Why is pwr bttm geting BTFO the funniest thing?

why is pwr bttm geting BTFO the funniest thing?

I'd guess because the faggiest faggot going turning out to be (allegedly) a massive sexual abuser of women is rather unexpected

it's funny watching the forced-buzzband PR machine backtrack. i wonder how much money polyvinyl paid for all that coverage

Because irony is one hell of a thing

>faggot band made for attention is getting rekt by another whore wanting attention


only an 8.0 no BNM, they spent their yearly BNM budget on jay som


Cuz people don't like gay folks

Mods, please delete this thread. This has as much to do with music as Anita and Zoe threads have to do with video games.

I miss Anita threads

one time i was back stage at a pwr bttm show and ben shit on my chest and made me eat the shit even though i didn't like it and he told me if i told anyone he'd kill my dad :\

>picture of a young Hopkins doing a swastika in the sand is revealed
>"To anyone who was hurt by this image, know that it was me as a stupid kid and not who I am today, and I am so so sorry"

what the fuck, did he really have to apologize for that? jfc

wtf let's boycott the band now

i love how none of this shit has been proven but that's all it takes to end a career

yeah, same could've happened to Michael Gira but at least everyone including his friends and even his ex-wife jumped in to defend him

wtf I love pwr bttm now

Gira and everyone close to him also actually denied the allegations
PWR BTTM just kinda shrugged their shoulders and gave the shittiest response ever

what happened?

that's enough proof for me

Wasted dubs

oh boy, libtards getting fucked by the media.
can i get caught up on what's happened so far? what the whole situation is?

It seems painfully clear that someone is gunning to sabotage the band

but the question is who put out the hit? Is there another rival band that's having an album release soon? Did Perfume Genius want to make sure they didn't steal their thunder?

Or did some groupie get the shaft? I want answers people, I know one of you fuckers knows whats up