
>tfw no floofy wife

Other urls found in this thread:


Actually all I want really is a furry shitpost thread

Man I hate this world so fucking much


Suicide is always an option






Suicide isn't for us. It's for them.
They don't deserve life, while we do.

I don't want to be part of this fetish club anymore I'm done forever

Bye fags

Those are actually pretty well made

Furry shitposting you say?

I'm pretty sure I've seen that background goat on the left before!


Can I pause a Javascript function until a condition is changed, rather than pause the function for a specified time?

The problem is that there's an animation I run with recursive requestAnimationFrame, but the function that began the animation doesn't wait for the animation to finish to continue, resulting in things finishing in the wrong order.




Like this?
god I hate/love js

I hate StackOverflow.
>"I need my code to wait until a flag changes"
>"No just use a callback function"
>repeat x1000, clogging search results

People on StackOverflow are too quick to assume that alternatives have been given no consideration.



what about whle(conditon){} won't work then that sounds like what you want

That's how children code silly

>implying js isn't for children
I'm starting an initiative to teach js to children in uganda (maybe Bram Moolenaar will finally shut up about them after they learn js)

furfags should kys



This would be hilarious if formatted like animorphs covers

Is it true that the minimum wage in Uganda is 1c an hour?









That would be a contender for the one of the top ten worst of sexual assault scenarios.



is that why youre alone in a basement while theyre out nuzzling bunnies?

Post things you want to have happen to you

>tfw two of your fetishes are being inside goo which is molesting you, and being unable to reach a part of your body as it's molested

i find this so precious

inb4 faggot

I wanna program but I'm too tired



Man I wish I had tits

>bored of games and want to program
>too achey and tired to focus enough for programming

I wish I had a furry gf

A GF who is physically a furry, or part of the fandom?

Since the former doesn't exist (yet) I'd be happy if I even got the latter.


*at least got the latter.
my English sucks.


Post on Sup Forums

Sup Forums fag here.
Please do. For some reason, porn on sfw boards really gets me hot and bothered.

plz gibe blowjob



Just be a nihilist like me. You'll learn to block it out.

More like this?


how fckin creepy it must be to be his neighbor. all those toys, no pool.


I could do but it would be gay.


Man, those property values must be shit.

disgusting faggot


Anyone left in here?


Time to bump, i guess.













>casually picketing
Yiff the fuck in hell faggots.











