Should I kill myself?

Should I kill myself?

the last guy who told me that i wouldn't want a carrot was not fully eligible for his local blurb. he stuck me in that place and then i was in sorroew. so just be like nerff

Nah man you can still live a happy life

hmmm I don't think I can.


Is there a reason why you don't want to live anymore?

Do suicide by cop


I'm a fagola. Can't handle the self hate.

They don't deserve that.

Die by throwing a shoe at Trump

Yes, it would mean less expenses for your parents

I live on my own.

Don't do it.

I'm gonna level with you I'm really more looking for people to talk to rather than a don't do it/do it kind of thing. I've been feeling really unbalanced lately and I think the only place I can talk about this sort of shit is anonymous image boards.

Do you have access to a tall building?

77 double god dubs speak the truth.
What made you loose your balance?

Meh, it's a long story. I'm a fucking tranny and I want to kill myself. My family is super supportive but I still hate myself for some reason. I feel like I failed them. And myself to some extent. Also i can't really see a positive future for a person like myself. I've been trying to repress my gender feels for like 4 years and they just won't go away. Now It's starting to get in the way of my productivity at work and i'm thinking I should probably self kill right now rather than failing to be a woman and doing it later anyway.


Have you tried expressing your emotions through art?

Yeah. I hate art. I'm not an expressive artist. I'm not expressive at all. I'm very technical about everything. So art as expression doesn't work for me. I'll just spend hours studying anatomy and end up wanting to die even more.

write poems. sing them or scream them afterwards

haha. alright I'll give it a try although I know it's nto going to help. Thanks.