Is this movie saved?
Is this movie saved?
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well done, well done...
>its real
holy fuck, 10/10 casting
Today I will remind them.
Black L.
Oh great, a tv quality cgi blob that may well look like the retarded anime design.
Kira, my nigga.
But can Willem Dafoe counterbalance the Black L?
>Is this movie saved?
It's still not a series, so no
That hoodie is sick tho.
Holy fuck.
well if that's how he's going to look in the whole series, I don't mind. he blends with the suit
I literally don't care if L is black as long as the performance is good.
but this photo
makes me think he might not actually be playing L, just an impostor.
>implying he would show up in public
Not him
That's Lind L. Taylor, though
I want this to be true.. I really do.
>CGI Ryuk
They should have gone full make up instead
the good thing in this is the character could have been a bisexual trans mewtwo and it would still be good....
as long as it doesn't effect who he decides to put down, of course.
if it turns out he starts of with killing the leader of the KKK then trump supporters im gonna flip my shit
I like Dafoe but probably still won't watch it.
lel it's not cultural appropriation when a nigger does it
L isn't Japanese.
and he isn't black either
I am moist with anticipation of the translated tweets about this from Japan.
There is no way that Light won't be some sort of OWS 99%'er that also kills the rich.
It'd be too much work. Ryuk does too much flying/hovering, walking through walls and other supernatural stuff.
The worst fucking thing about this is that they're recasting a bunch of Japanese characters as whitey.
You're missing the point as to what cultural appropriation is. L isn't even a character with a Japanese identity or identifiable race. You can't appropriate what isn't there.
why would you want another movie out of this in the first place?
The manga was ok (normies will praise it as the second coming of christ and contrarians will shit on it but really it was just ok), but we already got three movies, an anime, a tv show, various videogames, novels and shit. Who the fuck asked for this?
No he's British, stop stealing Brits damn it.
that's because they're localizing it retard. As if Japanese don't localize things when they adapt foreign things.
>or identifiable race.
>When asked about L's ethnicity, creator of the series Tsugumi Ohba responded, "I think of him as a quarter Japanese, a quarter English, a quarter Russian, a quarter French or Italian, like that." Ohba said that L is the most intelligent character in the entire Death Note series because "the plot requires it."
>When asked about L's ethnicity, creator of the series Tsugumi Ohba responded, "I think of him as a quarter Japanese, a quarter English, a quarter Russian, a quarter French or Italian, like that."
He's a tubie.
What if he is the criminal that gets killed as a part of L's plan? You know, the one with the death sentence right at the beginning where L wants to find out how the whole thing is working.
Also, when will we see an One Punch Man live action movie starring Bruce Willis as Saitama?
>nigger is stealing 4 cultures at the same time
Damn son
but he is white in the manga, like his skin is white. It's not anything near black and because it is a manga, you can't arguement like the black hermione thing.
Why localize it, though? Why not just have it set in Japan? They've done Japanese series before.
Plus, it's almost guaranteed that this'll be closer to The Blacklist than Death Note.
Why are you such a racist? Why can't a director reimagine characters as black?
But it isn't a cultural thing. L's defining traits aren't tied to him being quarter Caucasian or part Asian or anything like that. You can't cry about something that isn't there. He eats cakes and solves mysteries. Are those things that are exclusive to whites or Asians?
>being intelligent enough to solve mysteries
Well that just blocks him from being black immediately.
Your quote literally says it. He's part Slav part Asian part whatever because the creator doesn't care to give him a defining race.
Why make a piece of media if you dislike the character aesthetic? L has probably the most visually distinct character in Death Note. Making him some generic, conventionally attractive black man seems counterproductive.
Already there's a shot of him going in public. Why? Light can see he's black. It means he can definitively rule out people as being L.
>Why localize it, though? Why not just have it set in Japan?
Because Americans can't relate to Japanese culture and it's cheaper to localize things
The only thing important to the plot that's inherently Japanese is Shinagami, but if Shinagami exist, they exist to everyone, especially when you consider that the Death Note has the rules in English.
Also, localizing can give a twist on the story. Adaptions that are 100% accurate to the source material are boring and unnecessary. If it's exactly like the manga, I'd rather just read the manga.
>keeps head angled down to hide face
>speaks at a podium raised above the cameras pointing up
Wasn't L meant to be smart?
he also wears heavy black eyeliner. If he was black it would wreck the contrast.
If L isn't a tim burton-esque character then why fucking bother?
L's plan is to tell Light who he is, so it's not like he isn't counting on Light figuring it out.
But if it's not like the source material, why bother?
It's like saying if Luke had The One Ring, Star Wars is Lord of the Rings.
I'm pretty sure those are bags under his eyes.
That quote basically confirms that L is meant to have pale skin, which is something a black person can't have.
But I don't really about care the race of who plays him honestly. Race is unimportant, performance is what's important. It's a movie about a notebook that kills people, not a film where race matters in the context of the story.
He only reveals himself after he's narrowed down Light's location to a certain part of Japan, and he does it privately. That way, if Light flees, L knows that Light is the guilty party.
In this scenario:
Kira, I have come to town to find you!
Kira leaves.
Also, look at Wolff. Kira still managed to be intimidating, even when alone and writing. Can you see that borderline pre-pubescent face being able to pull that off?
>But if it's not like the source material, why bother?
Why are you asking me a question I already explain in the post you quoted?
>it's like saying if Luke had The One Ring, Star Wars is Lord of the Rings.
this is incredibly stupid thing to say. You're comparing making alterations to one story to merging two stories together. It isn't comparable.
Isn't L meant to be Light's comparable peer? Also a teen genius? These guys look decades apart.
I'm not saying that, dumbass. I'm saying if you transplant only the artifact into another story, it's more fanfiction than adaptation.
>Kira still managed to be intimidating, even when alone and writing
Deathnote was goofy as shit, and the worst thing this series can do is lose that. I didn't have much hope for this series, but I might watch it if Defoe has a big part in the series because who knows, they might cut Ryuk down somehow.
As for what's going on, we don't know at what point in the series that scene is even in. All we know, Light is already on the team working for L. If that even happens in this series.
>I'm saying if you transplant only the artifact into another story, it's more fanfiction than adaptation.
Who the hell is talking about only transplanting one element in the story besides yourself? Have you read the script or something? How do you know they're only transplanting one element.
Go fuck yourself.
Apparently you're too stupid to realize not all qualities in manga, films, anime, cartoons, books and comic books translate into live action.
undropped, I guess I can get over nigger L if dafoe is gonna be ryuk.
>but the dark tower is still dropped
>Roland is NOT a nigger
>I will never forgive you forever
If the only thing you're keeping is approximation of the names and the Death Note itself, wouldn't it be better to make this a standalone series? Reference how similar things happened in Japan a few years ago, new characters, new shinigami with a new Death Note.
>not black
I'd be more surprised if he were white t͏͏b͏͏h͏ f͏͏a͏͏m
Given that so far it's set in a different country, with different characters and from the little we've seen, a different way of progressing the plot, it's not a big leap in logic.
>getting salty about insults
You started throwing them about first, buddy :^)
fuck you faggot I thought I was gonna see tits
You just know they'll change the story so L doesn't die and beats Light
In fairness, the Japs did that in the live action, too.
my usual m.o. is to post tits but I don't want a 3 day ban
Sup Forums shouldn't be a work safe board because we talk about r rated movies,also who the fuck is browsing Sup Forums at work.
>You started throwing them about first, buddy
Nice lie. I said it was a stupid thing to say, not that you're stupid.
>Given that so far it's set in a different country, with different characters and from the little we've seen, a different way of progressing the plot, it's not a big leap in logic.
It is a big leap when you don't know the actual details.
>In fairness, the Japs did that in the live action, too.
That's because they made the films before the manga ended, so they had to make up their own ending
Together, I and Melo have succeeded L.
Killer will kill:
>The rich
That one's going to be particularly bad, because L will have some quip about he doesn't feel bad for the victims
>Actual criminals
Taking all bets on how quickly he'll descend into the same megalomania that took Light.
Of course. it'd be bad PR for a black man to lose to a middle class white.
Is the movie good?
I find the concept of a super private detective talking via screen and logo only interesting.
I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the series too, but wish I stopped reading when L died.
Just watch the anime, this western adaption won't do it true justice. If you're more interested in a live action version, watch the 2015 Japanese series. That was surprisingly good too.
Everything around Death Note seems so fucking good.
Literally my only problem with Death Note is that it has this art style that I'm not really fond of. That's pretty much it.
just how many adaptations are there? jap series, jap movie, hollywood movie, what else?
Do you mean the animation style or the general atmosphere of it?
For real though, despite that, it's definitely a great series. Anime > 2015 series > live action Japanese movies
You will be in for treat if you give it a go though.
Animation style. The general atmosphere is fucking great. I actually watched the live action version iirc, but that was long ago.
I loved the absolute madmen shinigami, the God obsessed main character when he gets the notebook, the clever rules, the cat and mouth chase with L.
Problem is I'm not really fond of anime. I have this bias. I'm better off with watching the live action ones, I guess.
There's the anime, 3 films (one is an original story with just L), a live action TV series made last year (the first episode isn't great, but the changes they made will keep older fans surprised in a good way) and a sequel to the original 3 Japanese movies with new characters, except for Misa and Ryuk where multiple people with different moral compasses get Death Notes.
>Problem is I'm not really fond of anime. I have this bias. I'm better off with watching the live action ones, I guess.
Oh man, you need to see the anime series. The movies left out so much of the points that made the series good. If you really don't want to watch the anime, the TV series adapted some of those points, but you'll appreciate it more after seeing the anime. It's up to you though. Trust, it's worth it.
I've seen everything Death Note related, but here are my opinions:
It's worth reading the original (the manga) first, but you don't really have to, but I'd recommend watching the anime first, which is pretty faithful besides a few minor things and them condensing some things later in the series (perhaps a bit too much but it's forgivable because those events were too long in the first place).
As for the movies, Death Note & Death Note 2: The Last Name, they are, at least in my opinion, pretty damn good, but they were made before the manga was even completed, so there are some big differences. I wouldn't recommend watching them first though. L Change The World is a mediocre spinoff film that has nothing to do with main plot of Death Note.
The live action japanese television series is bad. Pretty damn bad. Fun to watch but it's not good.
O-okay, I'll try. I honestly think majority of anime is poorly written garbage, but since Death Note intrigued me so much I'm gonna give it a shot.
Give the anime another go, it has a really great atmosphere, soundtrack and is the GOAT version. It has more Shinigami parts too.
How do people even like the 2015 series? I thought it was garbage and I really like Death Note.
It is a fantastic psychological thriller. If you consider L dying the actual ending. Light couldn't functionally beat him without going outside the boundaries of their game of mental cat and mouse, but he still WON. I was genuinely dumbfounded when he did win. I honestly hadn't suspected it, and the writing was so good that I felt it was justified going either way. Ultimately ending with Light in charge of the group responsible for tracking down himself, thus free to continue with impunity.
Unfortunately, it was such a tearaway success that the managing company said "More! MORE!" Thus, there was more produced, and it was of lower quality.
It gets better as it goes on. They changed minor things to throw off older fans and it was actually got me to relive that intensity the anime had at points. The only thing is that Light takes a few episodes to become like old Light.
>mfw I just found out about the 2016 japanese Death Note movie
>n the midst of this, two new individuals inherit the DNA of Light Yagami and L and must play a deadly game of cat-and-mouse once again.
This sounds incredibly stupid but it's stupid enough for me to watch it.
If you ever feel like watching another anime series, give Code Geass a go. The main character is like Light, it's well written and has a similar game of cat and mouse that Death Note has.
That's L you fuckwit.
Please leave this thread until you know what the fuck you are talking about.
It actually seems interesting, especially by having an actual psychopath use it to cause chaos.
It takes place in Seattle, not Tokyo. If you want a live action adaptation featuring a Japanese cast, you already have three movies and a TV series for that.
meh, I watched it and didn't really like it. I mean, it was fun watching it and laughing at some of the ridiculous changes, like Near being played by a grown woman while still being a boy... and also Mello being a split personality, but I didn't really care for it in a serious way. I honestly thought it was the worst of all the adaptations. I like the 2006 movies better.
Oh god, I forgot about the Mello puppet. I take that back, I do prefer the original 2 movies over the live action TV series.
>37 episodes
H-here I come..
37 episodes seem like a lot but once you get into it, you're gonna wish you had more.
I'll wait once anime gets more popular and we'll start getting live action stuff of what actually matters, namely LoGH or JoJo.
It's worth it, user. I hope you enjoy it! In going to have to rewatch it soon, this thread has made me feel nostalgic.
>the creator doesn't care to give him a defining race
That quote defines him as Eurasian. The creator might to care about his specific ethnicity but when it comes to race saying he's a quarter Japanese and the rest indeterminate European IS pretty clear that he never intended L to be a nog.
I don't really care regardless because I'm not going to see some shit live action anime movie but still
There is no way this will work. Even if they made everything perfectly, it would still be shit because the source material they are using is directed at 15 year olds.
Who the fuck anyone even thought that this was a good idea?
>37 episodes seem like a lot
You must have ADHD.
>tfw I prefer the english dub over the original
I know liking dubbed anime is heresy, but I really like all the performances, especially Brad Swaile as Light and Alessandro Juliani as L. Also, Misa's voice doesn't make me want to kill myself like the original's voice actor...
The movie is 100% saved if they keep the potato chip scene