Who was your favourite character from this show?

Who was your favourite character from this show?

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The blonde with big tits


perf except for that fucking laugh

the blonde with bigger tits

Holly. She just has the playboy look. Fake as fuck but damn it if she isnt fine as hell.

sucking old man dick is a fantasy?


she was the smartest one

>puts on glasses
>Teehee I'm such a NERD XD

I remember her being dumb as a rock.

Hefner is one sad dude. He pays girls to pretend to be his girlfriends and occasionally has awkward sex with him. I remember reading some behind the scenes "tell all" bullshit from one of the whores and she was talking about all the girls were creeped out by him and hated having to sleep with him.

Stupid cunts should be grateful for every dusty load his bones blow into their perfect nipples.

Bridget because she was the Thicc one.

Man i wouldn't mind watch a few episodes for nostalgia sake, i bet all the torrents are dead though.

she's still a woman, so ...

dumb as a rock, only with Heffner for the money/publicity

"smart", only with Heffner for the money/publicity

really hard to tell, but I got the feeling she was the only one that really cared and loved him
or it was just a good act

>dusty load his bones blow into their perfect nipples

What did he mean by this?

>oh man he's so creepy because he's old and still wants to have sex like everyone else, I hate having to fuck him, but I'll take his money

God how fucking disgusting these bitches are

i feel bad for her, she was 19 fucking a 78 year old.

>In a 2014 interview, Wilkinson explained, "I was like, 'Hell yeah, I'm here!' I was living in this small-ass apartment with this ugly-ass bitch. I was praying for anything to get me out of there. I moved in and weeks went by and I didn't know that sex was involved. I knew nothing about Playboy, I'd just graduated high school."

It's funny on the show when he says something really sweet to one of the girls and you think he's really thoughtful. But then he immediately follows it up with the cringiest, most dirty old man comment you've ever heard.

Also, there was that episode where one girl went back home and practiced a dance routine to use on Hef later in front of her stepdad. Stepdad looked like he wanted to bang her hard.

There's some interesting tidbits here


>Among his bizarre set of mansion rules, Madison writes, were that the girlfriends change into identical flannel pajamas before the bedtime routine.

>He would watch porn, smoke pot, and jerk off while his girlfriends and whoever else happened to be joining them that night pretended to get it on around him. Madison says they would take turns pleasuring Hef, but he always finished by himself. Madison reveals that she made her first foray into Hef's bedroom after a night out with "roughly a third of a bottle of vodka sloshing around in my stomach." "There was zero intimacy involved," she writes. "No kissing, nothing. It was so brief that I can't even recall what it felt like beyond having a heavy body on top of mine."

Hefner would have been better off dying at like 55.

No one could talk so much shit about him then and he still would have enjoyed more prime puss than the rest of America combined.

He also wouldn't have had to live to see his empire crumble and having to sell off his mansion.

>For attiring themselves, Hef provided each girlfriend with $1,000 weekly "clothing allowance" and unlimited beauty services courtesy of his account at the José Eber salon in Beverly Hills. Plastic surgery also came courtesy of Hef, Madison says, the most commonly requested procedures including boob jobs, nose jobs, and liposuction. (Madison writes about working up the courage to ask Hef for a nose job.)

And for that you're going to bitch about spreading your legs once in a blue moon. Why does he even want these women around.

Kendra, I still want to fuck her

But you're saying that as a virgin who can't get sex. To you any sex is amazing. But, for people who could fuck regularly anyway, Hef is creepy. Saying that it's creepy is okay.

I think Hef is creepy and I think the women are leeches. There's no conflict.

If you're willing to be someone's cock sleeve for a nose job instead of getting a job you're a lazy piece of shit who shouldn't whine so much.
Hefner is based as fuck, if I had his money you can bet your ass I would smoke weed and jerk off every day, I'd have bitches watching me do it too. Knowing they feel humiliated only makes it better.
>it's creepy
He said, while posting on Sup Forums's dedicated pedo board.

Still better off than the founder of Penthouse

Leeches are unwanted though and Hef wants these girls. It's a reciprocal relationship, not a leech one.

>it's so creepy
Then get the fuck out and stop taking his money. Oh, you wouldn't do that would you?

What the fuck is so creepy about an old man wanting to have sex?
>younger women
You would if you could.

The carpets of the Mansion smell of pee and there's dog poo everywhere.

You're getting a bit ruffled there, friend, and defending against some arguments that were never made. You don't have to white knight for Hef.


He's a fucking incel. All they do is write knight for other men all day.


Kendra. Would've given a non-vital organ to fug her

Holly. One of them has racemixed I think

Kendra is exclusively for BBC.

Kendra > Holly >>>>>>>>>>>> Bridget

the "sporty" one was the worst

>old guy takes you in and pays you thousands of dollars
>old guy let's you live in his mansion
>old guy pays for your surgeries and everything
>old guy is the only reason why you're remotely famous
>old guy is the reason why you were able to write a book
>old guy is the reason why anyone would even want to buy your book
>talk shit about him in the book

Hef probably doesn't give a shit but what would he expect from literal whores. It's not like any young girl would actually be into him.

>Wahh I like had to blow a guy every once in a while for two minutes while he gave me a career and thousands (millions?) of dollars
Being a woman is so difficult

Who is he, and what happend to him?

As like an 11-year old kid i was more confused because i didn't understand how this relationship worked to focus on anything. Like, did they all slept at the same bed? Did the girl fuck each other as well?

Yeah, i always heard it smells fucking horrible, just imagine this old tacky house with those annoying little cunt dogs running around, shitting, pissing and barking all day.

>she was talking about all the girls were creeped out by him and hated having to sleep with him.

Not enough to get a real job though, huh?

Do you know you could simply yahoo it, right?

What the hell did this kid even mean by this?

Reminder that 'creepy' is a word mostly used by fags and women

>19 years old in America
>knew nothing about sex or Playboy

Come the fuck on. Didn't she have a sextape leaked from before she was famous too?

>He also wouldn't have had to live to see his empire crumble and having to sell off his mansion.

No one to blame but himself. Larry Flynt didn't let the Internet fuck him over. Guy has almost half a billion dollars.

Just another whore lying for sympathy. There are always orbiters, so it always works

>Guy has almost half a billion dollars.

Sounds like a real hustler!

from left to right
>me in the back
>the trashy one
>the bitchy one
>the fat one

i would fuck all three and i have since im the HEF

Kendra is married to a black guy and already has 2 kids with him.

they got divorced

she found him cheating on her with a tranny

not even memeing

I can't imagine how much of a pleb you have to be to think this

Genuinely laughed out loud

Why would I do that when I can have fun interactions like this

god dammit

how were you able to type this with that shit taste in your mouth

Holly's shaved vagina

Hefner must be living in the same way as future men will live within VR.

The reason we are weirdest out is that it doesn't fulfil the power principle. What is always hard to understand is that making old problems trivial will just mean that we work on new problems.