Anybody want to tell me how God doesn't exist?

Anybody want to tell me how God doesn't exist?

Niggers exist, case closed.

Niggers just have a disgusting color for skin and kind of stupid, that's it

Which god? Odin? Zeus? Ra? Vishnu? Any of their pantheons? Allah?

>you don't believe in 3000 different gods
>I don't believe in 3001

The one with Jesus Christ and God. Christianity.

>god is all powerful
>god is all knowing
>god is all good
>if you die believing in the wrong god, you go to hell
>there are parasites that specifically target human babies' eyeballs for a food source
>tsunamis wipe out thousands of innocent people at a time
>there is not a single scientific shred of evidence that God exists

If all copies of the bible were eradicated and we waited 1000 years, any other religion that popped up would be completely different. If we eradicated all science textbooks and waited 1000 years, the content would mostly be exactly the same.

I'm just not convinced in a fairy tale written by dusty goat fuckers in dusty tents.

God doesn't exist with a human mindset.
Human consciousness is a self referential survival mechanism with the ability to abstract.
How can you a imagine a mind that's never needed to survive, to struggle, to suffer?
I'm not saying God doesn't exist, I'm just saying all of the personification going into describing said God is pointless.

Disgust? that's a human emotion.
Contempt? Human.
Wrath? Human.
Mercy? Human.

Going to heaven means putting your faith in God. Natural disasters, disease, and all that shit is the result of sin. Punishment for man. Btw, you wouldn't believe how many times some king tried getting rid of the bible, it never was forgotten or destroyed. It still lives on for so many years

>Natural disasters, disease, and all that shit is the result of sin. Punishment for man.

I know you're just trolling, OP, but there are people who actually believe this and it makes me fucking mad.

>Going to heaven means putting your faith in God.

So a baby that hasn't even had a chance to be exposed to Christianity that dies in a gruesome way thanks to a natural disaster was just chosen, by god, to go to hell?

What about people raised and brainwashed into believing the wrong religion, never exposed to Christianity before they die in some accident?

you could say something like

"only objects exist"
"god is not an object"
"therefore god does not exist"

I'm not trolling. If a baby dies, its going to heaven. Do babies have moral choices or do they think? How would a baby put their faith in God if it cant even understand the number one? It's going to go to heaven. And everyone is exposed to God, they all have the chance to go to it. And if they aren't, God will talk to them during the rapture

Belief in God is not required. People are judged on a case-by-case basis, according to the laws and morality of their time and place. All that faith does is that it exempts you from being judged.
Babies have no sin, therefore they go to heaven by default.
Tsunamis, earthquakes, lighting are natural phenomena, inflicted regardless of sin. Suffering is just a never-ending test. Natural disasters are just a shorter and more intense form of suffering, and a lot of people turn to God during or after such events.

God's a being though. If you tell someone that, they'll say he's a person therefore an object. That wouldn't be convincing

>memories don't exist

Oh so you believe in the karma system?

i dont think many people would say god is like a person

hey i didnt say that i believed it, but if you ask a physicist, then they will tell you that all that exists is "matter and motion"

No, they refer to him as a being or just God. Those are objects to them so that wouldn't really work

well i dont think many people think of god as just like a physical object

i guess i could be wrong, but the entire idea of god is to separate god from man

No proof.


Contrary to the belief of libertines and degenerates, disasters and pain are almost never given out as punishments. The authors of the bible made a great effort to make this clear, writing stories centred on trial and suffering, the epitome of suffering being a fictional man whose children all died, who lost all wealth and became an outcast, and caught leprosy on top of it all. He continued to glorify and praise God, despite the suffering. Libertines cannot comprehend strength of will or faith; martyrdom is an incomprehensible thing to them.

well the idea of a proof is that you need a proof, not a lack of proof

Not karma. Karma implies an objective morality of the universe. Judgement is subjective and individual.

They still think of him as something. Hes an object to them. Christians are stubborn with their faith.
Christians would just say the bible is proof, that wouldn't work on them.

i meant like a physical object, i dont think many christians would consider god a worldy object, that is absurd

>Anybody want to tell me how God doesn't exist?

Come back when you're at least dry behind the ears.

>imagine a world without god
>realize it's indistinguishable from reality
>apply Occam's razor

Oh physical? Then why would people believe emotions exist? Its not physical, but it still exists no doubt.
Sorry, I'm too dumb to know what that means

There's a chance of a God existing. There's an even higher chance of multiple gods and goddesses existing. However, the chances that we are living in a simulation or simulations fall into the realm of near realistic probability.

well they would have to give the belief that emotions exist up

but lots of people already think like this, especially empirical scientists

I cant really imagine a world without God because nothing would be able to create that world

well i can think of something without knowing its cause cant i?

To believe in something superior is to diminish yourself I gues

>There's a chance of a God existing.
>There's an even higher chance of multiple gods and goddesses existing.

How did you come to that conclusion?

Who would make the simulation then?

My bad.
>not be a fucking brainlet and imagine a world without god

>I cant really imagine
That's the whole problem. You can't imagine or explain something, therefore god did it. That's why people made up gods in the first place, to fill their gaps in understanding.

How the hell would that world be created?

You can't prove god doesn't existe
You should believe god exists only if you have proof
If you have no proof that a god exists you shouldn't believe ther's one

Out of thousands and thousands of religions and ideologies throught mankinds entire existence you think that only yours is correct?

Babies are born innocent, and they will go to heaven if they die.

I don't know. But neither does someone who claims it was god, since that is not an explanation but rather a definition of something you don't know. So why keep the hypothesis if nothing is gained from it.
Plus, of course on could ask who created the creator if you are so convinced that EVERYTHING needs to be created.

The bible is proof.
Yea man, I guess so. I dont know and haven't studied every fucking religion out there but I believe my religion is real. So other religions came off of Christianity, other religions just sound dumb to me, and others I haven't even looked into.

Yes, he doesn't.

Realize the following =
God is all knowing meaning past and future
He created all sinners knowing so meaning he is the cause of all sinful actions ever done
If he is real then he should be fucking roasted in the fiery pits of hell for all eternity, my parents made me cumming on eachother. Even if some sentient supergod would fly down from heaven and tell you to bend over and eat shit or dance like a monkey would you do it? I wouldnt i dont give a shit fuck you fuck all gods im no ones bitch fucking vaporize me if you dont like it nigga C YA.

you also cannot prove that your mom is really your mom, just because doctors tell you the test says she is? the paradox is that this is hell and devils exist to deceive people just because they hate themselves for being fallen..

Then you're just an egotistical bible thumper.

>protip: religion was around long before Christianity spread like filth across the world. Many civilizations have never embraced Christianity.

Let's hope filth like you and your people die off soon.

What I gain is peace in my kind that ill go to heaven when I die, that's pretty good if you ask me. I dont want to be someone who is terrified to die. And no one could answer the who created the creator question. Its past our human knowledge, we cant understand nor try to think of an explanation. You'd just have to wait until youre in heaven

I'm so grad I dropped that childish wish thinking years ago.

>cant deal with own mortality
>too weak willed to live for yourself instead of serving your imaginary friend
>dodges one of the million religion destroying questions knowing that any challenge to your shit belief system would destroy you

Grow a set you pussy bitch

Well there's tons of people in the past who wanted us to die but we've been living all this time. You can't kill God baby.

answer this you fucking pussy

Eh I'm fine with a happy life
Hey man, if doing this makes me happy, why would I stop?

Pretty sure babies have original sin
>Just saying

I honestly can't argue with this, good job. Seriously, thanks for the food for though, I appreciate it man, I can't think of anything to say to argue against this.

Sure, if you prefer a happy life over a real life that's your decision. Growing up isn't mandatory. As long as you don't let it affect other people's real lifes you can play Peter Pan for as long as you want.

Respect. Don't assume i think everything in the bible is bad, there are good things about it and it helps guide a lot of people from bad places in life. However i really don't think it should be used in any form outside of itself, for example it should never be used within government or for political purposes. Not only is it disgusting but it quickly derails into dictatorships and crusades.

You know could be mature with an interest with childish things right? I like Pokemon and video games and I know how to act mature

But at least you know those things aren't real, right?

I believe it's in Exodus that God supposedly mentions "smiting false gods" in turn recognizing the existence of other gods. Oh and a reminder that before Christianity existed sumarians worshipped the ball of hydrogen in the sky. God is a concept we use as a cop-out for things we don't understand yet.

The burden of proof lies on those tho claim that he does exist, not the other way around. People deny that he exists because of this very thing, no proof.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
You can have other gods, but I come first.

So, there is more than one god.