that was great
That was great
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I've heard good things I'd just wish they make a remake because I loathe watching anything pre 90's
There's a hundred remakes. In particular there's a very good Russian remake titled "12." Very interesting take on the story.
lol I'm not watching a movie with subtitles, if I wanted that I'd just read a book, god forbid
ITT: plebs
it wasn't
You are the biggest pleb I've ever seen
Hey it's your loss, man. I mean that sincerely.
Lumet is pretty based.
Not very flashy but more stylized than most people realize
Genuinely a 10/10 movie. You don't see something like this anymore.
this movie couldnt be made today
They still do stage productions to this day.
Why not?
Somewhat slow pacing, no clear antagonists and protagonists, message of the movie is too easy to muddle up with politics nowadays.
not diverse
>The film has wop in it and that other guy who is so polite you goose.
Great film. Every Philosophy 8: Logic college class seems to force the students to watch it and pick out named fallacies of logic that the characters use on each other.
I ended up making a HTML class assignment website that displays clips from the movie and the named fallacies I found, just for the hell of it.
Courtroom drama films that would come later as well as TV show jury scenes robbed this film liberally.
I know you're joking but this post really does encapsulate neo-Sup Forums perfectly.
The accused must've had the worst lawyer in history.
>I ended up making a HTML class assignment website that displays clips from the movie and the named fallacies I found, just for the hell of it.
kek, fuckin nerd