
>single after 5 years with my exgf
>4 months since the breakup
>still dream about her
>have been meeting girls from tinder and other apps
>no job right now, had some great chances in the past but fucked them up because I was living with exgf
>working as a freelance at home, few projects per month, nothing great, not a way for living
>somehow I was able to start lifting weights

What should I do? Im feeling too old :

- Continue looking for girls, hookups, gym and shitty freelance jobs
- Start thinking on my own and my future, apply to this big company in the near town but not having enough time during the day for looking again for a gf, gym, 5 foods per day, etc

You could start with posting some more pics of that delicious puss

Apply for the new job, then try to seduce cute coworkers.
Lift weights in the evening, don't spend your weekends playing videogames and masturbating.

The bad part is I'd work in the architecture department of the company, which means while other departments will leave the place at 16:00 I cant get away until 20:00. 12 hours of working non stop every single day.

I was already there and I left because it fucked my life pretty bad, I didnt have enough time for me, earned big money but that doesnt matter when you cant do anything else.

33 nigga your time for planning your life has passed.

How about moving to a new city? Meet new people, forget about your ex-gf? I feel like you should definitely make some changes to your life.. If you don't change, your live won't either...

I think I should move too, I reached the point where I prefer to stay at home lurking Sup Forums and getting those stupid projects.
Im feeling old at 33, but time flies and I know at 40s it would be so much harder.

More of that pussy op. Or sauce me or something!

Staying at home all the time leads to a very dangerous downwards-spiral... If you decide to do so, please watch what you consume and how often you do, once you start drinking or smoking weed regularly it's gonna be very hard to lift yourself up again.
Apply for jobs in a new city, be brave.

35, almost 36 here.

Sorry about your breakup. use it as an opportunity to learn how to handle loss. loss is a common theme in life. as you get older you will lose things very valuable to you, but thankfully you will be stronger and know how to cope more.

stay healthy, try to make that your priority. losing your health can lead to issues that compound on one another and have serious consequences. carve out time to be physically active. this needs to be at the top of your to do list, not an afterthought.

try to get a job that pays well, and learn new skills in your free time. i don t agree w the user above that said your time for planning your life has passed. it hasnt. people reinvent their lives and careers all the time. work but keep studying and improving urself, get smarter, grow as a person. if anything you will appreciate the sense of achievement when you complete goals.

as far as girls go, getting over a girl can be hard. took me a long time on two relationships. take care of yourself first and foremost. things will get better, sometimes you just have to walk through the fire and you can do it, you might just be a different person on the other end.

much love.