Be me

>be me
>Months to years old
>mom's desperately trying to find me a daycare every couple months
>usually neglected or left alone for hours on end
>punished by daycare people for being rowdy
>sometimes they wouldn't feed me
>start losing trust in other kids
>pissing my pants until I was 3
>get into decent preschool
>hate other kids, witness them kill a toad
>start hanging out with the nannies
>listen to Pink Floyd during nap time


>find myself stealing neglected toys from other kids
>walking the playground like a caged wolf
>get into public school
>In trouble nearly every day for socializing too much during class
>Forced to lose my recess and nap time and sit isolated or outside the classroom
>have to take my little nap mat into the cold hallway by myself and get sniggered at by older kids
>water fountain becomes my only friend

Your dad didn't want you.
Your mother could barely tolerate you.
The system turned you into an antisocial monster.

>in and out of the principals office at least once a week
>don't play well with others
>love to talk but every report card has a nasty message from my teachers about me talking
>instantly picked out of a crowd to be made an example of
>"this is what not to do"
>all I want is to talk
>forced to choose my punishments by the principal
>once a month I'd have to give up the next months recess or be forced to sit by myself at lunch for a couple months
>ended up spending three years on the wall at recess, a year or two by myself at lunch

damn thats a sad story user

>go on a field trip
>was one of the only kids that had more than 20 bucks
>spend it all on tickets that I was going to use to by the coolest toy in the place
>decide that's enough hoarding tickets for the day and play some mini golf
>I get back and somebody had taken my $20 worth of tickets
>Principal laughs at me and tells me it's my fault, stealing is fine as long as you don't get caught
>Little girl runs by and drops 10 tickets
>Principal cracks a grin and tells me to take them
>figure out who stole all my tickets
>girl from my class bought a plushie turtle with them
>tell her that's my turtle in reality and tell her I'll throw it out the damn window
>kiddies are shocked and I feel bad enough to let her have the turtle
>the only reason is because I would feel bad for the turtle

fuck this is depressing

>assume the identity of the class clown
>everybody thinks I'm retarded, even the teachers
>but boy do they laugh
>only friends are people with family issues
>attract a few too many undesirables
>invite kids to my birthday parties who have never been to birthday parties
>for good reason
>dad tells me all my friends are retarded
>stop making friends
>seen as a social outcast
>never invited to anything
>find myself in the principals office more and more
>learn to lie
>lie my motherfucking ass off
>still forced to miss recesses and sit alone at school for certain field trips
>councilor thinks im actually autistic
>take a tard test

>tard test comes back negative
>start to experience my first onset of anxiety
>find myself jealous of everybody
>boy do they laugh though
>people refuse to talk to me because they're afraid
>start to become angry
>find myself in middle school
>anxiety has gotten worse, but I'm funnier than ever
>start to have panic attacks
>go to the councilor
>accuses me of smoking pot in the bathroom
>never ask for help again
>get in trouble with new health teacher for talking too much
>spend 1:30 of each day out in the hall by myself
>getting sniggered at by other kids
>problem gets to the point that my parents will take me out of school for weeks to go on trips
>teachers don't like this and try to flunk me
>have to endure

uh oh

>start having migraines
>play football on and off
>bullied because I'm not dedicated enough
>find myself on the receiving end of smear the queer every practice
>tell my parents I hate football
>They say it's find to quit
>Lose my last connection to people my age
>People think I'm genuinely stupid
>Surprise people when I get to go on honor roll field trips
>"wow I thought you were stupid"
>Really start to hate other people
>want to help people instead of being the funny guy
>find myself unable to be serious in even the most dire of situations
>laugh in the face of a kid 3-4 years older than me who's choking me out
>actually throws him off enough to never bully me again
>Taking sucker punches from high schoolers
>can't do shit because their parents are faculty
>decide to endure it all


>Halfway through highschool
>essentially friendless kissless virgin
>afraid of girls and relationships
>focus on school work
>I love science
>still viewed as a social anomaly
>can have a room full of people roaring with laughter
>find myself teetering on the edge of socipathy
>fat third wave feminists call me a sociopath
>feel empty inside
>funniest motherfucker you've ever met
>lapse into a great depression
>find an anime called Berserk
>fall in love with it
>love how the main character's able to endure so much pain
>Get anxious walking in the hallway
>but you wouldn't know
>Find myself being the first to get lunch and the first to leave
>First in the parking lot and first to leave
>don't go to any social events

jojo's better

>start to party a lot
>find myself talking to depressive drunks
>always cheer them up but it isn't enough
>still trying to get into my first real relationship
>get lead on by every girl I meet
>I become the shoulder to cry on
>give up on relationships
>discover weed mmm mmm good
>push away wife material because I figured she'd want me to be the asshole who wants pussy
>get a construction job and love it
>feel genuinely accomplished every day
>can socialize with people twice my age better than anything else
>get laid off and start getting really shitty jobs
>everybody my age are a bunch of low life druggies/alcoholics

>get bullied out of my last job
>told that I'm a terrible employee compared to the people smoking meth in the parking lot
>they clear my schedule for two and a half weeks
>never show back up
>find myself browsing chan a lot more
>be me
>kissless virgin
>no job
>posting a story on Sup Forums
>thanks for reading

pls more

You ever play Minecraft?

thanks for the ride, user :'(


Things will get better.


Life goes up once you find a place you fit in. Good luck user

just go on tinder or something if you're not ugly, you might get some puss even if you act weird

shit man Im sorry for you

you either leave in a plasic bag or rot in prison.

do it.

Damn dude, thats really fucked up like in another goddamn level, I really wih you the best even if this is bullshit, that should not happen to anybody, peace boy have a nice day


shut up grand mammy


My life compared to this whiny ass motherfucker is a real kms fiesta, compared to this it just looks like he is borderline a normal 4 chan user,nothing special.Smh

I feel for you brother, much love. You will find your place soon.

My dad was an abusive drunk and died when I was 19, can you top that?

is nap time like the same joke as penis inspection day?