/bb/ Big Brother 18

Karma's a Bitch edition

Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): Ya Boy
Veto: The Mist
HoH Nominations: Mama Day/Waffle Cone

Likely Going Home/Target (at the moment): Mama Day better pray she has the Round Trip

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for Tiff


she looks so good in black.

4th for the misting

literally perfect

>tfw I have a 100 word essay due in an hour in my Misting Mechanics in the Modern Metagame class and i haven't even started

i can type 100 words in a minute, faggot

You must be the top of your Big Brother class. Or am I being misted here?

I dunno, i'm flunking that course..I just don't know.

What's her sc



seriously why is she so cute, bros?

WTF is all this? Is this a meme? Are you all trying to mist and gaslight me into thinking that Tiffany is actually attractive?

>tfw I bought Scam Citizen because of Dan

Fuck off

she is attractive but she's vastly overrated in these threads along with every other girl this season

it's strange. i don't remember being this many waifufags last year.


>trying to gaslight me into thinking she's not top qt
>not realizing i scored top marks in defensive misting maneuvers

nice try, Ian

Tiffany looks like a smelly dyke cat lady

I know right? All the girls on this season are not top tier. I'm so disappoint with Robyn Kass

>implying that tiff isn't literally flawless


how tall is /tiff/?

I bet black also looks good in her

>she will never fart in your mouth
I should just fucking shoot myself and get it over with


GOAT tier female height

Honestly I'm not trying to gaslight or mist anyone. She just kind of looks like a dude and his a really manly figure and face and I don't believe any of you actually think she's a 10/10. I mean I suppose you all were into Audry last year so I guess its possible but I still think yall trolling.

>tfw 5'9"
>tfw she'd tower over me in heels

hell yeah, womanlets can fuck off.



Don't compare her to that thing

>implying there is anything wrong with finding audrey attractive

Clay was 100% straight and he smashed so fuck you.



them titties are sitting right

And there it is. At least I figured it out.

I don't get it.

If you don't find her:

attractive than you have some deep seated issues with your sexuality.


>hates gonna hate

lol okay whatever. You can spend multiple hours on anyone to make them attractive with all the hair, make up and product nowadays. Go take a look at some of these celebrities and pornstars without makeup, they are uglier than your average girl on the street. Stop posting the most flattering pictures.

I honestly don't think anyone will ever beat my perfect Bridge waifu. Not in a million more seasons.


>Wed 4:02 AM BBT Michelle compares her body to Z. She feels like she's almost as skinny as Z.


What's your point? You can do that with 90% of all females?

What the fuck

you mean people can look shitty and alright at different times?

what an intriguing and genuinely new concept. i thought everyone looked the same at all times.


>Wed 4:44 AM BBT Michelle says weight gain is causing whatever discomfort she is encountering on her hands.

Just saying yall are being gaslighted and misted by these girls like Audrey and Tiffany using all sorts of tricks and shit. None of these are real beauties or 10/10s.

S-should we tell her?

Tiff is a beauty with or without makeup

Audrey may be considered good looking with or without makeup, I don't know, I don't into men

>6:04 AM BBT Michelle filing toenails. Sorry she is so boring. "Please send me a care package. You really don't know how bad I want one."


People look worse while hysterically crying while feeling backstabbed, broken hearted, and without wearing makeup.

delete this

/tiff/ is 5'8.5

So she's gotten so fat her hands are messed up?

>Tiff will always rise above the haters

>i'm so motivated to workout
>please go to bed both of you so i can workout
*works out for 2 minutes*


Probably thinks the next ones food

She might actually get one eventually if she lasts enough, by process of elimination.

>implying someone with a vagina is a man

she said something like
>as a superfan, not getting a care package would be really sucky
>as a superfan

>Can't handle having your reality checked?

best team

>tfw responsible for reinvigorating the mist and gaslight memes

>Bridge is awake!

Can I call myself a superfan I touched Ian's sweaty socks once

>week 6
>still using .png

>tfw you are actually the original mistbro and still in these threads all the time and you derive enjoyment from other mistbros gaslighting themselves into thinking they are the original mistbro

cutting of your penis and making a hole where it once was is not a vagina

keeping the memes alive on /bb/ is like a 100 day chess match

i made that pic though lmao


>only proving my point


What are those j-bomb stains on that?



>memers talking memes and not 100 day game of snakes and ladders

at least meech was talking shit about paul last night basically saying his act has grown tired

so theres that

but i didn't say i was the original

corey's add dream

lots of points for michelle there :3.


coming from the girl that said the night before you're only a superfan if you watch the feeds, which she doesn't

>tfw I've been playing the 100 thread chess match with you each of you and gaslighted you into believing you did to better my game

See this is a true beauty. Not like Tiffany and Audrey.




with the >tfw you, did you mean that i am?
then it suddenly gives a whole new meaning and i would've responded differently
i took it as meaning yourself


>Britbrit finding out that you are a fan of hers


>tfw the mist itt is really strong right now



i really want to see bridgettes DR's. i feel like she isnt being misted by paulie but knows she cant call him out or saying anything to anyone because it will get back to him