Unpopular opinions

Tokyo Drift was the best Fast and Furious movie, and was the last FF that actually felt like it was about the cars and the driving rather than stuntmen and shakey hand-to-hand combat scenes.

Is this opinion so unpopular that no one will touch it, or am I actually spot on and there is no debating it?

The only thing I can kinda' meet people half-way on is that the protagonists accent is ear-rape, and having him try to pronounce Moonrunes is nothing short of ear-rape.

Nope, this is pretty much the hammer hitting the nail on the head.
Also muh lancer Evo, mhm

>lancer Evo

My fucking nigger. I'm not even THAT into cars and this got me erect.

This is not unpopular you pretentious piece of shit. All non-redditors agree and post so regularly.

No. Absolutely fucking not. FF3 is by far the lowest rated movie of the series among all normies, and Reddit considers it the black sheep in the flock because it didn't jerk Vin Diesel off enough.

You'd be very hard pressed to find a single person in that shithole or in most other shitholes who would vouch for Tokyo Drift.

Stop saying f*cking it's reddit af. Nobody cares about Normies or reddit on this board it always gets hailed as the best one.
If you disagree with me your mother will die in her sleep tonight

>yfw you realized the kid from sling blade was starring in this

Suck a fat dick. You reek of normie filth through the screen, nigger.

On an unrelated note, the chase scene where they drift through traffic is probably one of the coolest in the series.

Self censoring is the most reddit thing there is, you've outed yourself as not one of us
Leave this place and never return

I actually enjoy all the stuntmen and shakey hand to hand combat scenes

I agree with it too OP. For me the appeal was to see a gaijin nobody climbing up the social ladder and defeating the rivals etc.

What I want to see next though is a local kid driving around LA and entering low-tier races in order to feed himself and live. No more heist shit, no more quips, just racing to scrape by.

Fast and Furious are about drivers, not cars.
And Tokyo Drift is awful, that 40 years old playing a teenager is the worst casting I have ever seen.

I agree with you. That's actually kinda' unique with the FF series. Where most Hollywood crap has completely ran out of places it can go with it's sequels, there's still quite a lot of directions FF sequels can go.

I myself would love to see a motorcycle oriented movie.

F&F is beyond the point of no return. I'd figure it would of opened the market for more underground racing scene movies but idk. Too bad I'm not a film maker I'd be great

He's only 24 in the movie, but I will agree it was a poor cast. He looks much older than he is and he looks waaay to old to play a high-schooler.

They should either have changed cast or set the movie in the college-years.

That exists. Though it's a nigger movie. And shit.

You're not alone OP.
Tokyo Drift was truly the GOAT among the FF series. Only plebs would disagree


Literally only reddit would think "Tokyo drift is great" is an unpopular opinion.

>drifting an AWD car.

You understand that's almost impossible... and AWD was created to PREVENT SLIPPAGE.

That's not such an unpopular opinion. All true patricians know tokyo drift is objectively the best fast and furious film.

1 is better

Not if you modify it. Pic related is Team Orange, they almost exclusively drift cars that are AWD pre-tune.

shit, forgot pic

Is it any good?

I still enjoy 1 more but tokyo drift isn't far behind.


It's worth watching for how fucking stupid it is

Where the other FF movies got too obsessed with characters and dramas and conflicts, Tokyo Drift was just a fucking fun racing movie.

I think it was in part BECAUSE they manage to keep Brian and Vin so far out of the story.

The last cameo by Vin was perfect though.

No, I get that...

I'm a pretty big car guy, and I love the FF movies, but making an Evo back to RWD is an expensive waste of money... I never got why... I mean the Evo VI MR is gorgeous and can crush mountain and off road, why ruin a good thing.

Tokyo Drift is great and it's the ONLY Fzst & Furious about cars, the first one was Point Break, the second a buddy "cop" comedy.

Tokyo Drift is all about racing and a little bit about yakusa gangs.

>Based Han

>Evo VI MR is gorgeous
Probably that's why. You can only have so much Silvias and RX7 before you get bored.
>why ruin a good thing
Ancient russians used to say that if it can go sideways, it's not ruined.

Stop crossposting reddit

>making an Evo back to RWD is an expensive waste of money

why not..
decrease rear camber
toe-in rear
loosen front arb
stiffen rear arb?

I 100 percent agree with this OP
Tokyo Drift was a fucking awesome movie. The cars themselves had as much character as the actors & actresses, and even though the script was never going to win any awards, it kept racing front and center.
Hands down the best Fast & Furious movie. I legit don't understand the haters.


>Can't drift

My S60 R-Design with traction control says otherwise.

And that's just with shitty Haldex AWD that defaults to a 90/10 front-rear torque split and can't push more than 50% of the torque to the rear wheels.

RWD-biased AWD cars are even easier to drift.

This movie, along with Need For Speed Underground 2, was the fucking swan song of American car culture.

Ever since, cars and tuning have become a niche hobby like RC or horseback riding, but as someone who was in highschool from 2000-2004, it fucking pains me hat we no longer live in an era where every 16 year old and his cousin has a car domain page for the old supercharged Pontiac Grand Am, 5.0 Mustang, 240SX, or FWD DSM that they bought with their summer job money.

>traction control

what are you saying, that you can induce power oversteer despite TC being on?

Tokyo Drift is the best FF.

At least we're still driving and not sitting around in automated electric transportation pods.


Sorry, Ieant to say
>with traction control OFF

But yeah, the 2012-era Haldex preemptively shunts torque to the rear axle when it senses heavy throttle input, especially under 20mph (unlike old Haldex systems that were purely reactive in nature).

That, combined with the ~350 stock HP and suspension, is more than enough to break the tail out with STC turned off, especially in poor traction conditions or with snow tires on.

And the sad reality is that most late millennials would probably be happier if that was the case.

I drifted all the way to work this morning in my wrx

The cameo was dumb for several reasons.

1. Toretto just happens to be in japan with his super muscle car? Did he ship it over on cargo ship? There's probably less than 5 cars like his in all of Asia.

2. He's going to drift race through the parking garage in that boat?

It would have been cool if they had met somewhere and had a drag race and actually showed it.

>1. Toretto just happens to be in japan with his super muscle car? Did he ship it over on cargo ship? There's probably less than 5 cars like his in all of Asia.

IIRC Jason Statham the superterrorist killed his friend and the Govt wanted Dom to investigate. So they probably flew him and his car out to Japan or something.

You would have to be literally fresh off the boat from reddit to think this is an unpopular opinion

Lurk more or fuck off

Torque is the movie to check out.

Never watched any FnF movie in its entirety but I watched the second half of Tokyo drift recently and I have to admit the last race was breddy cool

Yeah, it's explained in Furious 7

I won't even argue, he's right.

Man I wish those movies were still about cars.