You can solve this Sup Forums you aren't a retard are you?

you can solve this Sup Forums you aren't a retard are you?

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I second this guy











this can be written as

5 posts in and it's already been solved, nukka


Ste pendejo

Since when does 3-18 = 18-3?

The "algebraic order of operations" is an arbitrary convention. There's more than one right answer.



>more than one right answer

Bullshit, they don't have multiple right answers on tests, retard. Go back to school and actually pay attention.

the minus doesnt change its place so you can move numbers around. basic algebra

I'm kind of new here, but isn't the answer just a banana taking his skin off seductively ?

You mean 3-18+2 can be rewritten as

So this:


anybody who stepped in to a high school math class should know this
its called pemdas you foolish cunts



WUT? So under you system of maths 3-18 = 18-3 or -15 = 15.

It's this.

did you get that meme from 9gag?

-18+2 is still not -20 tho

Nice work pulling that extra plus sign out your ass, junior.

I'll be praising it like it's the lord now.

problem solved, for the rest of you, shame

These guys are the only ones who apparently understand the problem


Don't fall for the obvious bait, newnewfag


calculators dont do this deep math just like that. Your calculator obviously doesnt do this in the right order

Are you retarded or something?

Nice try, bucko. join if you like Sup Forums

Thats enough computer for today, turn it off Jimmy.



the M stands for multiplication
So, we have: 3 - 3 x 6 + 2 = 3 - 18 + 2
>3 - 18 + 2

The A stands for addition, and the S, subtraction. So we will use this order.

>3 - 18 + 2
>3 - 20

Did any of you take math classes???




Is it summer already?

Multiplication first: 3 – 18 + 2
Left to right: -15 + 2 (or Addition first: 3 – 16)
Answer: -13
It is -13 and it will always be -13.

>deep math

I think you're referring to meth classes with that solution.

It's -13

If you dont get -13, then you are still in middle school and should finish your social studies homework.

>deep math


>deep math

3 minus 3 is zero
zero times 6 is zero
zero plus 2 is 2

How is that not the answer

yea what teh fuck is a pemdas? i was always told write it down right and not expect the next generation after the bomb dropss fo fuckign understand


>deep meth


We learnt bidmas
Subtraction dont know what yours is

Pemdas bitch

Guise come on. let's not fight over this. Jaden Smith would say you're all correct. just read his tweets for exponential truth

>Let me insult you and not answer it.

Why the fuck are you spelling it out like that? There are mathematical symbols for a reason you dumbfuck.

Due to the algebraic order of operations being the common method of solving these problems, I'll do that first.



There are no parenthesis
There are no exponents
There is 1 Multiplication/Division equation
There are 2 Addition/Subtraction problems


Now let's do it in chronological order since that's how you'd compute it in real fucking life.



By arbitrarily using the PEMDAS system, you get -13 while handling each computation consecutively you get a 2.

Now let me tell you why PEMDAS is stupid just in case you haven't figured it out. instead of handling the computations as they are given from left to right, PEMDAS has you get all of them at once and then cherry pick the operations based on an arbitrary order instead of chronologically. What 3-3x6+2 would represent in real life would be "Jim gets paid 3 coins, he promptly spends 3 coins on a drink before encountering a man willing to give him back 6 coins for every coin he invests into his business proposition. After investing whatever he can, he goes and works an odd job for 2 more coins. How many coins does he have?

Now a normal person would think "3 minus the 3 he spent, times the 6 coins each he would get for his remaining coins, and then plus 2 more coins" which tallies to 2 coins left. But PEMDAS thinks that instead of just going left to right, it has to put parenthesis around the first computation or else the answer is -13 coins. Now if you go tell jim he's 13 coins in debt, you bet your ass he wouldn't agree and would likely take the case to civil court if you kept harassing him about it if he doesn't just kick your ass first. Math is supposed to be a logical representation of what happens in the world but inane rules like this disregard what the equations are suppose to actually mean and lures people who buy into them into unnecessarily complex situations and logical traps.

How are you this level of retardation


2 ya fuckbois

-13. Don't be ridiculous.

what the fuck is pemdas


a meme


3-18+2 does not equal 18-3+2, it equals 5-18. You are all violating the commutative law of addition. You can move terms around however you like, but you must retain the sign if you do.


>deep match

found the african


Addition ans subtraction are in the same class and there for the problem works out left to right. Same goes for multiplication and division. Pemdas is more (P) (E) (M or D) (A or S)


>-18 + 2 = 20
Thats enough weed for today daquan

>Now let's do it in chronological order since that's how you'd compute it in real fucking life.

How's life going flippin those burgers at mcdonalds? It's hard counting those mcnuggets eh



Parenthesies, exponents, multiplication,division, addition subtratlction. Order of operations

>Multiplication or
>Adding or

This 4th grade shit

Youre an idiot

How's that 2 digit IQ working out for ya?

this is obviously deeper math and requires higher knowledge of functions and algerba. using 4th shit to solve something like this is just retarded

This is the correct way. If you got something different then you did something wrong. If you need help figureing out where you fucked up thats fine and ask away. But dont try and explain a different answer as if its right. Math is very black and white. There is right (-13) then there is wrong (every other number)

cool bait, got more?

I wouldn't know, I'd say it's pretty easy to measure out amount of Sodium Hypochlorite to raise PPM of chlorine in a Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit though. Stay ass mad cuck.

Basic rules of linear algebra transcription: multiplication serves as a single cipher, while addition and subtraction are individual ciphers. In other words, 3-3x6+2 is just a simplified trascription of a formula 3-(3x6)+2. Or, if we want to get technical, it's 3 + (-1x(3x6)) + 2
Which, if you understand how subtraction works, means 3 + (-18) + 2, which means: 5 -18.
Which equals to -13.
If you ever even for a second considered a different answer, you have already failed elementary school math education.

It's easy because you have a device to do it, just like when you add more oil for those mcnuggets :3

Most of you are ignoreing one obvious hint. The picture has 2 question marks which is obviously a hint that there are 2 possible answer. Im going to show you the answers without a calculator

-3x6=-5 | x (-1)

so here we have to two answers. you can fuck off with your pemdas and other memes

Fellas. The most important thing is...will knowing this nerdshit get my dick wet? Can I walk into McDonalds, and to the counter, will they give me a cheese burger if I know this shit?

eh, you do realize what you just said? try reading it again. if the words are too big for you, here's a tip: there's no chlorine in a water purifier of the mentioned type, and you definitely should not raise the PPM.

-13!!! cmooon how MAGA do you have to be to not get it?


good one