What did you think certain internet acronyms meant before you finally learned them?

What did you think certain internet acronyms meant before you finally learned them?

>FTW = Fuck the witch

Other urls found in this thread:


ftw- fuck the world
mfw- mother fucking win

Balled The Fuck Out

FTW = Fritos Time, Woman
LOL = Legs On Lap
SJW = Sarah Jessica Walker
ASL = All Sins Lamented

SMH = So much hate

a few more. i feel so dumb admitting to these...

AMA = Around My Area
FML = Found More Lawns
SMH = Society of Moths and Hairs
BTFO = Balanced Through Front Occipital

How the fuck did you come up with these?

No way your serious

SMH= suck my hog

>I asked what omg means
>reply: "oh my god"
>me: okay, chill im sorry

guys come on i am really new to the internet (NTN).

i also thought these were real:

DM = Dream Minder
FTFY = 'Fraid That's For Ya'll
MFW = Mind Fred Wheeler

Fred Wheeler was my neighbor :(

FTW= Fuck The What

I remember in 2001 people thought lol meant lots of love.


ICYMI = It's 'Cause You're My Idol
IDGAF = Ice Dogs Get A Friend
IMO = I'm Married Or..?
IMHO = Into Marriage, Hot One?
IRL = Ireland
MRW = Maybe Read Wisely

Smh - sun makes heat
Ftw - from Texas wanker
Kek - know everything knockers
Gtfo - girls to feed octopus

today i learned that it's someone's hobby to come up with absurd interpretations of common internet lingo

TIL - Tomorrow I Laugh


NSFW = Nothing Scientific Found Within
SMDH = Some Men Don't Hanker
TBT = This Better Touch
TIL = Tickling In London
TL;DR = Tree Limbs; Dimple Remover

so embarrassed but there you go.

BTFO - Beat the Fuck Off

KYS = Kiss
ITT = Information technology time
FTW = Fuck the what?
SJW = Some judgemental whore

these are actually accurate

>which in spanish means unbeatable.


I still say "lol".

Like lohl.

I don't say l.o.l.

I still don't know what DM is or CTFU,

Ftfy - schfifty-five
Sjw - a newspaper
BTFO - blown the fuck up
I think I just might be dyslexic on the last two. WSJ -Wall Street journal.

Ok we get it you have autism.

> BTFO = Balanced Through Front Occipital

I used to play san andreas multiplayer when i was a kid, and a dude would always greet people by saying "hey user! :P :D"
so my autistic ass thought that
:P = peep
:D = dude

also tfw = that face when

Hello we are a small gaming loving community tring to grow please no foul language or naked/inappropriate pictures discord.gg/eAE7F

still dont know what inb4 means, never understood when to use it.

That's what tfw means though

thats debatable.
"that feel* when" can also be the definition

Meaning: "In before"
Usage: "inb4 such-and-such." When you believe that such-and-such is probably going to happen. Such-and-such could also be a remark that you think someone is going to make.
Examples: "inb4 OP doesn't deliver"
"inb4 'OP is a fag'"

Only tumblr normalfags think it's "feel"

>In before


>You make a post and you know someone is going to reply and say "Fuck you OP"

>You know this prior to posting and you include "Inb4 fuck you OP" in your post, so that you've already said it and nobody needs to in the replies.

Inb4 OP can't inb4

Ftw means fuck the world. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.


pick one, they're just as autistic as us, they just aren't properly ashamed of it

trips and informative

I used to think it was 'So Much How?', because i always saw SMH on videos of 'Unbelievable shit'

I thought BTW meant "by the way" so I used it in note to the teacher and I got suspended.

Beat The Fuck Off

ASAP = Ass and Pussy

i thought the same about FTW
i thought THOT was an actual word

>i thought THOT was an actual word
Oh, that's an acronym? The more you know.

Not sure why you got suspended when that's what it really means.

SMH = so much hate