text to girl

> text to girl
> girl sees message and doesn't text back

why does this always happen Sup Forumsros

Post a pic of your dick

Because you're pathetic and needy and this translates into obvious desperation to everyone you talk to which is 100% a turn off.

Start giving no fucks, and living life purely for your own gratification, and pussy flocks to you. Women want to know why you're enjoying life so much.

If you constantly give off vibes of your desperate loneliness women know EXACTLY why and want nothing to do with you.


I think he means without motivation or effort.

true that

People don't always immediately reply to texts. They check the notification and respond when they can give you their full attention

Go back to infinitecuck

Sure user, let's go with that

Send her an envelope with some of your pubes
>works every time

you made me just feel a bit better

but prob this guy is right, maybe time to buy a poor polish woman

Just wait until a girl actually shows interest, or die alone.

Much better than developing a reputation.

what kind of reputation?

you might live your life on a computer but they may not

also people that want to be in your life will be in your life.

It's because life, generally, sucks donkey cocks. I was happy for ten years, did everything for her. She went back to school while I worked, i was about to buy a place where we could live together and be happy. She left because she couldn't stand my bad health anymore. I have juvenile diabetes, not fucking aids, you fucking cunt.

>juvenile diabetes

What does that do to your health?

I go into hypoglycemia, or hyperglycemia, I also have other Endo related issues that can cause depression if I don't take care of myself, but I do. I eat well, exercise. Still, i land in the hospital once every 3-4years, out of bad luck.

Welp I mean as long as you can do most things and you're willing to take care of yourself I'd say she just used it as an exuse.

I don't know, there are other reasons, but that's definitely a big part of it.

How old are you two when you started and what were the other reasons?

Me 22, her 20. she had not dated before, which is the other reason. She needs to find herself and the usual bullshit. She also claims we were too codependent.

It's a shame she wasted her time but at least she was honest with you in the end rather than just lying and cheating on you THEN breaking up with you

I'm not mad at her, really, I see her point of view. I'm just really fucking disappointed in life. Now my health is getting fucked as a result (stress affects it a lot)

Girls are manipulative selfish whores, literally. They will use you, abuse you, and enjoy it when your heart breaks. they think it's funny, and then they'll pretend to love you, break your heart just to hear it shatter and go fuck with another man to make you jealous and break his heart unless he can do more for her, then she'll latch on to him like a parasite and use him until he has no more energy to put up with her shit and drops her, then she'll come crying and crawling back to you, not with legit tears but with tears of manipulation and you'll fall for it and experience more heart break and pain which will give her more power again . etc etc.

Have you ever found true love, user?

there is no such thing as true love. It's all chemistry, chemical reactions in the brain resulting in certain neurons firing. Anyone and everyone has the ability to fuck you over, use you and most will. If you find "true love" and suddenly lose your money, watch how fast your true love leaves.

I second that

I'm sorry you're so sad user. I really am. Though you are correct, Love is a powerful thing and can last a lifetime with that one person you truly feel something for. You'll find your girl user. If anything she'll come to you. Just make yourself approachable. I love you user. Just remember that.

I had a true love, her name was Shelby. She did just that, fucked me over real good and left feeling good about what she's done I'm sure. True love is the biggest and most painful deception. very harmful

Hey man i thought i was truly in love with a girl and she cheated on me. Well and truly fucked me over. Couple weeks past i was talking to around 5 girls at the same time. Got nudes from all of em fucked a couple, shit was cash. Then i ran into this new girl and i immediately dropped those other girls, didn't speak to them again and now that girl is my girlfriend and i do feel a connection with her. Call it puppy love but it's the truth.

I've been in OP's shoes and I did just that, stopped giving fucks about everything and needless to say I felt a little happier and less lonely


this is why I'm afraid if I do have a girlfriend or some shit I'll fall to deep and it'll be hell until I climb myself out

Listen buddy. If you have to try too hard to keep a girl happy she ain't the one. Your girl will try her best to make YOU happy. Me and my girl take turns paying when we go to restaurants and we get each other gifts without even asking one and other etc. I'm from England tho. Girls in America (assuming that's where you're located) may be different. Probably are.

that's what happened with me. I knew her better than anyone and she knew me the same, I loved everything abou ther, and thought she felt the same until she cheated on me multiple times, and then ditched me for another guy and had all of her friends gang up on me and hate me. It ruined my heart, and my ability to feel that deep for anyone ever again, probably for the best but it still hurts.