

fuck off

Well hello there.


beautiful! Moar


Finally. I've been waiting for a while.

Lighting. It sucks. Time Stamp.

There isn't one and will never be one. OP has been posting these exact pics for like two years.
What a sad man.

not these color ones. these surfaced recently.
the old black and whites yes.

she's dating material. Sexy, elegant, just curvy enough, delicate body, appealing lips. Always curious about personality but her pictures aren't over-the-top, and she takes them herself, so it bodes well I guess.

Hot. Post everything

Give me dubs so she posts more.

I want to see her smile and lips in closeup.

Op is a dude posting some pics of a chick that left him/died a few years ago.

timestamp or gtfo

Can I sniff yer butt?


The dude who rages? Each time he appears in her threads, I doubt his story more and more each time.

Same old shit as always

1 dub = 1 pic

OP : : :

How about something we haven't seen a million times everyday?

apparently if we get dubs, we move down in the collection. That's why the pics are numbered.

I'm not sure what "rage dude" you're talking about. Perhaps you don't know what rage means.

Nah, he's posted them in different order before