Ok physicist fags... what happens?

Ok physicist fags... what happens?

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Question doesn't make sense. Speed of light is linear speed (m/s), gears turn at angular speeds (rad/s).

The gears would spin fast. Many revolutions per second.

>Ok physicist fags... what happens?

Easy, it will turn at the speed of light.

Dayum stay droppin them knowledge son.

Teeth break off, you really think some dinky metal can withstand lightspeed without melting?

Pretty sure that friction would just heat it up and immediately explode. Since physical matter can't travel at the speed of light, we probably wouldn't even be able to see what would be happening. The object would be going so quickly that it'd travel /with/ the light that it's supposed to be reflecting into our retinas.
But what if we /could/ see it?

Then our theories wouldn't work. One of the gears would seem to be moving quicker than the universe's capped speed limit, which is impossible. We've hit a paradox.

And thiss scenario could never happen anyway.

The gears would transcend time and space, your mom would stop sucking dicks, and op would get laid.

The speed of light cannot be broken. Universe implodes.

Read in his voice

>travel at speed of light in hyperspeed Sup Forums ship
>walk forward inside cabin
>wow I just went lightspeed + speed of me walking
>einstein is a fag

Couldn't rotate at that speed without first bringing the other gear to the same speed, since it's resisting the torque.

And that's assuming the gears won't break first.

Your step would just move you forward while moving the ship backwards slightly.
Not a true max velocity then, is it?

nope. time slows down as you speed up to prevent this.



Let's explore this more. And to explore, we'll have to explore a bit of the history in light-speed study.
In 1858, a man by the name of Nigel D, Fitzelshmitz was experimenting by throwing particles across his backyard at light-speed, and measuring the visibility of the objects with his slow motion camera. His son, hitting the particles into the atmosphere with his bat. After hours of studying the mystery of light-speed travel, he found that any object that he tossed /faster/ than the speed of light had very strange energy "clothes" on. His son's bat immediately exploded in his hands, and had them amputated the following evening. But this got Nigel thinking.
"If I toss this object at twice the speed of light, will it exist?"
He spent an /enormous/ amount of time studying and reviewing the high definition footage of his throws, but eventually, his research died with him. He was buried with his camera and SD cards.

At any particular instance, an object released from the surface of the small gear would move tangential to the small gear at a rate of c. Given that the larger gear has a ratio of 1:2.5 to the smaller gear, at what speed would an object travel if released from the larger gear given these initial conditions?

Better question. What if you're traveling the speed of light and turn on a laser or flashlight pointing forward. Does the light not come out?

Similarly, when a pilot traveling beyond the speed of sound speaks, does their voice not come out?

And as always, thanks for watching.

They shatter because of vibration's and lack of lubricant from the gear oil. Simple shit.

if youre traveling at the speed of light you dont see things normally anyway

There's a lot of things we can't see, but they're still interesting to quantify.

Funnily enough, I have a video on a related phenomenon here on my YouTube channel.
This might be able to answer some of your questions, Sup Forums!

And as always, thanks for reading.

wow vsauce. thanks a lot!

You speak from experience I assume. I have no experience traveling very fast. When you travel past the speed of sound can you hear?

Wow I wish I was a smart engineer like you!

Both gears would be traveling at the speed of light. If gears didn't have the same velocity where they mesh, they wouldn't mesh... Serious answer: They would become massless and release an incredible amount of energy due to special relativity.

Make an animation in a 3d program like unity. Physical matter can't travel at this speed but a computer could think faster than light so it could simulate it

depends on where you are. If you're in a plane of course you can, because the air in the cabin will be moving with you, but if you were just physically traveling at the speed of sound, well, you'd probably have so much wind blowing in your ears that you wouldnt be able to hear shit, or youd die from all the friction with the air.

First semi satisfying answer.

That would be a worthy death. Thank you

yep. also nice dubs

at fucking c you moron unless you want t be a dyke and include friction

sidenote, the thing is with sound is that you /* ik theres no html deal with it */ can travel faster than sound, but cant travel faster than light, so it gets tricky.

If you held a stick in space that was 80,000 miles long, and moved it like singing a bat, the far side of the stick would go the distance of between Earth and the moon in only a couple seconds. Why then don't they invent space travel hubs like miles long bats

I saw a video about this. Its because the base of the stick would have to be as thick as the observable universe just to begin with.

I'll have you know I'm a first year engineer with an iq of 170 and I definitely know more than anyone in this thread. I'm also an INTJ so that means I'm good at this sort of thing.

A cock tribute thread is created

It doesn't specify why gear is gear 1 fuckhead! also doesn't show what's connected to either gear. Depending on what keeps the gears in place depends on what happens

ill have you know that your a fucking faggot

Not true. Current understanding of the laws of physics in this universe say we can't travel faster than light. Nothing in science is set in stone, unless it's literally written in stone i guess


>you /* ik theres no html deal with it */ can
hohoh found the newfag

What have you done you degenerate scum. If it's not engineering then you may as well end your life now.

it has to do with structural integrity

How exactly would you travel to the far end of the stick in a timely manner?


Why? I'm not talking about light speed or traveling light years, just the distance of the moon

I would imagine because an 80,000 mile radius still doesn't fucking get you anywhere...

>deal with it

litearrly physics are gay!
and ohysict man are gay too!
they aren t not real scientists they invent things in their data, such as darkkmatter it may not explain one thing about nature!
they once were uslefull to engineers but now they are craxu abut habing quantum mechanics in eeryting

thats the thing. It would cause the end of the stick to go faster than light

80,000 miles could be traversed in a few hours. But the whole concept is stupid because swing the bat all you want, you're still just 80,000 miles from earth.

Nothing with matter can travel at the speed of light. So there you go.

The far end would be at Earth, the hub in space. Get in far end, hub rotates and you're at the moon or Mars in no time

It breaks because steel is far from neutral in mass and there for cannot physically reach the speed of light.
Also mass distortion (elongation) from travelling any significant percentage of the speed of light would pull the gear apart separating the teeth from each other anyway.

Not possible.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

*/ can


see? it doesnt work

Okay dude first off,
1) A REAL Navy Seal wouldn't go around bragging about his accomplishments and possibly reveal his identity.
2) The United States isn't a totalitarian regime so if you were to attack citizens randomly, then you'd be going to jail
3) What is a Navy Seal doing on Sup Forums anyways?
You're probably a NEWFAG who cannot get fucking laid.

No, the standard model confirms that in no universe can OP's mom ever set sucking dicks.

thought id fall for that nigger?

Say it to my face, see what happens

youre a NEWFAG


>definitely not bait

You still have to travel to the end of the hub which takes time.

Also the moon and mars are two different distances. you would have to travel different distances first which defeats the purpose of just "swining" to get somewhere.

The moon is 240,000 miles away. Mars is 34 million fucking miles away. What the actual fuck are you talking about? You're 80,000 mile stick does nothing... unless your implying we slingshot a craft off the end of it?

Nice bait

anyway the swinging would break the stick unless the base was as large as the observable universe


Still waiting, too much of a momma's boy i guess. As a navy marine commando I would punch a hole through you're head and shit inside it as a toilet, then comb your hair with my tank


>This is now a shit toasting bread

Even if we where to take that in the hypothetical, I believe the answer was given as both gears would in their own frame of reference be turning at the speed of light, as counter-intuitive as that sounds.

The end of hub is at Earth, it's got long one for Mars, short for the moon. The hub is far away between Earth and moon and you get in end of stick in like 3 hours, then instant travel to the galactic core in a couple seconds where it sucks you in and you cum inside the galactic whore and he give birth to baby universe

What are gears even but like metal round people with teeth



Fucking hot who is this

I died

Stop embarrassing yourself fag

Sum dum ho from days gone by. Kinky bitch too

This seems like an interesting thought experiment and we may be doing user's homework for him but here goes;

The model described would not be able to hold the angular momentum (which would be infinite), would require an impossible amount of energy to accelerate it (Infinite), the stress on the parts would be (you've guessed it) Infinite.

But, if we suspend the laws of common sense for this thought experiment, what would happen?
Conventional science teaches that gear 1 would be traveling at the speed of light but we would be unable to observe it directly, gear 2 would also be traveling at the speed of light.

But wait!

For generations, physicists believed there is nothing faster than light moving through a vacuum — a speed of 186,000 miles per second.

But in an experiment in Princeton, N.J., physicists sent a pulse of laser light through cesium vapor so quickly that it left the chamber before it had even finished entering.

The pulse traveled 310 times the distance it would have covered if the chamber had contained a vacuum.

Researchers say it is the most convincing demonstration yet that the speed of light — supposedly an ironclad rule of nature — can be pushed beyond known boundaries, at least under certain laboratory circumstances.

So I fucked up your homework or got you an A+ depending on how much of a dick your prof is.


Basically, nothing happens. If you assume that
A) the gears are of a material that can't be broken
B) you have a point of reference where by they aren't lorentz-shifted
And C) no other forces(eg gravity, friction, etc) are acting on them
What happens is the "teeth" of your gears grow in mass until it is impossible to accelerate them beyond the speed of light. The simplest way to explain it is that the universe will simply force the gears to slow down so that nothing in the system is traveling faster than light.


As it approaches 1/5th the speed of light, it will require exponentially more energy to get it spinning faster, as the energy of the system is being directed directly into the smaller gear.


Why there's no hot kinky whore like this where i live, everyone here looks like the slug on monsters inc



last juan

So hot what's her number

If gear 1 turns at the speed of light, so does gear 2. You're getting mp/h confused with revolutions/second. They both turn at the speed of light but the second gear revolves more often because it's smaller. This seems like a "troll physics" question.

Your second question is moot because the pilots cabin is enclosed and pressurized therefore unaffected by the outside environment. Relatively the things inside the cabin arent moving at the speed of sound, just being carried by the thing that is.

Idk if there is an answer to the question in this thread because I'm not gonna read all the retarded shit you faggots thought to try to find someone who has any semblance of an idea of what they are talking about. First off, the gear cannot turn at the speed of light because it has mass, so lets say its like 0.99c or something like that. The larger gear WOULD move faster than that, but it would experience length contractions such that the gear deforms spacetime and no point on the gear would be traveling faster than c.

This cannot be: The mass of every material will increase the more the velocity increases. On light speed, the mass would be (theoretical) infinitely. Nothing can muster such amounts of energy (because it must be also infinitely).
Away from this the gear would get ruined at a relatively low speed because the adhesion couldn't hold it together

most computers think around 60% the speed of light

Which isn't even a permanent fixture, since the earth constantly recycles it's crust.

By using the same method on a smaller scale several times.