this tumblr-tier shit.
i enjoyed it for what it was
it had the feel of a wholesome network show like the outer limits or goosebumps though as opposed to a cable show, which is what i was expecting going in
I hated the first two episodes, but halfway through episode three it got a lot better, imo. It's still cliche ridden and unoriginal, but it does end up being worth a watch. Wynona Rider is a terrible actress.