What the fuck is this retard even doing? How could he let WB execs turn Suicide Squad into Shit Show

Everyone needs to get fired and he needs to be banned from comics

Clearly Justice League and Wonder woman are still coming out since it's too late to cancel but what will happen now? Should everything be canceled ?

Please stop posting about this movie until we hear Mike and Jay's review.

Its amazing that anyone thinks Johns has any power at all at WB.

He keeps getting moved up the ladder because its PR to placate nerds.

They hate everything DC related it's no use

They're going to hate this too

Only hope is Armond White

His influence is so new that it seems ignorant to blame anything on him and not the people that preceded him. Hasn't he only been the position he's in for like 3 months?

Well I fucking hate him now. Nice going WB!

He got there after SQ finished filming, idiot. His real pressence will be felt in Justice league, ot batman

Just 3 months ago the Suicide Squad cut was getting good reviews

After the "reshoots" we get this

I always thought it looked like garbage, except for Croc.

That's from the shitty trailers by Trailer Park or whatever their name is

They edited the trailers to look like that

Ayer made a street and grimey Ayer film like always. He delivered

Look who wrote it and directed it. Literally every scene I've seen looks like it was made specifically for a trailer(even the non-trailer videos) and seems forced and out of place. I imagine the entire movie is like that and some critics have confirmed that.

Our only hope now is they end it after Justice League movie. Hopefully we get a good conclusion

And then we can start over in 5 years or so this time with a set out plan, arcs, feel and everything else

Ayer wrote the script I don't know how much but he's credited to writing apparently


He was never good, no idea why he was Given the power to fuck up the DC universe, THEN went on to be the creative source behind the series

True. He is responsible for nu 52 as well

We should've known

Everyone already hates that justice league trailer though

Why even bother you know

Not according to somment sections, and the reaction of critics. Everyone doesn't means just you.

Because his JSA run is one of the best team comics out there, he wrote some of the best Rogues stories, revamped the flash and green lantern, and made Aquaman not to look like a complete joke to the general populations. Also, it's very well known that his Smallville episodes were the best, and his nowlege of cereal is very neat.

Will bet money that Aquaman will be the first DC movie to get good reviews.

>He is responsible for nu 52 as well
Right, which is why Green Lantern completely ignored that shit.
New52 was the fault of Didio Harras and Lee. You really think a "muh continuity" guy like Johns would want a shitty partial reboot?