Some of you might remember me from last night posting...

Some of you might remember me from last night posting. I got shot with a pellet gun biking some trails by my house trying to get exercise. Dubs decide what I decide to do to them and their homeless encampment. will post results.

Some anons already informed me that the pellet went through and I should just clean and keep applying pressure and today it's healed a good amount. The swelling is down and the bruise is starting to dissipate


Gasoline and lighter might work

I missed the thread last night.

Was it like a fucking gypsy camp or something? Where do you live?

Fire bomb.



holy fuck ignore this thread and check out snap chaty .me right now

Your only logical option is to burn down the forest at night


i was thinking that too and have done it in the past but I really want to shoot the guy the shot me with a high velocity break barrel pellet gun. eye for an eye. It might be a week but you'll hear from me. Got to watch them and find out when they leave to go do their recycling or thieving.