
What was the meaning of the spider at the end?

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About the duality of man

It was a metaphor for colonialism.

It was god

What? Is this FMJ?

So, spider's a nigger?

Its a prequel to spider-man

In the end? The spiders were prevalent in yhe background for whole of the film.

It was to represent that the film is trying to hard.

That was a big god.

It was a cop out, bullshit stupid movie that lead nowhere


spiders represent his affair with his wife. the end was him coming face to face with it, which is why he's not scared or shocked, more just disappointed.


>too pleb to understand: the poster

The dude is crept out by intimacy / being tied down / losing his identity

Spiders are creepy

The end

>psuedo intellectual try hard: the poster

Does anyone understand it though?

I know, I've seen the big spider during the shots of the city, but what did the spider at the place of his double's wife mean? That's my question. Should I rewatch it again to understand it better or?

There's gotta be something more.

As in, they feast on your soul? Cool.

Oh, this does seem better than the other answers provided, thanks.


this. He see women as vermin and treats them like shit. Him getting the invitation to the cult summon that again.

Spoopy spider

it was a filter.

seems you got caught in its web.

Summon what again? His tendency to treat women like shit or that big spider at the end?

Good, because it was all part of my master plan.

Just because something is ambiguous and surreal that doesn't mean it's good

whoa bro lets smoke some weed and trip out to a scanner darkly

there are several yt videos interpreting this flick, try searching for them

>smoke weed
>trip out

confirmed for never smoking weed

Someone said the big spider walking through the city throughout the film represents the police state or some shit like that. Despite the rest of the film having nothing to do with that concept.

You know none of it actually means anything and the director just put them there so people can masturbate over the ambiguity of imagery.

trip out is an expression, you can trip out without drugs too you idiot

>gets the concept wrong
>durr it doesn't mean anything


women are spiders you know

they will trap you with pregnancy and bleed you dry

I came here to be entertained. Gonna rewatch it after few months to see, if I can get a clearer picture.

Could be that to.

This, he was trapped by his wife.

I like how the spider is giant, looming over the city.
Then at the end, it's small, and afraid of him.

Small? Smaller than when we first was him, but he's a lot bigger than Adam in the movie.

I remember watching this movie wanting to figure it out, but then it just ends with a giant abrupt fuck you that took out any interest I had in figuring out the symbolism. Too many variables to try and pack into one cohesive allegory and not enough backing to support any one theory.

The whole thing tried so hard to make me guess what was in the box that in the end I didn't give a shit.

really nice incorporation of louise bourgeois' sculptures in the film


Spider was a cliffhanger... he fights it in the sequel.


Dude women lmao

which in itself is a representation of an overbearing woman - louise's mother - which obviously is where the writer's inspiration came from

I think they are different ones.
The giant spider scene takes place after he talks with his mom and it seems to point out that his mom has a shitload of control over him.
Also thereĀ“s this sculpture in the city where the film was shot that looks just like that spider but this is a bit of a stretch.
The final spider is supposed to be his wife i think

That image is a visual on how solar panals work.
T. Environmental sciences major.


What is this movie? Genuinely intrigued.

god damn, I'm on a streak

Thread theme:


fuck, you guys beat me to it.

Main character is a history teacher.

overbearing? I thought the meaning to the sculpture was more positive than that. Like how spiders protect their own and ward off bad shit like mosquitoes.

that's ottawa, the film was set in toronto



oh yeah, reading up on it you're right, I've always intepretated it as overbearing in a negative way - might be the way the sculptures present themselves - but then enemy definitely put the same ideas - an over-arching womanfigure - in a negative context

his wife turned into a spider, you retard

Was baneposting a part of your plan?

Fuck, I'm too pretentious so I thought too much. Thanks!