Be me

>Be me
>Fall in love 2016 April 15 with a girl who seemed to show me some attention on facebook.
>Get together
>Feelings get stronger overal
>All good until 6th month of friendship
>Find out that she was meeting with some other guy and didn't tell you nothing
>You forgive her and she promises to not do it ever again.
>All fixed, loving each other more and more
>Spend more time with her
>Meet her parents, she meets mine
>2017 March 31 you find out that she cheating again.
>Trying to talk to her and she blames you.
>You think that ending the relationship is a good idea cause she's using you.
>You end it.
>You find out that she cheated on you with 3 other guys and talked shit behind your back when talking to them.
>You lost in your mind.
>What do?

Other urls found in this thread:

Commit suicide dude

get cucked

cuck server

Fucking move on with life. No matter who you are there is someone else out there for you.

either just have casual relationships where you don't give a fuck about monogamy or don't fall in love with disloyal slags and find someone worth your time and attention. Work on yourself, your career, your hobby and your bank balance. Happiness and success is the best revenge.

Thought about suicide, but saw David Higgs beef so don't wanna be a copy-cat lel.
Honestly feeling really bad.

If dubs op an hero

correct you weak cuck

Thanks guys.

Happened to me. Nothing you can do. Feel bad for a long time. Then never date a white field again only date Asians they are 100% better