Israelis can't put yogurt on shawarma

>Israelis can't put yogurt on shawarma

How can they stand it so dry?

>>yogurt on shawarma

Turks brought arabs real food. Why do they make everything worse?

You mean the regional food that already existed which Turks adopted and now claim as their own.

>yoghurt on swarma

But it was the Turks who brought those dishes to arab animals.
And when you see a white looking arab from Africa, then he had Turkish ancestors.


Then what? It needs a sauce!

They usually put hummus
I think tsatsiki works too


That's literally yogurt

> salad
that's a tortilla

Does anyone else put yogurt on pasta?

Plain yogurt ofc, not fruit shit

Fucking white sauce, yogurt is an ingredient, whatever it's called.
Yoghurt belongs on hot and cold dishes where the main and singular ingredient is too dry, like rice or potatoes not sandwiches.

so yogurt

>it contains yoghurt so it's yoghurt
it's also missing mayo

>rice with yogurt


Brazilians don't have Indian food?

That looks disgusting and makes me sad

no its not

is Greek
and you can eat it with many things

Indian dishes aren't a big thing here, but our rice and some seasoning are from there I think

Tahini-garlic sauce is king