Anyone else want to die/suicide but is too afraid of death?

Anyone else want to die/suicide but is too afraid of death?

How the fuck do I get around my fear of death so I can neck myself?

Also suicide thread I guess.

But I love you annon.

I love you annon

Thanks for the gesture but seriously, I have many reasons for ending it.

Bumping with mongolian pornography

What exactly are you afraid of?

There is nothing after death

You seem like an angsty 14yo

Why the fuck do people want to prematurely die/kill themselves? so fucking what the shit is hard. That's the point. Survival wasn't meant to be easy. It gives reward. Risk/reward, ever heard of it? If you think life sucks, you aren't taking any risk. You aren't putting things down to get things back up. That's the point.

No one is going to hand you a happy life. Life sucks when you let it suck. Get the fuck over yourself and learn that no one in this world, including your bitchass, doesn't get a freeby.

Whenever someone dies they are remembered as the person before they die. The last moments people knew of that person stay snapshotted forever. A teenager kills themselves and they get remembered as the whiny teenager that couldn't handle life because it was TOO HARD.

Do you want to be remembered as that? A little bitch baby that couldn't handle life? A little fucktard that whined and complained and did nothing with themselves and thought that because they couldn't get what they want without actually trying they had NO OTHER OPTION but suicide? You must be fucking daft if you believe that is a good way to go.

Die a fucking hero. Don't just let your friends and family remember you as a faggot bitch baby that couldn't handle the oh-so "hard parts" of life. Fix yourself you fucking faggot. Do something with yourself. No one gets a freeby, so you have to fucking WORK to get the shit you want.

>tl;dr dont die a faggot

You are a little fucking bitch OP
You are a fucking parasite on society leeching for attention because of muh suicidal thoughts
If you really want to pussy out of life then be a fucking man about it

You don't understand what it's like to be depressed or to have depression so don't act like you can relate in any way you retard

End it faggot.
Holy shit, you don't want to "die/suicide".
Otherwise you wouldn't be afraid of death. You would give no fucks.
Instead you are some angsty bitch who cannot deal with life and wants to be a lazy fuck.
Fuck off.

why do you write this? what is happened?

Buy a party tank of helium, 6ft of plastic tubing, some black garbage bags, and some duct tape. Fashion a helium exit-bag-[google it] and hide in a place you would be TOTALLY UNDISTURBED for at least three hours. I suggest an attic and an aliby. Make sure to post a live feed so we can all watch, ok?

Reasons for wanting to die is mental health related. The whole point of this damn thread is to get me to kill myself. I have the means all I want to do is to overcome the survival aspect and fucking end it.

I aint dying a faggot. If I can wok up the balls then check the UK obituaries for funny/weird deaths. Im not gonna be a cunt and take others out with me but I am going to scar who ever finds my corpse.

>Telling this to the guy who almost O/D'd on drugs and had to get his stomach pumped
Sure, i know nothing about depression. I know nothing or anything about that hopeless feeling you get every time someone puts you down.
I absolutely don't know about that cold feeling from the back of your neck that you get every time you realize youre alone on this shitty earth.
I dont know what its like to live in a poverty ridden house where we don't even know if we are getting food on the table.
I don't know what it's like to have parents that didnt even want you
I dont know what its like to fuck up my schooling chances by doing nothing but trying to get laid and high in high school
and i DEFINITELY don't know anything about suicide
Even though i tried killing myself twice.
Take it as a fucking chance faggot sitting here saying i dont understand means that youre not understanding the post yourself.
You also sound like an edgy ass teenager
Its all depression. Saying that you had it worse is undermining every other person who had it. Quit being a little bitch and refer to

there is no survival aspect if you're truly suicidal (until you actually are at the point of doing it, i.e. standing on the edge of a large building)

you're just some angsty kid, get the fuck over yourself and suck up the girl you like doesn't like you back....

Mental health issues.
On one hand I want to end my life. The mental strain is too much.
On the other hand, I am tertified of death and lay awake at night freaking out about dying in my sleep.

t. user diagnosed with dspd, ocd, bi-polar and depression.
Its like a cocktail of tumblr snowfalkes in my head and its embarrassing. I dont want to be a 'poor victim'

>implying how you died makes people view you differently
>it's still suicide
>it's still dying like a little faggot who was too afraid to handle life

You are the cancer killing Sup Forums. You White Knights forget the True Purpose. For The Lulz.

This nigga wants to anhero? Fuck yeah, get footage! Itd be hilarious to watch this idiot fail.

pics or it never happened :D

Yelling with greentxt is a MISUSE OF MEME

Never been in a relation ship and dont really know what I am missing out on. Im just too socially awkward and dont really mind that I dont have many friends.
Seriously what faggot kills themselves over a girl.

Also why is everyine so damn angry in this thread? One guy gave good advice about the helium bag exit.

>Even though i tried killing myself twice

what the fuck, how can you fail twice? Too dumb to knot a noose?

Also i'm not saying that i know this any better than you do, just that this "DONT BE WHINY FGT GO GET IT TIGER" bullshit seems like coming from someone not understanding that there is no will to live anymore.

>enduring a boring and pathetic life is soo hard core guys even though it still ends with death and nothing.

Why live through that shit then die when I can just die?
Kill yourself as well faggot

OP is a candy-ass and this thread is canccer.
But your fucking elitist post topped it mate.
Be proud of yourself.

I too know your pain. I have Bipolar with depression and anxiety as well as OCD. They are all common diagnoses that go together. I too want to die but am too afraid to do so. I want to quit my job, but too afraid to do so. I'm a pussy because I have mental breakdowns weekly and I don't know how to get out of this mental hell and not bring my wife down with me.

refer to

OP here, I like you.

Obviously just ending it is boring so I will be sure to rig up my shitty flat with a funny scenario.
Im talking semen pentagrams with rows of horse dildos or something to get a news paper headline.
I will be dead so 'stage fright' will not be an issue.

But I'm happy with my life. I am where I want to be and am going where I want to go.

Well, that's not entirely true. I don't want to go anywhere. What I'm doing right now is just the second best thing because killing myself would hurt people.

you could just google methods, why ask Sup Forums, you just come across as some attention seeking faggot

Yeah it fucking sucks. Worse part is that no one cares or thinks im over exaggerating.

I fucking hate everyone I know besides two good friends.

I came here to
a) buttblast anons like you
b) google gives me suivide hotlines or reddit posts with edgy teens


You're not afraid of death

Death is fine, you don't know anything, you are no longer, death is fucking top notch, it's dying you fear.

Either you're afraid you might bodge it, in that case, get educated get swole get bitches get money

Or you're afraid of missing out on the things you would miss out by not being alive, so you don't really want to die.

Think it over, make some decisions, just make sure you make the right ones

pic unrelated, I just never get to use it

then your google-fu is bad young padawan

Not true. Most suicidal people don't want to die. I don't want to die, but I'm afraid suicide is ultimately how I'll go when I get into one of my depressive states (bipolar) and feel like I can't live anymore. I also made a weak attempt at suicide during one of these episodes in which I drank as much vodka as I could stand (almost half of 1.75 liters, and laid in a really hot bath hoping to either pass out and drown or cause alcohol poisoning. Wife found me two hours later and I woke up to her trying to pull me out of the bath and screaming at me to wake up. It really jarred me. I don't want to die... but I'm afraid that one day I will, and then I will kill myself before I can have more up days again.

Dude.. move to Mexico and become the Mexican PUNISHER... kill the drug cartels.

>Most suicidal people don't want to die

Apparently i'm not most then

Honestly thought about this.

Im am scared of death but want to die, so I can put myself in situations that might result in death but give me a chance to fight it.

Should I do it guys? Become, The Trumpisher?

user if you re actually gonna commit suicide i aint gonna say u should but atleast do something good before you die like donate all your money to the poor n shit

Damn, user, I don't want to kill myself here, but damn
This really helps, I'll take your advice.

Already thought about it. Once I work up the courage half my cash is going to help the heroes and the other is going to nsccp

just make a noose or drink bleach
if you are too scared to then you dont want to

No, I don't see why people are scared of death.

Thanks for the reality check. Sup Forums was always the cancer. the history of Sup Forums is cancer. I am cancer. Pissing in an ocean of piss

Have real problems that make you hate life enough to end it.

So you are scared of dying but you think you want to off yourself?
You aren't there then mate. You are just crying for attention.
The fact that you fear death proves you still have a survival instinct.
If you did infact lose your survival instinct and fear of death then you could find something more useful to do with your life than just off yourself, there's plenty of dangerous jobs you could do. Go be a fireman or work in bomb disposal or someshit.
People who actually go ahead and neck themselves fear life more then they fear death.

TL;DR If you come to the point where you no longer fear death then you could off yourself; or go full-on godmode at life.

You dont want to die, you just want to make a scene that you dont have to deal with the consequences for.

Your pansy-ass cant come up with anything better than nutzo-fetishist?!?


You wanna go out with a bang?!... There's WAY better ways to get "remembered through Dramatic Suicide"

Just remember the Mexican mob will TORTURER your ass... so when cornered you go go out in a blaze of glory... suicide vest or heroin overdose emergency injection

Fine, let me re-phrase that. Most of us aren't so depressed all the time that they always want to die. That's why people check themselves into hospitals when they are beginning to get suicidal. They want to protect themselves, from themselves. That's probably why you are also afraid of killing yourself. As I've heard from clients "I don't want to die really... I just want to not be here anymore."

Fuck mate. You and me both. Good luck on the ending of your journey user.