Why are they making movies about shitty, plotless games like The Division and Angry Birds when there are so many possibilities out there?
What video games would make great movies if done correctly?
>Pic Related
Why are they making movies about shitty, plotless games like The Division and Angry Birds when there are so many possibilities out there?
What video games would make great movies if done correctly?
>Pic Related
Skyrim would make such a shitty movie.
Games that have good stories are generally to long for the kino medium
Also Skyrim is for plebs
Skyrim would be boring drivel, worse than a fantasy B movie
Could be done easily, hell honestly it would probably work better as a movie than as a game
Deleted scenes and lore videos better include some c0da though
The only answer is Dark Souls
but skyrim is essentially a shitty, plotless game
>Dark Souls
Movies need a plot though
>Skyrim is for plebs
Yes, the game that requires 4 tech degrees to run is for plebs. Modded Skyrim is infinitely replayable especially if you're trying to masterbate
You can add 1000 mods to Skyrim and the gameplay will still suck more dick than even you since it's made by Bethesda.
It's a travesty that the best Lovecraft adaption is a fucking video game
spot the pleb
Fallout 4 is Skyrim with plot. Fallout series. Theres some Indy project about a guy who finds crashed spaceship (only teaser now, they ned money or something) but I feel like Netflix should do that properly.
>look guys, I'm a pleb that thinks molding games is hard and I can't spell masturbate
Now Catherine might work as a movie since the story is easily adaptable and the game play can just be turned into nightmare imagery
Bloodborne by Del Taco
Stalker would make for a pretty good spooky gun porn TV series. provided it would be R-rated and not made by Syfy.
You found the reason why they adapt shit games yourself. Pleb games for pleb trash.
In the Mouth of Madness is a good, albeit goofy send-up of Lovecraft themes.
Spotted him.
>tfw relaxing in my BDSM torture dungeon after a hard day raping and enslaving my way through Skyrim
Okami would make a good mini-series or something
Ladies and gentlemen, the Dark Souls Movie experience .
>"Hey do... do you actually know what's going on right now?"
>"Not a fucking clue. But that guy wearing the big yellow thing just started flipping around and hasn't stopped for 45 minutes."
>"Okay well the giant snake thing wants the knight guy to kill more kings i guess for some reason.
>"So why did he need to set himself on fire to do that?"
That said, a Dark Souls movie/ series with a coherent, entry level story, a huge enough budget to do the settings justice, equally good effects to make pic related shit happen, and a Game of Thrones sized following to keep it's head above water, would be my fucking dream.
Oblivion would be better.
ITT: People who put 100+ hours of gameplay into Skyrim denounce Skyrim.
Shit graphics. Lmao play a real game cuck
System Shock 2
Life is Strange
Metro 2033
Shit, you're good.
As a movie it would be generic and suck.
t. Person who does ERP in Skyrim and jerks off to Bethesda games
Would never work.
Perfect Dark (classic, not the 360 one)
Bungie era Halo
Final Fantasy 8
Mass Effect, but half/half Paragon and Renegade
Maybe Starcraft?
Just give me more good sci-fi shit Hollywood.
Halo has already had movie adaptions and they sucked.
This. The story isnt too long and it fits in Hollywood.
That shit was not a movie, nor was it even remotely movie quality.
It would work miracles especialy if there was Nerevarine X Azura sex scene
Id watch it 10 times
Every video game would make a good movie until someone actually makes it and it turns out to be shit
>I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee
Dead Fucking Space Motherfucker !
It would be a humongous improvement after Event Horizon
don't listen to these retards. Skyrim would make a pretty cool dragon-centric flick.
Luc Besson joint
The Division could work as a disaster movie that focus on rapid moral decay of society, all told from the perspective of a Division agent.
>Final Fantasy 8
Why 8? 8's story is terrible.
So I could masturbate to it
>special snowflake has to battle a god-like being to prevent the end of the world
I could totally see it winning an award
I want a TV show based on XGRA dammit. something about the different drivers fucking each other over for sponsorships.
How to train your dragon made already two movies.So Skyrim is covered
Silent Hill 2
Deus Ex
System Shock 2
Resident Evil 4
Dead Space
>syfy level movie=true halo movie
I want a Metroid movie.
Bioshock would be a "watch it once then forget it" movie.
As opposed to which other one? They're all terrible if 8 is.
>dragon-centric flick
only furries, autists or little kids care about dragons, which are you?
Ori would make a great animated children's film.
Degenerate barneyfag btfo
i always thought pic related could be adapted into a pretty good tv series
+1 for metro, it was originally a book and the games already played like a 1st person movie
If done correctly though it could be great for repeat viewings because it's al about the atmosphere
Get rapture as atmospheric with the sounds, lights, feels, music etc/. and the aesthetic alone will carry it, like Blade runner.
I rewatch Blade runner on aesthetic and atmosphere alone.
>Del Taco directs
>Get Daniel Craig for Dante and have Oscar Isaac play the devil
6, 7, 9, 10, 12? 8 is riddled with plot holes and its story barely works.
>skyrim is a bad game, Sup Forums told me so!
Skyrim is a bad elder scrolls game.
As a game in general it gets it's 7/10
>projecting because he's offended
Skyrim's fine as a game. Nothing more.
First Battle of Hoover Dam
Told from the perspectives of the Malpais Legate and General Lee Oliver.
boring quests and characters and factions and locations and minimal character customization = shit game with no replayability
Halo: The Fall of Reach could be translated into a TV series, though the required budget outweighs the potential quality or ratings it would produce/receive.
Dark Souls directed by Terrence Malick
>pre-portal/invasion, basically prequel to d44m
>mainly revolves around Hayden, his research/hell expeditions+Pierce's cultist work
>show Hayden's rise and Pierce's descent
>end movie at portal
Any Resident Evil game would make a decent movie
How did the hollywood garbage RE movies get so fucking bad
Halo. Some of the things that happened to the marines off-screen would make nice material.
Twin Peaks already exists, user.
Batman Triumphant would've been shit bro
Resident Evils hollywood movies are loved by the RE creators.
They also have the animated movies which fit into the games canon as well.
Try again, faggot.
AvP2. not that one.
Not Halo. Chief is the blandest of characters and wouldn't adapt well to American Cinema. It'd be a constant attempt to compare him to Captain America/Superman/Sigpurney Weaver, which are all very nice and good, but Chief is totally different; not a man that becomes a soldier, but a soldier that knows nothing else. The closest recent comparison would be the new Max, and people didn't really talk much about him. He wasn't even the main character even, so that's what Chief would have to be. Would actually work well for Halo 2, though. But Halo CE would flop.
Souls games are, as patricians say, simple stories told in a complex way. Unless you can pull off some David Lynch level of vague storytelling, it wouldn't be very good/interesting.
loved by the creators
and noone else
the animated movies are shit btw, doesn't matter if they're canon.
That's my point, they're all like this. They're all nonsensical over the top animu tier crazy. I picked 8 because I like the world it's in.
Bioshock has a good back story, tell that.
Andrew Ryan's girlfriend before and during the Fall of Rapture works well.
It pulls the videogame feel, displays the dangers and a simple MC pov for the plebs.
Without a doubt.
>Complex protagonist
>Interesting characters
>Dark atmosphere
>Good setting, good vibes
>Excellent story
>Grounded in reality unlike goofy shit like GTA 5
>Would make an amazing crime drama. Maybe Jason Statham as Niko Bellic or something.
>Resident Evils hollywood movies are loved by the RE creators.
how could you not love something that prints free money
the animated movies aren't that bad
They're loved enough. Critics and genuine RE fans hate them but the general public love them. They always make bank at the box office and they're retarded fun that shouldn't be taken so seriously.
You'll never get a better RE movie greenlit because even the retards at the top don't know how to do them correctly.
kys if you think any of AAA titles will make a good movie
I jumped of the empire state building in that and survived
This is how you pull off a good video game adaption. You set it in the universe but keep it off the games protag and cast.
We're not talking about player choices. When it comes to story and atmosphere GTA 4 takes the cake for a good movie.
Blizzard should've done this instead.
>simple stories
Patrician, my ass.
>I only play sophisticated indie games for sophisticated nu-males such as myself
>the general public love them
In the same way the general public loves sharknado.
It's basically Mission Impossible
Make a movie about the novel then, not the game. The novel breaks up the Chief action between him, an Elite hunting him, and the other Humans on the ring.
I think if they explored the world and setting a little more, it could make something really impressive. Instead of telling the story of a guy killing a bunch of dudes to like the fire again and again, explore the fall of Anor Londo/New Londo/ Astora/ any other hundreds of kingdoms that fall in those games. Or what exactly IS going on with the douchebags in Carim. Whatever the fuck actually happened between Lothric, their insane king, and the Angel they tortured into "perfecting" their bloodline.Or just tell the story of Gwyn's chosen knights fighting the Abyss and getting their shit pushed in.
There's actually a lot of great stories going on behind Dark Souls. It's just the ones they actually choose to tell are kind of basic.
Pretty simple martial arts story about revenge