Racist porn! Any links to videos where blacks are abused and called nigger during sex like this?

Racist porn! Any links to videos where blacks are abused and called nigger during sex like this?

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All i could really find. Looking for somethin like this but with men being racist to a black woman.


I've searched Xvideos, pornhub, motherless. All the usual sites. Found nothing :(


Raceplay is a tough thing to find. I've searched on Fetlife and most women interested in IR play specifically shoot it down right out of the gate.

I imagine it might be a bit more prevalent but comes down to a trust issue. A black chick may not be exactly happy if word got out that she like to spread herself for 'massah'.













about time.






BDSM is not racism, you dipfucks.

I understand that, most other people do too. This is about as close as it comes as to whats out there.

Chill the fuck out.









good to fuck





You know a sauce would have been nicer you nigger






I can't find the link but I have it in my iPad where white girls tell niggas the N word like compilation

Fuck these captions are beyond stupid.





thats a prized mandingo right there


Any videos b/ro's?




kneeling is suck the white cock black bitch





No clue, bro.

















that's so disrespectful why would you want to watch that?


It does exist, but I agree it is very hard to find willing black women. I dated one in college who did. She was a law student and we met at a party. It took her a while to truly trust me with her fetish. She liked to be choked with a noose and called nigger, whipped and pissed on. She had me wear a sheet like a klansman and used to eat my ass and say shit like "am I good massa, please don't beat me, I want your big white cock, etc." We would play like this until she was exausted and ready to pass out. After we were done though, she would be on the level and never even hint day to day that she liked this kind of stuff. She's a bigshot lawyer now and was involved in the Travon Martin case even. Fun times.



I'd bet that her education level/upbringing had something to do with it. Did she catch a bunch of shit from black people about the way she talked or her education or for acting 'too white'?

LOL, yeah. Like I said, most of that caption shit and the like is just awful.

Look at the shadow on the right for christ's sake. That tells us everything we need to know.










nice ass

any nude ones??

None that I've found. An user started a thread, said 'this is bunny', posted the above and promptly bailed.