Thinking of leaving my wife because she doesnt interest me sexually anymore... is this a good enough reason? pic is her

thinking of leaving my wife because she doesnt interest me sexually anymore... is this a good enough reason? pic is her

I don't think I've heard of a better reason. DTB

She looks like she has resting bitch face.

Somebody, pls


Wtf is this spam?

Maybe you should talk to your wife about it instead of leaving. Ask her about her fantasies, and do your best to fulfill them, within reason. And watching her fuck other guys IS NOT within reason. Don't do anything that she wouldn't do for you.

Google Coolidge effect. It's normal, will always happen. Bad reason.

Post nudes

You should be concerned over the fall out of such a decision. Many marriages end in a divorce due to lack of communications. When you no longer communicate it builds a wall between you and them. You need to break free of this mentality. Trust me, I should know I was once in a similar situation. It around nineteen ninety eight when Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcers table.

Tell her you need more spice and kink. She might turn into a new sex demon you never knew she had in her.

Have you considered having her peg you? Because you sure are acting like a faggot.

I 'member.


so what do i do? just keep living without being attracted to her?

ugh fine here
shes not as hot as i used to find her

>she doesn't interest me sexually anymore
That's called being married, user. You're finally understanding what it means to have sex with one person the rest of your life. Sounds like you two need to communicate better to spice things up in the bedroom because your wife is pretty good looking.


she's still hot, you've just gotten used to it. it's like getting a new video game. it's amazing at first and then after awhile it's just alright.

so this is pretty much the norm for everyone that is married? gtfo

if you have shit communication in your relationship, yes. No one is able to read minds to figure out what the other is thinking unless someone speaks up.

tried, no luck

Maria O.?

so if she wants to fuck black guys then i have to accept that?
nah user

Pretty face, tasty parts. It does get old over time but that's no reason to leave. Stick it in her ass and see how that goes.
Also post more nudes.