Whats your opinion on current islamization of europe?

whats your opinion on current islamization of europe?

Deus vult time!

time for a new crusade :D


It's a shame. My once proud country is now becoming the Francistan Khalifat. I can't say I'm proud of my country anymore.

not cool enough to fall for russian propaganda



There will be a heavy push back from the right wing populace, due to the current problems many of the swing voters will move with this push back, resulting in less imigrant intake rates and higher deporation rates which in turn will build tension between the islamic supporters and haters leading to a confilct of sorts. resulting in rioting, looting and possibly hate crimes, with the rights momentum in mind right wing politicians will mostly be elected or gain lots of power before suffering the fallback from the non islamic supporters to the islamic supporters conflict

swedistan or germanistan?

A convenient invention of nationalists, in order to hide that they are in fact nazis, blaming the 'jews of the 21st century' for everything.


It's something people keep claiming, but there seems to be no real evidence that it's actually happening.

No shitskins migrants in my country at all.

Everything is cool how bout you Sven, Hans?

Leftists of today act more like Nazis just without the nationalism part.

my guess is that the german people and the other european countries will rise against the muslims.

I find it pathetic that people who portray themselves as strong are so scared of muslims.

easy, their is non

you're either a troll , an ignorant or a sandnigger

Once a week i find a neighborhood cat, and whisper bad things to it.

same goes for you --- >

>Leftists of today act more like Nazis
Can you please let me know which ethnic group it is that the leftists are blaming for everything?
What? You can't? How surprising.

im cool , my country is 90 % christian and not so rich for the filthy sandniggers , so they just pass by :D

It pisses me off.
I go on Facebook, people talking about either Islam or fucking feminism 24/7.
I go to university, everywhere are posters for Islam events. Literally everywhere.
I go to the shop, fucking halal meat everywhere.

I'm not racist, but I hate it when this is shoved down our throat

What has France become ?

I don't care, I'm American.
Nowhere besides America even matters; I take all my vacations here.


Eurofag here.
Europe is, sadly, collapsing under the moronic rule of idiotic government and mad European rules, to the point that the two best economies of the continent in the previous years were 2 nations WITHOUT government due to political infighting. The Islamic problem is a rather small non-issue that could be solved is day it there was intention to do that.

Don't say another goddamn word. Up until now, I've been polite. If you say anything else--word one--I will kill myself. And when my tainted spirit finds its destination, I will topple the master of that dark place. From my black throne, I will lash together a machine of bone and blood, and fueled by my hatred for you this fear engine will bore a hole between this world and that one. When it begins you will hear the sound of children screaming--as though from a great distance. A smoking orb of nothing will grow above your bed, and from it will emerge a thousand starving crows. As I slip through the widening maw in my new form, you will catch only a glimpse of my radiance before you are incinerated. Then, as tears of bubbling pitch stream down my face, my dark work will begin. I will open one of my six mouths, and I will sing the song that ends the Earth.

it needed around 500 years of muslim rape and violance until first crusade happens. So well nothing will happen in our lifetime. europeans seems to like getting butthurt.


He's gonna answer "white men".

i agree , every day fucked up countries and mass media tries to shove TOLERANCE down normal people's throat

>I will open one of my six mouths, and I will sing the song that ends the Earth.

At least there won't be anymore Muslims.

Poland or hungar i guess


Whites in general.


I'm from Poland, so can't really say I feel threatened in terms of them blowing shit up (too unimportamt country to even bother).

Still, slav born and raised, I don't enjoy seeing more and more sand niggers on the streets one bit.
> it's ok to be racist

>Implying frenchies will learn anything from another culture.

Whoah whoah whoah. Hold up. You think because the far right blames Jews they're Nazis? That's literally your only reason? You aren't considering the actual political policies put forward by Obama and what Hillary would have done? You're retarded. Yes, the anti Semitic portion of the far right does behave in a Naziistic manner, but in terms of policy the Democratic party in America is far and away more similar to the Nazis. Just look at the actual Nazi party name: national socialist Democratic workers party. Anyone who cries for socialism, even "Democratic socialism" is calling for the policies of the Nazis with respect to control of the state.

The only good muslim is a dead muslim

Islam is going to rule the world and there's nothing you kaafirs can do about it. You destroyed your own culture with peace, tolerance and liberalism.

Thats why Islam has flourished. We have never and will never stoop to such toxic ideals.

>Allah is the greatest
>Muhammad is his messenger
>Sharia will be the law of Europe and the world.

long live easten and central europe , last side of europe that is not infected with the cultural marxism yet.

>the right wing populace
you mean the ones aged 60-99 years old?

Anything non-white.

Oh, yes. I see.

Like leftists are running through the streets at night, burning down houses because whites are living within.
Demonstrations where they demand whites to be banned and evicted to ... well ... somewhere.

God - please let it rain brains.


Also, we should get rid of all piss-poor slavs countries that came out of the 3rd world 3/4 years ago and now pretend to rule over the nations that invented modern civilization

Muslims are so stupid they fight between themselves and don't even realise saudi arabia is behind it

I don't see it - but then I live in the real world and I don't listen to propaganda and fear tactics.

White people, mostly white males.

1/10 trolling.

99% of the victims of Muslim violence are Muslim themselves

>ou think because the far right blames Jews they're Nazis?

No. They are nazis because they blame a particular religion and its followers. Like the nazis of the 20th century did. It's just another target religion nowadays.

>the nations that invented modern civilization
That would be Egypt, Greece and Italy.

But they're not targeted for being Muslim. They're targeted for sympathising with filthy western kaafirs.

But then why would we want that kind of conflict on our own soil? The middle east needs to get its shit together before we start importing its problems.

They're being blamed for completely different reasons you fucking moron. I've heard this argument before and it has no logical basis.

>so stupid they fight between themselves
I hope you're not from the US, UK, France or any nation with a bloody civil war history.

Of all the people I've ever met there was only one convert to Islam. She was a crazy girl who married, then divorced, a muslim guy.

So I'm not that worried about islamization, really. It's not an appealing religion to western peoples.

Also you haven't refuted the fact that liberals pass actual policy that's like the Nazis

I'm Italian.

But for "modern" I mean modern, as in "the age of scientific progress". So, western Europe: Italy, Germany, France, England. Muslim countries, too, before the coming of Sunnism

muslims are subhuman and therefore it is not genocide to kill them

>the Democratic party in America is far and away more similar to the Nazis
Mental illness right there.

Good heavens, just look at the time.

I think it will only lead to violence.

I'm not against immigration or cultural diversity. I believe that a person's merit should be judged by their actions, not by their birth.

That being said, these raghead sandniggers are the scum of the earth. They present a very real threat to global peace and the internal security of the nations of Europe.

their forceful immigration is akin to an invasion, and their violent attempts to convert natives to their religion cannot be allowed if we wish to maintain the stability of the nations of the world.

the truth is there isnt higher % of mudshits in europe population than usa

Plot Twist: they think the same way about you.

>leftist retards swarm in to defend their bulls
Dude lmao

>inb4 the tolerance nazis invade

they are.

bunch of right-wingers are afraid of minorities.

Doesn't matter if poland, hungary, east-germany etc. Whereever the least contacts with reality are, the most afraid are the people.

In east-germanies are cities with a 1%-population of muslims. 1%. And in those cities the protest are the strongest.

Was always the same in history
1. you search a scapegoat for existing problems
2. you find someone who is different than you and blame them
3. ???
4. war

history repeats itself because of fear and small minded masses.

Cry more infidel faggots. Islam is here to stay.

Dont like it? Feel free to move to an all-white shithole like Russia.

Oh look. What a particularly fine way of elaborating an argument.
No facts, only bad manners.
Thought so.

You really need to learn some history. Gun control, not only allowing but encouraging abortion, increasing taxes, government welfare programs out the ass. All Nazi policies. Now liberal policies.

>the age of scientific progress
But scientific discoveries are made every day. One could say the caveman who invented fire by rubbing two sticks together was the greatest discoverer of all time.

Despite that I don't live at Europe, I think it's time for a crusade.
(You) for trying at the least.

cultural diversity should be kept to a minimum and should not interfere with the country fundamental systems. different countries should be able to have small communities but just that .

Inevitable at this point.
Too many have infiltrated and all they gotta do now is reproduce.
Siding with the resistance is suicide and shortcut to a boring and losing life, instead i will side with the rich and intelligent side wether it has muslims in it or not.


Being afraid of something is a pretty neutral property. If it's right or wrong depends on the thing one is afraid of.

Can't see your argument.

Yes, because Europe was bombed to the ground due to leftist retards,right?

Uh, yes?

Fuck you. A white man showed him how to do it. If it wasn't done by our glorious race, it never happened.

Accurate, but in the US we don't let just anybody in. Immigrants have to be vetted, they can't just sneak through Turkey and have a free pass to everywhere in the US.

You must be Australian and are just upset you have blasphemy laws.

>pls stop being mean to my wife's boyfriend
Dude lmao

Were Jews committing countless acts of terrorism? Were Jews calling for death to all who speak ill of Judaism? Did Jews have honor killings? No, they didn't. Muslims do, so remind me again why it's the same situation to blame Muslims as it was to blame Jews? Oh that's right, you can't cause it's not.

Not Australian, wouldn't live in a country where you can't own guns or pocket knives.

So Hitler did nothing wrong besides protecting his people from cultural marxism... But he also did everything wrong and was an evil dictator?

Scientific method and the culture of science is different from "hey, look I learned something new".

And it's due to western people, and Arabic mathematician and medics when arabs were more tolerannt than Europeans

Exactly. I country can only keep it's identity and it's principles if it's culture is the dominant culture.

When you have a massive influx of immigrants bringing their cultural values it threatens to destabilize the nation at it's core and cause dissent among the people.

Get some help.

0/10 trolling, you'd have to try harder.

>Hitler was a vegetarian
>Michelle Obama wants kids to eat vegetables
Michelle Obama is literally Hitler, guys!

my argument is that there is obviously no need to be afraid, if you integrate people into society.

Whereever the muslim populations are around 10% (while christians are at about 50-60%, 20% non believers etc). there exists something called "peacefull co-existance".

In a democracy you are mostly not forced to take over views you don't like - you are forced to accept that there are people who think in other ways than you do. If those ways are not against the law.

Sometimes religions goes too far - for example on "Karfreitag" in germany nobody is allowed to throw a public-party or invite the public to go dancing - because of the death of christ and such. But there is gathering resistance against this - because when you achieve the separation of churches and the state there are no problems.

sadly, this separation of state and churches is prevented by christian politics in the western world.

>arabs were more tolerannt than Europeans

OP here , so as this thread is pretty active , i'd also like to hear your opinions about cultural marxism , as it's pretty obvious now that it actually exists

April's fools joke?

I hate communism/socialism.