ITT Sup Forums in 2018

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John Cale dies

Ozzy dies

DJ Khaled gets caught for tax evasion or something retarded

Brand New gets back together

Kendrick releases another shitty album with ever worse album art

Anti-trump lyrics are still popular with shit-hop

A new meme genre appears

Some Sup Forums related/approved musician commits suicide

Death Grips releases an album

hell be fine



>Someone else doesn't enjoy what i enjoy, what a contrarian

Brian Wilson dies


My money is on Steve Howe sadly. Maybe David Gilmore.


Radiohead breaks up and Sup Forums has a civil war over which band should take their place.

Mike Love lives another decade



Maybe. The guy seems pretty useless at this point
As well as all other members of Yes, I am pretty sure Gilmour won't die due to his money being able to afford him a few extra years


Probably Tame Impala (rock), Grimes (Art Pop), and Arca (electronic).

Hell be fine
Don't know
Hell no

he'll be fine
I sure fucking hope not
quads already confirmed Mac Daddy joining the 27 club

Uh oh

Also, Stevie Wonder

I wish bookies did odds for celebrity deaths

what show is this from again?

Don't know.

nigga he was born in 1950. He's 67. Too young to die. He still does shows hell be fine

june 2018: annie accused of being lewd to teens, dropped from all festivals and pitchfork retroactively pans her albums

Robert Plant?

Andre3000 drops a solo album that's pretty much the MBDTF of the tail end of the decade. Meanwhile, Kanye actually loses his mind

Anthony Fantano is bullied into suicide by Sup Forums

Fantano says some right wing shit then makes an apology video afterward.

On September 2018, Grimes found comatose of a heroin overdose in her apartment after embarrassing video of herself being involved scat orgy dating from 2005 surfaces.

they're called death pools, google it and you'll find some that cost money/have cash prizes

That's a definite.
He actually announces his official bid for US president, but by 2019 drops out due to pressure from Establishment Democrats as he is seen to be too radical. He locks himself in his studio and nobody hears from him anything important except that paparazzi caught him fucking another woman apart from Kim K after their inevitable divorce for the next five years until he drops his comeback in 2025 after only a day of its announcement and it is a two hour epic that literally makes Pitchfork and literally every other hipster music publication come with a 10/10 and it is remembered as the greatest album of the 2020's, but by that point, most Sup Forumstants have lost their interest in Kanye at that point and their offspring are too young to be listening to it. The album's opener is ten minutes of harsh noise followed by a progressive rock/rap crossover. It then has fifteen or so songs that cycle through seven styles of music crossed over with his rapping before the last track which is a twenty minute opera rap epic that ends on a fadeout of Kanye saying "Muh money" over a distorted 808 kick in 4/4 at 170 BPM

Killer Mike gets redpilled, becomes friends with milo


Brand New fucking sucks

You suck.

>John Cale is the same age as my grandpa

Fuck, why are you doing this, user?

Damn was mediocre

if dubs brian wilson dies in 2018

Anthony's basically already a right-winger what with all that bootlicking centrist apologia bullshit he keeps spouting, pic related is Fantano.

ebin time traveler

I wonder if he thought that he let his days go by..

Tame Impala certainly is gaining ground.
3 good albums.. all eyes on the next.



>triples and dubs
>not just dubs

You're lucky you failed in a spectacular way.

killer mike is far lefty lmao

if digits you die in 2018 and Brian Wilson lives forever

Found the SJW faggot. There's no shame in being a moderate liberal

Well there's the shame of being a raging retard

He then embarks on a worldwide tour attended by all the underage people on Sup Forums who are now in their mid-20s which goes on for 20 months, before releasing a trilogy of progressively mediocre albums, each accompanied by a eight-twelve month tour, before retiring from the music industry at 61 to focus his time on politics. By that point (2038-ish), literally every offspring of Sup Forumstants and kids born in mid-90s/early 2000's know Kanye and his departure from the music industry is celebrated with great joy. He continues to involve himself in politics as a progressive as his popularity once again fades away, and actually gets to run for President legit, but his fanbase are all young people and the equivalent of today's Gen Xers, so he doesn't get elected. He dies at 71 in his L.A mansion after his popularity fades once again, but some people speculate that this was simply a publicity stunt, and he is still alive on an island, and a group of fanatics officially start a new religion based on Kanye. It's incredibly fringe, and 99.9 percent of the world isn't involved whatsoever, but they actually make some progress in trying to find what is basically their Ark of the Covenant (which at this point, part of it has been found in Iraq after Iraq is now completely Jewish after the Great Invasion of 2029, when Iraq supposedly bombed the Russian and English Capitols, and Iraq was proceedingly evacuated and disassembled into six territorial provinces belonging peacefully to several western countries, and interest arose immediately in the AofC after a Jewish farmer allegedly saw Palestine cartels stealing it), and find some evidence of his existence in the now-democratic Cuba, but at this point nobody cares and Kanye fades into obscurity until 2080's in which now $2000 workstations are literally produced in bulk and literally cost as much as some cheap Chinese toy shit at Target, and some faggot decides to bring Kanye as curriculum for children's music classes.

kek magic doesn't work that way

>the "actual beliefs" meme
you fell for it

>the "one side says we should gas all Jews, the other side says we shouldn't, let's compromise and only gas a few" meme
you fell for it

ah,,, you see,,,, the good things and the bad things are the same

>tame impala
>Sup Forumscore


Rise Against does something to become a Sup Forums meme

A member of Arcade Fire dies

And so, Kanye lives on in the hearts and minds of public middle school children everywhere as it is taught in cheap ghetto school with said workstations and it is basically common core for music. Now, the new $5000 music making technology is CAC (Cerebral Audio Control), where you can form music with your mind on your computer if you put on a helmet that reads brainwaves and translates it to music and you can tweak it simply by voice command. Ableton Live Suite X/FL Studio Magnum (which were the last manual DAWs to produce bundle packets) now literally cost as much as a DVD to install as an application on your 100TB computers (take up approx. 50 GBs themselves as applications alone),

>the "this is what centrists think" meme
you fell for it

if dubs it will be a very painful death


oh look a Sup Forumsack conservative moron and contrarian. how original

He's a big guy

>oh no someone disagrees with me

Holy shit you're such a fucking dumbass, you know that? You are the bottom of the Earth. The people nobody wants to talk to. You spend so much time listening to shitty music yet you think it's good. You spend your time obsessing about people and posting them on the internet to look cool yet in reality if people in real life saw that what would they think? They think you were a loser, you fucking loser. You aren't interested in starting a discussion with me? It's probably because you don't even know how. I'm not retarded, I'm telling the truth. Know what you're doing before you do it. The way you're acting now is so childish I can't even begin to explain. Listen to a mature record that isn't a totally exaggerated mess of emotions and poor musical merit. Which is what you listen to now. How about some avant-garde jazz? Try A Love Supreme, it's pretty entry level. You probably won't get it though because you're a worthless sack of shit. You will never amount to anything in life. Go outside, take a walk, don't think about your edgy so deep music for once. Once you've done that, come back and try to look at what you're doing right now. Maybe after a few times you'll see that you're a complete child and need to improve. Or maybe you have a serious mental issue. Maybe Autism? I'm guessing that's it. Seek a doctor or therapy to help that out. Or maybe you don't. Maybe you're just a close minded retard with no understanding of anything at all.

Don't even try to bring this argument anywhere else. I won't respond, or I'll think of something to get you mad since you're easily made upset. This discussion is over, sorry loser.

not an argument


Regine is going to die and it's going to be the next A Crow Looked At Me in 2019. Either that or RRP, which in that case he gets at best one single dedicated.
On March 31. 2018, Brad Wilk is accused of statutory rape,after a 34 year old anonymous woman accused him of soliciting her to having sex at a show in an undisclosed location (reportedly near the Northeast) at the age of 15 in 1999.


>Fantano is a right winger because he's a centrist
I hope you realise how dumb you sound


>Fantano's a right-winger with all that centrism
did you read your post before you hit "Post"?

That doesn't describe centrist beliefs in the slightest and you know it. Why are you pretending to be such a retard?

No arguments to be found here. Typical.
Centrism is inherently protective of the status quo. The status quo is right-wing. Therefore, centrists, unprincipled as always, actually wind up stifling progress with their reactionary apathy.
You're claiming that there is one unified centrist line of thought. That is impossible, as centrists would actually need principles and actual beliefs to have a philosophy in the first place.

why you we bothering arguing against someone that lacks basic knowledge.

Read more dude, and by read I mean books. Not your twitter feed.

>A new meme genre appears
cannot wait desu

Why did this devolve into a fucking Sup Forums thread? I thought this was about music predictions, not if centrism is wrong or right.

>No arguments to be found here
Strawman cartoons aren't arguments either. You should know this.
>The status quo is right wing
No it isn't. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
>You're claiming that there is one unified centrist line of thought
That's literally what you just did. You're a fucking dunce.

Still not an argument.
Also, if you followed your own advice, you wouldn't be a centrist.

Recommend some quality literature

>No it isn't.
Liberalism is a right-wing ideology. The status quo is liberalism. The status quo is right-wing. See how easy it is to prove centrists as retarded?
>That's literally what you just did.
I'm just presenting what the "center" of each argument is, friendo.

this thread is clogging my arteries

Maybe Macca will kick the bucket

Peter Kropotkin - The Conquest of Bread

Just when I thought this board couldn't get any fucking dumber, you arrived.

Something that doesn't push a communist agenda, please.

When you find yourself surrounded by retards, consider the idea that you yourself are most likely the retard.

Lift to Experience release an EP that is more atmospheric and country inspired, sounding like a blend of Lovesliescrushing, and Angels of Light with spastic drumming and tour North America with a sound akin to The Angelic Process. Anthony Fantano pans it because the instruments are "too close together in the mix" and "bleed into a mess." Pitch 4k pans it due to the dense Christian themes even though the second side is very questioning if God's actions or lack there of and can almost be seen as anti-theist. Those songs are not played on the tour.
Sup Forums doesn't like the album because the cover art resembles the latest hip-hop trend in a gaudy, over the top fashion and they think it's a meme.

Hey, you asked me to recommend a book. I recommended you a book.
The implication in
>Read more dude, and by read I mean books.
is that you want me to read books that push a centrist agenda, or at least support centrism.

This is coming from someone who just called everyone he's arguing with a retard.

This is coming from someone who just called everyone on the same fucking board as he is a retard.
Jesus Christ, retard, gain some reading comprehension.

Yeah, maybe you should. Then you might have something more to say about the matter than greentext and shitty cartoons.

John Cale?

Didn't you mean J. Cole?

Something that doesn't push a centrist agenda, please.

Sounds like if the KLF's Chill-Out, but in a rock context. Considering how much I like The Angelic Process, I'd see it.

Knock yourself out dude

Something that doesn't push a fascist agenda, please.

2018 is when J. Cole drops his most hated album yet. It's literally so bland compared to the competition that J. Cole immediately loses half his followers and fades away. However, now that XXXTentacion has made every up and coming rapper with a producer want to produce trap beats but more distortion and with meme samples or they want to produce some sterile lo-fi "generic jazz piano over a breakbeat" hip-hop, the only thing that would honestly make hip-hop more exciting is if they made something really ethnic-sounding (Arab instrumentals) or on Whitehouse-levels of noise since not many would approach (clipping is a good example).



Something that doesn't push a right-wing agenda, please.


Something that doesn't push a right-wing agenda, please.

Emmylou Harris dies in a 3rd world country

Not likely