What did "she" mean by these?

What did "she" mean by these?


you know when that bra comes off those things sag down to her knees

Who is this

jesus christ I need more of these in my life

Smuggling stolen goods.
They can't be tits.

You just know she prefers black men loool


yer mum and my dubs

That bitch have 4 titties.

More like the titties have a bitch


she has a lot of catching up to do

I need to be told who this is.

How the actual hell has she not been tittyfucked yet.

You could do it from a foot away

Fuckin tease is what this cunt is

Himiwako; it's literally in the image


i wanna lick her shoes and feet

Deez nuts


Ugh, how does anybody find this attractive?!