What should I say to this bitch? She wants me to send 5$ to her paypal (tsherb330@yahoo)
What should I say to this bitch? She wants me to send 5$ to her paypal (tsherb330@yahoo)
Obviously Tits first dude.
Cosmo article on Snapchat showed some bitch on tinder who was getting guys to pay her 5 bucks with that exact same line then she blocks them. Don't fall for it, look it up for proof.
"You didn't let me finish. You convinced me that you're full of it. If you want my money you'd best send some complimentary nudes. I'm not paying for something unless I know it's worth it."
Yeah I saw it. She's being pretty insistent. How should i fuck with her?
You already gave us email right? Gore spam?
It's a scam you gullible fuck. If you already gave "her" your credit card number then that's hilarious.
tell her you need one tit, then you'll pay, then she sends the other tit
send 4.99 and tell her 'jokes on you bitch' and unmatch her inmediatly
have you never saved a set before? catfish gonna get catfished