How did Drumpf fail again he said we'd get tired of winning yet his healthcare plan sucks even right wing tards didn't...

How did Drumpf fail again he said we'd get tired of winning yet his healthcare plan sucks even right wing tards didn't vote for it I'm just tired of him spending my tax money on golfing weekends I wish I never voted for this big fat orange cheeto fraudster... I wish I was #withher bros.

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his campaign is almost over
hang in there

Glad I wrote in Ruby Kurosawa

You only had to listen

Powerful rich people suck. What else is new.

Gladiator was about a powerful rich guy knowing that powerful rich people suck ass at ruling over normal people and tried to pass on the power to a normal honest guy.

But normal honest guys don't like power and never try to have it.

if only there were months of campaigning before the election to give us some sort of idea about his lack of character and competence

He's finished

Trump will either be impeached or be a one-term president and then Hilldawg will finally get her turn

quality australian thread

So average plebs are somehow better by virtue of being less remarkable?

Wow really made me think

He'll definitely only be a one term president he is an utter failure.

There's no way in hell Hillary will run again. She had everything handed to her on a silver platter and still lost.

It's Bernie's turn

It was because of Russian interference that Trump even got as far as he did, she would've won soundly otherwise.

Its more about average plebs don't concern themselves with trying to take away other plebs shit and holding something over them. Not all the time, but the general consensus.

Some dude who likes volunteering at a homeless shelter, did some time in the military, has a family and kids, supports his local YMCA and studied economics is probably a far better leader than some douchebag who's entire life is centered around taking more and more and more from others.
But that average guy never thinks about ruling over the masses. Even though he would probably be a better fit

I pray I'm dead before a man who praises bread lines is elected.

leadership is a science in its own and not just a cool position you get cuz you understand your homies

>Taking more from others

What? Why do you think success in business requires taking? It's about providing value and mutually beneficial deals. You don't get far by constantly fucking/trying to fuck other people over.

In the film He is a leader. But he is a military leader who doesn't like war and wants to go back home and farm and play with his kid and fuck his wife. He has an incredible background in leadership. But he wants to leave the politics to the politicians. The Emperors recognizes a good man with the necessary skills to lead a nation instead of his retarded maniacal son.

Also trump has a family and kids and a degree in economics.

So at least he fits two of your criteria right?

I worked in contract negotiations for a rather large corporation.

It's literally about how can I fuck the other guy over more than he can fuck me over. There's nothing about benefiting mutually. But they have someone on their end doing the same thing as me so it ends up being "somewhat mutual"

please go to Sup Forums you know the (yous) are much easier there.

Trump is a Smart Man and he is buying time.

I think the Bush Medical System needs to hit rock botom.

This is even prevalent with property developers, who are notoriously for lying and fucking over others whenever it's possible.

drumpf is finished, there's no way he can keep this up

Trump's days are limited.

He will not be elected president.

What happened now? Or is it just Sup Forums shitposting again?

One thing we can all agree on, Trump 2020

t. Schlomo Baruch Levi Horowitz Goldenstein Shekelsberg

>american healthcare is shit

I can't wait. The clock is ticking drumpfkins.

Israel is abusing American Protection.

We need that land and we need it to be Jewish.

t. Vlad Ivanov


>implying she'll live that long

they'd have to be retarded to think this is a good idea

No our healthcare is top notch.
Our health insurance is fucked up.

"Health insurance" does not equal healthcare.
Which is what people find out when they are forced to pay for some near worthless health plan while millionaires/politicians and everybody else who has nothing to do with it tells them how wonderful it is that they have health insurance now.
Venezuelans have great health insurance.

>Obama allowed Russian interference
What a joke

What a funny Pepe picture crying blol :)

Cute Finland =)

>Venezuelans have great health insurance.
Too bad about the food shortages

Hopefully Hillary dies before 2020 so Tulsi can more easily win.

It's pasta
Note Australian flag

How astronomical would the meltdown on Sup Forums be if Hillary ran in 2020 and won?

Because trump is still an outsider in politicians eyes. They will block everything they can just because it's trump. Every other president has been able to pass retarded bills but because it's trump they'll shut him down and get some stooge like Paul Ryan in then they can continue passing random shit.

This made me laugh

If She really did Run... and Won!?

would people freek out?

I rest my case, Trump2020

I do believe she did get more votes than Trump. Would've been too sad if she didn't.

You banned feeding the homeless!

I'm sorry, USA. We will find a better man next time.

>implying Trump himself has wrote or influenced a single bill

Yes, this is a fact.
Hillary Clinton got more Legal votes then Trump did with his Based supporters... 58% White woman voted for trump? (#Ear)

>russia could have rigged it for bernie instead and i'd be living in soviet america by now

fucking bydlo country can't do anything right

she's so pretty yay

Oh look How cute, Finland...

Fi - Fi Fo - Fum.

I am looking for an indiudual who looks like his mum.

Perhaps its a really bad time.