Thats my right nipple, AMA

Thats my right nipple, AMA

Is your right nipple your favorite nipple?

is you left nipple feeling jealous?

Yeah, my left had this long-ass nipplehair, but i pulled it away

put some mayo on it

little, its kind of hard now tbh

Can we now see the left nipple and right nipple in harmony?

You male or female ?

Do you save your nipple hairs?

Sorry, i dont have any

Have you ever been titfucked?


Which nipple is that

no, sometimes i burn them

No, im straight guy

I believe that is your left nipple. Prove me wrong, faggot.

damn. show us ur dick

Right, believe it or not

I'd bust a nut on that tiddy user

Sorry, im not going to show my penis

Thank you


You just have to trust me

I can't trust OP. He's a faggot.

Aren't we all?

No, only OP
