

Her voice doesn't need to be any lower.

this makes her 10x more attractive

is this the girl from ex machina?

holywood magic is really real

Mmmm, nothing makes a milkshake better than a smoke!

Women believe it helps you stay thin.

so does lung cancer

Would nut on her tummy then share a stoge

Isn't she a balerina or some sort of classic dancer in addition to acting as well? They all smoke

I saw her in the new Bourne movie. Holy shit her american accent atrocious.

>"Uhh guys I need to keep my figure in check *takes a nice long drag* cough cough"

It's funny how Hollywood has been pushing NO SMOKING message so hard, but majority of the actors smoke.

Remind me of Friends, where they did these preachy episodes every other season about Chandler smoking where they basically threatened to spot hanging out together if he doesn't spot, but irl every single one of the smoked.

>le smoking kills


...so you agree? or what?

Why is it that when at attractive woman is smoking, it makes them way more attractive, but when an ugly woman is smoking, it makes them way uglier?

>le smoking gives you lung cancer meme

it makes attractive women seem more relateable and "cool" while ugly women are undesireable so it just makes them seem trashy


>have great respect for Harry Dean Stanton
>realize that he uses tobacco products

>now i hate Harry Dean Stanton


she look so fucking sexy in new jason bourne.

I used to like Obama until i found out that he used to smoke. Now i hate that tobacco monkey.

Fucking gross

>americucks hate smoking
>when someone smokes he has to hide it

>She doesn't roll her own cigarettes

That's racist!

Smoking is only bad if whites do it.

For niggers, it's just "a part of their native culture."

I remember Jack Nicholson saying once that smoking is popular among actors because there is so much down time on sets and it's just a good way to pass the time.

Wonder if he smoked menthols

Why are women so low-test nowadays?

>Jeanne Calment, who has lived to the age of 122, smoked everyday from age 21 to 117
Sup Forums BTFO

>when someone smokes he has to hide it


No, it's:

obama used to smoke. wtf i hate him now?

>wah wah smoking is bad

buncha fucking women around here

What is the best brand of cigarettes to smoke meanwhile you watch a movie?

just saw paris texas the other day. wasn't super impressed DESU. it had a great opening but all the stuff with the ex-wife in houston and even the son, fell flat for me.


>one lady
>versus millions

She's European, this is what they do.

I wish you could still smoke in theaters. That would be fucking heaven.

This is a fetish of mine.


She was really attractive in Ex Machina. How is this possible?


Wtf she is a fridge

vikander aged like shit


>it makes attractive women seem more relateable and "cool"

>there are people who unironically think like this

There's this small arthousy theater in my town where you can buy cheap beers and smoke while you watch weird movies. Its heaven

I'll take a smoker over a fatty any day of my life

she look generic for me in ex machina. but very sexy in son of a gun and jason bourne 2016.

There should be an online map of places like this.

Do you want to be crammed in a limited space with second hand exhaust floating all over the ceiling? With ashes all over the goddamn floor?

People are pigs. Smoke outside. Kids who go to see Finding Dory don't need cancer.

God no
>having to be deprived of air for some inconsiderate faggot

"Si fuma, chupa"

Is it weird that I like the smell of cigarette smoke on a woman

Degenerate smokers pls go

You've never been very good at understanding photoshop, have you?

No, Americans don't really "hate" smoking. Just enough people die (to the point where it's actually one of the highest causes of worldwide fatalities...more than even fucking murder by extremism) and it's been scrutinized and regulated more.

Still a shit ton of Americans that buy tobacco products though.

Maybe, but I like it too.
It may be because most of my aunts smoke and so I grew up with that smell every time I hugged them.

the smell of pleasant smelling cigars is fucking kino. Especially vanilla scented ones.

Fuck no not the redpill comics...

I only touch those when I'm really depressed and need some deep cynicism and mental illness expression.

What do you think of Lucky Strike and Camel?

cigarette smoke mixed with perfume turns me on

Why do people smoke inferior cigarette products when cigars are unfiltered and overall both a better experience and less likely to give you cancer?

Another one

>smoking the chemical jew

Good goy

What the fuck are ye saying about my lassie?

This is an 18+ website.

Usually cheaper. But to be fair a good cigar can last for hours like Cohibas

I actually still enjoy black and milds. I'd be out at the bars with some buds, stop by a small convenient store, buy a pack for under 5 dollars, smoke them for a few hours with my mates drunk as shit.

>not vaping like Leo

>le children
Fags are not allowed, so you're out of luck

I don't understand what the argument/insult is...that fags are children? That I'm a fag and/or a child? A fag child? For not wanting smoke in a theater? Or are you talking about fags as cigarettes?

wow, really made me think

Seriously, the fuck you on about?

>vape nation

>not vaping for a few months on the dankest of flaours in order to quite smoking EVERYTHING for good

Turbo pleb, enjoy your constant rough throat

>getting a rough throat from cigarettes

i bet you had to stop so you could fit all those tampons in your purse right

enjoy your virginity, OP

>literally every long term smoker gets a rough throat at some point
>"lol fit those tampons in your purse har har"

Can I get a link to your Minecraft let's plays you prepubescent degenerate?

>literally every long term smoker

stopped reading right there

smoking is disgusting

my ex smoked and it was like making out with an ashtray every time

thanks, 6th grade health class