Anyone else here with a statue fetish?

Anyone else here with a statue fetish?
Marble bitches are best bitches



I'd chisel her


this is not a thing

Some of my first faps were to statues and fine art.


I have the feeling they're too tight

Metal is fine too. But stone is the best material

These get me rock hard

Jesus, those hips

Ooo yeh...

That doesn't look like marble.
I could be wrong though -- you're the one with the statue fetish!

Like this one

Statues that have a small thigh gap can be fucked. it's just a question of applied force. I used to fuck the shit out of a statue we had at our summer place when i was a kid. It had nice round tits and a thigh gap just wide enough for me to force my small preteen penis through.

There is one set of plaster tits that may sway me to your dark place

He doesn't know Marble from Bronze, color me worried...

Anyone of you guys ever fantasize about the statue being a actual person turned to stone and that they were fully aware of what you were doing to it?

Because i used to do that a lot.

Wasn't me who named them. I grabbed them off of another imageboard site and haven't been arsed to rename them

Just fuckin with ya.

I mean, I guess this isn't THAT weird. Like, we look at pictures of naked bitches and that's perfectly ok. Sometimes we even look at drawn pictures of bitches and a lot of people are fine with that too. I guess I don't really see what's wrong with fapping to statues of fine ass bitches. That's not really the intent in making them, but we've all fapped to catalogues or pictures in magazines or whatever when we were kids that weren't really explicitly sexual.

Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

look for a "Petrification" thread.


But seriously....rape of persiphone

I think its the ideal form of the feminine that attracts us.

I came on a bronze statue's tits once at a hotel in Indonesia while I was high on shrooms

I prefer granite, but i have a healthy appreciation of marble and metals. But granite and quartzite get me rock hard.

forgot the picture

"Nope. Just whistling loudly."

Fuck yeah, that's the good shit right there

id take that curse
seems pretty good to me

here ya go

Why is this a thing

Eh fuk it all


the eyes
