How retarded is Sup Forums?

How retarded is Sup Forums?

One brick is one kilogram and half a brick heavy. What is the weight of one brick?

Other urls found in this thread:

one kilogram and a half

3 feet

Fucking retard.
2 kgs OP.

damn nigga u really stupid

2 kilogram
Sup Forums is always right

pls explain I can't understand


1 meter

Weight(n) = 1 + Weight(n/2)

*and a half


b=b/2+1kg -b/2

b/2=1kg *2


Alright. So we have one brick. And the brick is one kilogram + the remaining amount. In this case, the remaining amount is half of the brick, meaning that the other half of the brick is already there (the 1kg). So half a brick (1kg) + half a brick (1kg) is one complete brick (2kg).

Easy, but nice riddle OP.

it contains half a brick but its actual weight is 1kg

b = 1 + ((1/2)b)

-((1/2)b) + b = 1

((1/2)b) = 1

b = 2


fucking autists, if one full brick weights 1 kg then half brick is 0,5 kg so the total is 1,5 kg not 2 kg for fuck's sake

autists are actually more intelligent than normal humans, Its their superpower

1kg + half a brick?
What the fuck. Reevaluate your life choices, because thats just fucking deplorable.


If one brick is 1kg and as heavy as half a brick, the one brick becomes 2kg.
Now that one brick is 2kg and as heavy as half a brick, it then becomes 4kg etc etc.

One brick

Are you fucking retarded? You just said
>one full brick weighs 1kg
>so the answer is 1.5

are you actually fucking mentally ill


You're all nigggers. Lololololl


brickweight = 1kg + brickweight/2
brickweight - brickweight/2 = 1kg
brickweight/2 = 1kg
brickweight = 2kg

but the post says that a brick weighs one kilogram and a half


You are a fucking retard

Unless the brick has irregular mass it weighs 2 kg. One half of the brick being unknown entails the listed weight would also be one half. Its as simple as it seems at first glance. Double the listed weight.

Unless the brick has irregular mass it weighs 2 kg. One half of the brick being unknown entails the listed weight would also be one half. Its as simple as it seems at first glance. Double the listed weight.

1kg * 9.81 = 9.81N

>x = 1 + x/2
>if x = 2
>2 = 1 + 2/2
>2 = 1 + 1
>2 = 2

Read again you fucking autist.

One kilogram PLUS half a brick.

Half a brick is 50% of the weight, one kilogram therefore must be the other 50%. So if one kilogram is 50%, multiply by 2 to get the the 100% weight, therefore the answer 2kg.

Tards the answer is 0.6 reacurring

brickweight - brickweight/2 = brickweight/2


x = 1 + x/2
x - x/2 = 1
0 = 1


And why is that? The text says, x is 1 more than half of x, which is illogical in itself. The whole thing doesn't even make sense

Best answer in this thread,

One kilogram. You literally said "One brick is one kilogram"

Weight isn't measured in kilograms, it is measured in Newtons. 2kg is a mass.

You literally only read half the sentence.


except when we say x=2 i guess

2 kilogram

argue with me here

2 Diamonds


We can ignore the "half a brick heavy" part of the question. Just figure out the weight from "The brick is 1 Kg". Mass * Gravitational constant = Weight. So the weight is 9.81 Newtons.

Fuck off with you kilograms.
This is merica.
We need Oz and Lbs


No it's merica

Newton is a measure of force, faggot

>mfw all these autists assuming the brick is Euclidean and therefore must be 2
>mfw it's 1.5

Actually one brick is one kilogram which means 1 kg is the mass. Now for it to say that this particular brick is half as heavy as a brick, we assume that normally on earth one brick is 9.8 N weight. Thus this brick weighs 4.9 N

atleast make the m capital you grammer cuck

One brick is double heavy.

Red brick

>One brick is one kilogram and half a brick heavy.

About five pounds.

Red brick nice brick


b = 1 + 0.5*b
>x = 1*x
1*b = 1 + 0.5*b
>1 = 0.5 + 0.5
(0.5 + 0.5)*b = 1 + 0.5*b
>(x+z)*y = x*y + z*y
0.5*b + 0.5*b = 1 + 0.5*b
>x = y implies x - z = y - z
0.5*b + 0.5*b - 0.5*b = 1 + 0.5*b - 0.5*b
>x - x = 0
0.5*b + 0 = 1 + 0
>x + 0 = x
0.5*b = 1
>x = y implies 2*x = 2*y
2*0.5*b = 2*1
>x*y*z = (x*y)*z = x*(y*z)
(2*0.5)*b = 2*1
>2*0.5 = 1
1*b = 2*1
>x = 1*x
b = 2

A brick weighs 2 kilograms.

You are assuming that you can manipulate your equation in this way without proving you can. 5/10


He wasn't disputing that. Weight is a force.