> Appalling sexism
What did she mean by this?
> Appalling sexism
What did she mean by this?
That you're a faggot.
She was creating mindless content aimed at a fringe special interests audience.
Like you just did.
I thought movie's for guys who love movies were dead and gone but happily, not only is it back, but it's stronger than ever. Fuck hollywood.
Only women read the FeMail
>Gun worship
>In an action film
But this is a movie review for a popular newspaper read by the UK public ..
It isnt aimed at a "particular" audience
It's the only way these moron "journalists" can garner the attention of other morons who haven't figured out adblock yet
It was written by liberal femanazi cunts for liberal assholes. I can't wait to watch it.
>"something being depicted must mean its being endorsed!"
wow critics are so fucking stupid
Of course it is. ALL press in 2016 is. It's a shit show all around. Including here.
>gun worship is bad
>in an action movie
>a genre that mostly consists of guys firing guns at other guys firing guns
How the fuck do I wake up from this nightmare?
>attractive woman willingly wears skimpy clothes on camera for money with the knowledge that she will be objectified
Yep. And the 4chins manboys fall for it every time.
>another one complaining about muh sexism and gun worship
Margot Robbie is wearing 10x more than wolf of wall st
I like how women are getting mad at this because Ghostbusters flopped, and this will probably out gross Ghostbusters in it's first weekend alone.
>Like you just did.
Except the fringe audience is catered to by a journalistic platform. The fringe spectator here doesn't have that treatment, but is instead made out to be to be the favorite punching bag. Eat shit.
Well duh its got violence and will smith in it. It would need to be really fucking terrible to be beaten by ghostbusters.
>Harley Quinn is sexualized
You don't say. She was literally naked in a pudding in BTAS and that was for children.
You don't think 4chins caters to a particular audience? Have you been to pol?
have you been to Sup Forums?
You continually, every day, browse a site for '4chin manboys'. You're part of this community; it's part of your day. You're as equally pathetic as the people you strawman.
It's true though. Article OP posted takes an extreme position. Neckbeards take the opposite.
Normal people have lives and don't care.
Yea but 'violent' movies can flop and comedies can make big bucks.
I seriously doubt that would put people in sits in a theater. Your worldview is comically naive.
It doesn't though, and the point was that the MSM has the platform to voice whatever they want, to their own audience, and people from Sup Forums don't.
Yeah 16-23 white males is such a diverse demographic.
Maybe they are refering to that scene where Joker lies in that gun circle?
and youre a normal person just popping in to tell us you have a life right?
I mean, I'm still sane.
I'm not an amateur accountant on the Ghostbusters case.
>Modern day criticism
This is why I only trust IMDB and Armond White
you should be aware that the article isn't taking a position at all. it is only summarising a group of critics' positions, which together form a broad pattern which the mail online's editors find newsworthy.
are you the guy at the party thats like "football is rigged theres starving kids in africa we should be talking about"
go to the kitchen maybe they are talking about smart guy stuff
Hollywood was a mistake.
You have no rebuttal though. Not even argument. Who cares if you're 'normal'. That's such a farce. You're a tool. Is that how you go about life? That's delusion, really.
So you admit this is a site for reactionary neckbeards?
I like films. Not stupid neckbeard v. SJW nonsense projected onto filims.
Right man, their opinions don't matter at all and saying so doesn't reek of historical racism that black people have faced.
Amen. Would you lunatics please go back to your containment board?
How was your 13th birthday, champ?
Sup Forums? yes of course it is. but at least here we can have these types of disagreements and not get shadow banned or some other form of group censorship
Yeah and the BBC and cunny threads really add to the quality of the discussion.
Now where did he even imply that? You're just being a shit really. Be honest, you came into this thread just to call people neckbeards. What does that speak to? Are you that lowly in life that your only recourse to a boost in self-esteem is attacking some boogy man on an anonymous forum where everyone posting could be any kind of person? Get real.
Yeah here you just get a stream of autistic 14 year olds calling you 'cuck'.
This is like Sup Forums-tier insults dude. C'mon now.
No,but your threads can get deleted if they are deemed "off" topic to the board here.
DailyFail is tabloid, it's still better than clickbaits while still being trash.
Again, I like films. Before pol this place used to br cool. Now we get hordes of ridiculous neckbeards making 50,000 Ghostbusters threads.
It's fair game to mock them.
Wait, they don;t like it because it has guns and that goes against their liberal agenda of gun-grabbing? I thought it looked shitty, but not because of muh guns. Holy shit, these liberal faggots are such sissies.
But that isn't Sup Forums. That's some group coordinating daily shitposts no one is in support of. Honestly though, why do you come to this site if you hold it in so low esteem?
>posting leftist, SJW clickbait
>It's a "DCfags try desperately to paint their detractors as biased to cover for WB's failure" episode.
Despite the violence and sexism, it might still be a bad movie.
I'll have to wait for word of mouth.
>implying there is actual sexism
Oh no, how will you ever live?
>I want a politically correct forum to discuss television and film, yet picked the one forum in a million where people regularly say nigger
Why did you do this to yourself? Why don't you go discuss the lighting in Game of Thrones on r/film?
British press are massive prudes. If they found out a celebrity was having a bit of kinky sex then it's front page news.
It appears that the female didn't like Harley. I didn't either
See, that excuse holds no ground on an anonymous website. It doesn't matter if it's some kid memeing all day, it's on the front page of a board dedicated to film and television. You might have all the free speech you want but that sure as fuck isn't having if you can put it to good use.
I come here because unlike you some people enoy talking about films, faggot. That doesn mean I'll suck Sup Forums's metaphorical dick.
I've been here FAR longer than the poltards shitting uo the place.
The daily mail is right wing you retards
Sorry, kiddo. 18+ only.
Sounds like you only come here to spite people then, which adds further to the shit storm that is Sup Forums. Why not instead make threads about film discussion if you're so earnest in that regard as you claim? Likewise, it's not like Sup Forums has always been a haven of film discussion. It's always been half n' half shitposting, even before pol. Likewise it's not like pol isn't in the wrong. These people in the MSM are genuinely horrid. Is it not part of film/tv/media discussion to point towards it's current socio-political climate? Why do people pointing this out have to be marginalized as 'neckbeards'? That only gives more power and weight to these people on their public platforms. Why should scrutiny not be levied to these people when users feel it's deserved? Are you perhaps biased in that you agree with them?
>I seriously doubt that would put people in sits in a theater.
Well husbands would like to see it, but their wives won't let them
>savage is now a verb
Sure you have pal. How much does FAR longer mean, since all the way back to LAST YEAR?
And what kind of defense is that? If you don't like the place anymore, go somewhere else. Being unable to handle change is literally a symptom of autism.
Obsessing over Ghostbusters is a fucking definite sign of autisim.
Keep your grab ass over at pol.
no, you haven't. now gtfo.
How illiterate are you?
I do. I've made a lot of threads. And there are some interesting people here.
Unfortunately they're being drowned out by pol retards and their muh Ghostbusters insanity.
They already have a board for that.
>Having multiple threads about a super-recent film on a television and film board is autism
>One man obsessively visiting a site he hates because he used to like it three years ago isn't
hmm i dont really care about anything else she writes...but this...this is a grade A top 100% pure shit post material
Better WB/DC stop making stupid comic book movies, same for Fox. Soon people will get tired of it
No, it's a group of people all of Sup Forums hates. That's like accusing reddit for their trump and gamergate subreddits (or in the past, coontown, jailbait, get it?). You're being a stubborn shit. Anyone can make threads; easier than they can on reddit. It's the format of the site. And honestly I don't buy that "oh i only come here to talk about film". You're in this thread. You're probably in every other thread about tweets and guardian articles. What a farce. I mean there's little next to none discussion about film on this board. If you still come here for that you're beyond stupid.
It's clearly not, you retard.
Having multiple threads for months to no end and discussing a film you've never seen is borderline mental, dude.
It's our genre not, boys. It's all ours and we will watch it burn in favor of even more corporate meddling shit
I haven't seen this movie, but do those guys realize it features villains?
Admittedly, I have no interest to see this weird thug elseworld. But still, what's wrong with villains being sexist?
>Before Sup Forums, this place was cool
This place has always been a dump where people post little girls and spout memes, the latter of which is why Im here.
Are you sure illiterate is the word you were looking for?
So we should only discuss films on release today? Trailers and the like are useless? Speculations is retarded? And considering the movies already out, I assume your autism would suggest we also stop discussing a film directly after its release date?
Pretty sure, yeah.
You're still implying everybody in those threads watched the film and isn't just repeating over and over again how much they hate sjws.
There's no discussion or merit. They might as well be chatting or blogging. Stop accusing me of being autistic while defending autistic behavior, idiot.
So the fallout, reviews, media response and earnings of a major Hollywood film aren't television and film-related?
Are you such a sleepwalking idiot that you think people have some moral responsibility to pay corporations for a product before they can discuss events surrounding that product?
Whats so sexist about it?
your post is exactly what he means you ignorant twat
lol you just proved that dude right while simultaneously trying to defend yourself.
ironic right? am i doing that right? thats irony?
>my leftist sensibilities get triggered by a site I choose to come to
Fucking log back into your website you came from then kill yourself
So its actually good?
>DCucks stooping this low to deal with this shit
there's an article on every piece of media made in the past five years calling it sexist, violent, misogynistic, etc somewhere on the internet. DKeks are really stretching
Watch it and form your own opinion.
>> Appalling sexism
>What did she mean by this?
harley quinn isn't in her empowerment burka
Its fair game to mock you, you're not the alternative to pol, you're both not needed
weren't they mostly knives?
You have to go back faggot
>Top critic
Dude RT is biased as fuck and full of memecriticism, even Doctor Strange director admitted that on twitter. Deal with it and move on with your children movies
You're doing reddit right for sure
They're trying to bait us into liking it.
Don't get rises lads