

why you love russian posters?

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>all that industrial area near residential areas
No wonder Russia looks like shit. Have you guys never played SimCity?

those guys didn't play SimCity

but my sim city looks like that

I don't, stop hacking our elections Putinbot.


Because their outlook is the most realistic of all Sup Forums posters.

I just love their qt girls

I can't empathise with happy people.

Also it's distant and exotic.

das right

have one

their nicer than you thought trust me!

because you're generally less rude than the average user in this hell of a site, that's makes you cute in comparison

They make me feel better about myself.

Good god, come straight across the Arctic with a few of these, you can have Alaska back

Generally humble and nice posters who likes cat

Why are you being nice to Russians
Go away

It is a trap. Or they are being ironic.

silly english makes for funny discussions

I feel sorry for ruski sometimes
sometimes I hate ruski

please invade us, and rape me when you conquer moscow.

are you a girl (female) ?

I like Russia!

atleast you faggots have snow

never have touched snow in my life

are you virgin?

citacion needed

now post a picture please

They're not rude, they're often the nicest posters

i don't want impure men. you can fuck off.

Depressed posters are usually gonna be "nice" on the surface.

Yes it's depressing, but photos like this can be taken only at borderlines of some really corrupted junk-cities and only during short post snowy-winter time.

Yeeees.Just fuck me now

I want them to be our political ally

u mad bro. Here is no politics i Russia - only business. All Rus /po/rasha posters are just mentally ill persons.

I want to ally you guys in some way or at least create a military partnership program
You guys would be fun as hell to train with

I'm virgin but i jerk off. Am i pure?

Thanks, but no. We have own Africans for lulz and don't want more.


Интepнeтныe бoйцы вышли нa yлицы, пocмoтpeли дpyг нa дpyгa.
Кaждый пoдyмaл: - И c тaкими зaдpoтaми дeлaть peвoлюцию?
C yдивлeниeм ocoзнaли, чтo тo oщyщeниe eдинcтвa в интepнeтe, c peaльнocтью имeeт мaлo oбщeгo.
To чтo в интepнeтe кaзaлocь вoлeизьявлeниeм нapoдa c миллиoнaми eдинoмышлeнникoв, в peaлe oкaзaлocь мaлoчиcлeннoй гpyппoй кaких тo нeyдaчникoв, кoтopыe нe пoнимaют cpeди кoгo oни вooбщe.
Bce зaкaнчивaeтcя yхoдoм oбpaтнo в интepнeт. Cнoвa чyвcтвyeшь ceбя cpeди миллиoнoв cвoих.

B Mocквe ceгoдня бyдeт тo жe caмoe.

Because russians on Sup Forums are entertaining as fuck, whether to shitpost or to have a nice and informative discussion

Why are they speaking portuguese?

I'm a male girl

Military students from some African coutry - ex-Portugese colony probably

Communists thought putting factories next to houses would be more efficient.

Кeк. Eпичный бaттл eблapyccкoй oппoзиции o кoтopoй тaк дoлгo вчepa кyкapeкaл aнoн из Бeлapycи oкaзaлcя в peaлe oбocpaмcoм пoлтopa интepнeт-зaдpoтa.

Although there are some Russians on here I don't like (usually woe is me, Russia is so shit types) I generally like Russians.

They are very realistic and practical people. Usually have insightful thoughts, and although I see stereotypes of Russian being stupid bydlos vast majority of Russians I've met online have all been more articulate and intelligent than your average American. Their humor always seems to have a witty or cleverness behind too.

Tyrone Ivanov, Lamar Antonovich, Trayvon Miloslavsky

>Russia is last hope of white race

this and they are Angolian

Really make you think

can you explain this

to me please? I really shouldn't have image searched your post and then watched that video, but I did.

is that Moscow?

>can you explain this
He is mentally ill ethnic Finn person from Russia. He alsoo is constant "Russia is shit" poster here. Just poor victim of traditional Finnish imbreeding.

>is that Moscow?

reminds me of picrelated



Not me
Not me
Not me
Not me again
I'm nice guy and everyone likes me

as everyone here.
as everyone here.
most of russian posters are not rude, 100% of brits and swampgermans are rude.
I don't care, here 90% of threads are bantz and shitposting, education is not needed.
I like russian anons.

giff russian qt

I hate you now, you self-concentrated fag.


>100% of brits and swampgermans are rude.
not true, you spaghetti slurper

You proved my point, stop being rude.

I don't. I wish every day every single russian in the world was first raped by a pack of niggers and then hung from a street lamp.

It's Kot

just telling it as it is, Garibaldi

No you just insulted me, STOP BEING RUDE!

>was first raped by a pack of niggers and then hung from a street lamp
Sound fine for me. One tsundere finn instead of puck of niggers and horn of the statue of liberty instead of street lamp would be much better tho :3

You are predictable af, lad

Just having a laugh, Wopman. a good old fashioned knee-slapper.
no need to knot your gnocchi over it

They are the cutest.

anime is shit

Ah now I hate you even more. Don't talk to me anymore, please.

Why are brits rude and mean here while they are silent and shy irl?

yeah yeah i've heard this one before


Come up north lad, me and me mates'll slap the meatballs out of ya. Show you a grand old time



stop posting gay pictures





We will see at the channel tunnel.




I doubt the people who designed the general plan of our cities even managed to graduate from high school.


Would behead/10


Hey. stop posting animeshit right now, you degenerate faggots.



russians who can speak fluent english are almost always very nice people

russians who cant speak english are almost always very bad people

How could you!



It's shit



and you should be happy about that