These fuckers in Australia have a discrimination law titled '18c'...

These fuckers in Australia have a discrimination law titled '18c'. under this law you're breaking the law if you 'offend' people. decent ppl have lost their livelihoods over this. I am now on a mission to invoke 18c every time i see some stupid fucking snowflake article. Remember this - 'I INVOKE 18C'.use it everywhere. stupid fuckers.

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This shit is what happens when you let women into politics.

This is mind boggling

I thought 'cunt' was the preferred word when expressing affection towards another person in australia

Will you guys have to change your entire language because of this?

Woman have been involved in politics for centuries you ignoramus

Wew, so edgy! I bet you made a status about it on facebook too.

wow - accusing a post of being 'edgy' - how do you find time to make these comments when you're so busy with you're successful life as a cumbag?

not voting

Fuck i thought we were safe from all this shit might a well see how far I can push this law.

You idiots are missing a key word, it's the RACIAL discrimination act. You aren't breaking the law to offend someone by calling them a useless cunt and to fuck off, you're breaking it if you discriminate against people of a certain race.

i feel racially discriminated against when anyone who isn't a pure shade of white says anything offensive. the game can be played both ways.