Who did it, Sup Forums? Who killed Kurt Cobain?

Who did it, Sup Forums? Who killed Kurt Cobain?

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Me mwhahahaha

adolf hitler

...he did, OP. Remember, the whole thing?

Music killed him, man....

Prove it

Cambodian hitmen

we all did. he died for our sins

Well, his fucking autopsy proved it in 1994 you stupid fuck

Robert Fripp killed him because he thought that In Utero was shit.

the shotgun or more specifically a shotgun shell

gg it was me

kek did he actually comment on nirvana?

Kurt faked his death, cut his hair short and died it black, changed his name to Rivers Cuomo, and then formed a new band and got a record deal so that he could play all of the cheesy pop music that he had written and felt guilty about.

Some shotguns have the trigger nearer the barrel, so himself.

Gonna need more proof than that, dipshit.

I traced your ip bud

this but it was actually me

The part that said he had a hole in his a head from the shotgun he was holding.

Im glad this faggot is dead

Courtney Love, she also killed El Duce

Imagine another generation growing up to idolize this heroin junkie loser

Biggie smalls


I was also gonna say the whole thing with el duce makes this pretty fucking enraging

wow what a mastermind

Well who do you idolize?
Let's level the field, here fgt.



No one with a brain thinks it was anything but suicide. Sorry.

The simple truth is that your alt-rock hero got tired of being who he was on a genetic level and wanted out. He was emotionally unstable and addicted to hardcore drugs that he knew were going to destroy his body sooner or later. On top of that, his music (which was probably the only thing that came close to giving him pleasure in his entire life) was heading down this road of being played in Wal-Marts and sports stadiums: his greatest nightmare.

Sure he was rich and had a young child that he probably loved to no end, but when you have untreated bipolar disorder all bets are off. You can be feeling amazing one day and then feel so awful the next that you're basically in mortal danger if left alone. Which turned out to be the case.

Add on to that that there's no motive or opportunity for anyone close to him; Courtney would have destroyed him in terms of spousal/child support, plus Hole was a platinum-selling band on its own. And I'm sorry, you probably think she's an inept loser junkie (which she is) yet you think she can orchestrate and cover up a complex murder?

It was a conspiracy between Courtney Love Il Duce and Al Jourgenson and they had to kill Il Duce because he threatened to go public.

dOnal Grumpf

OJ Simpson


Actually he's still alive.

he did go public tho kinda

Honestly it's better that he went out at his prime, instead of ending up like pic related

Cue conspiracy music.


Pic related.

To add on to this, his friends and family overwhelming believe suicide. These are people who psychologically would be more inclined to believe that he was murdered so they can direct their anger and sadness somewhere else, and they don't. Novoselic (basically his longest and closest friend), Grohl, Kurt's dad, Michael Stipe, Thurston Moore, and the friend who sold him the gun, among many others. Even people who vehemently hate Courtney (and there are many) don't bother to accuse her.

You know who doesn't believe it was suicide? Kim Gordon, who is absolutely brain-dead.

Topkek never heard this one but it fits well

Jew Media chasing jew gold by reporting sensationalist stories and distorting facts and the CIA funded heroin trade that turns young (jew oppressed) white mens veins more hard than my d ick thinking about my wife cucking me with that big colored dick. Hendrix killed JFK.

1/4 of all hobos look like kurt

12 guage.