Eastwood is finished

Eastwood is finished

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problematic fa- irrelevant old white guy

he's got fuck you money and he's pretty much retired

he understands the situation

He's right though, we are living in a pussy generation.

And both candidates are shit.

No he's not. He will still direct movies until he dies.

Is he wrong? No. Like it or not, things aren't much different from how they were then except there wasn't a shitload of white guilt and safe space shit.

If dubs, he dies tonight.


If dubs he lives forever

>86 years old
>still making movies
He's fine

>t. every old person in history

Every single aging generation thinks the youth of the new generation are pussies. The WWII era people thought their kids were pussies, and those kids thought their yuppie kids were pussies, and so on and so on. Here's an example that is most likely from 1274 AD

>"The world is passing through troublous times. The young people of
today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for
parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint. They talk as
if they knew everything, and what passes for wisdom with us is
foolishness with them. As for the girls, they are forward, immodest
and unladylike in speech, behavior and dress."

Old people like to shit on young people, who in turn try to criticize the old on equally shaky grounds.


I don't remember youths in 1942 taking HRT and identifying as 64+ different genders.

You're right, but I feel what he's saying is accurate because of the examples he cites.

When all the SJWs and leftists in the world die.


no, it's an objective fact we're living in the pussy generation. look it up.

Party generation?

>"pussy generation"
>meanwhile he raised a slut and a twink
>implying anyone not already in the ground would listen to this has-been's verbal diarrhea

Yeah, except our generation clearly IS more pussified. You didn't have previous generations pulling shit like youtube.com/watch?v=9IEFD_JVYd0 and actually getting away with it. If someone tried that shit even 10 years ago, they'd be kicked off campus immediately. But now, it's just acceptable for an adult girl to act like an overgrown toddler and face zero consequences because her feelings were hurt by other people's rights.

So yeah, sure, there are still tough people, but culture has changed to accommodate complete faggots.


>1274 AD
did they request safe space on tumblr and 20 different gendered bathrooms to accomodate their blown up ego and another 20 for their special snowflake syndrome 850+ years ago?

He's fucking right.
Why don't you go back to tumblr already?

He's talking shit about his worthless kids, too. Bunch of pussies. The lot of them.

Wasn't he up on stage talking to an empty chair 4 years ago?

"P-y generation"? What is this?

>swinging was never a huge thing that defined a generation

Shit doesn't just spring up overnight user. We're pussies because our elders were pussies that lay the foundations for global-pussification.

And young people of all generations generally fly in the face of their elders and flout every law and tradition almost as though they're trying to.

There's shit on both ends. You might think the middle is good but it's still shitty.

true, but i think social media accelerated this shit.

Civilisations only last 250 years.
You will see the same cycle throughout history.

Did he say it to an empty chair?

Absolutely. The irony is that it was our elders that set those foundations too.

Oh great, now millinials will eat him alive on twitter like the pussy generation they are. I hate these kids today.

RIP Clint.

if dubs your mom will die in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post

>Civilisations only last 250 years.

wher the fuck did you get this data

Clint died a long, long time ago.

>We're pussies because our elders were pussies that lay the foundations for global-pussification.
The foundation for global-pussification is just technology getting better, which means you don't have to be a hard cunt to make it to 25.

He needs to go sit his old, senile ass down.

He isn't wrong.

You can't tell me you don't cringe every time you see some whiny nu-gender complaining about pronouns or getting offended for other people over inconsequential bullshit.

we all remember the trans-asian demi-turtles that fought for their rights in the 1930s to have a safe space while they got a gender studies degree and then endlessly complained about not having a job

So you don't know anything about the hippie movement and the crazy shit they got up to? Safe spaces are bra burning bush sporting for today. You people who get your panties in a twist over this shit have no historical perspective. You think these kids will stick to any of this and not be horribly embarrassed by it? This has been happening since the beginning of civilization. The liberal sjws of today will be the racist uncles of tomorrow. But please continue to think the sky is falling and run around like decapitated chickens.


Yeah poor clint, he's all for social media

he's right, and we better hope we don't go to war with russia or china and have to reenact the draft, cause we're fucked.

I think he is referring to the lifespan of a dominant empire. Eventually towards the end the later generations become complacent and forget what made them a world power. Pretty consistent throughout time. Influx of foreigners, more liberal in policy, etc. leads to their demise.

t. straight white male

>Look at comments on the articles discussing this
>Every single comment claiming he comes from a time when segregation was acceptable
>As if this somehow justifies going to the other extreme


And proud.

Based Clint.

hes like in his 90s , do you think he gives a fuck what the jews will do to him

Bra burning is a form of protest that only involves a feminist and her property, however retarded. That's miles apart from shouting down a professor because he's not telling other people what Halloween costumes to wear.

Of course there have always been wacky leftists, but them behaving like this and the establishment completely condoning it is what has changed.

I'm definitely voting trump now

yes yes the "theyve been saying this since aristotle!" retort

the problem is, when people in their OWN generation think they are shit and dont stack up the prior ones, you know youve got a real problem.

Millennials are fucking garbage lmao.

only nu-males are voting clinton

this is a FACT!

To be fair, looking at this from a completely impartial perspective, he is only supporting Trump because he is a Republican and partisan politics is a team sport.

he says in the article he'd pick trump over hillary because he feels like she's been shady in politics

I think he just doesn't trust politicians in general

>but them behaving like this and the establishment completely condoning it is what has changed.
This. These modern feminists are promoting modern day racism and sexism, and the worst part is they're considered moderate leftists. They're more hardcore and extreme than even the most retarded Communists at this point.

this. hippies were considered the counter-culture and were marginalized. now the mainstream culture caters to the whiny, overly sensitive, crybaby sjws.

The WWII generation thought Boomers were faggots but not pussies. There is a huge difference. At least they mostly still went out on adventures, experimented with DMT/LSD/Weed, went to India and banged Buddhist girls and shit, fought for legit rights and then seized control of the US and pioneered computers.

WWII vets probably didn't literally HATE Boomers except for the truly faggoty ones, those were bitches and so I have to admit there were a lot of bitches and WWII veterans needing to try to regulate which is what Reagan was.

No Oscar nom for Tom Hanks this year, despite it shaping up to be a completely barren Oscar season.

The pussy generation he's referring to is Sup Forums. Feet worshiping autists who think in terms of alpha and beta.

You can't prove me wrong.


He's got a big movie coming out this year.

Aside from fuck-you money he also has fuck-you age.

GOT EM :^)

nice buzzwords buddy

Which is funny as he was an early advocate for civil rights and same-sex marriages

The guy's pretty socially liberal as far as 80 year olds are

Clint is right.

Men have gotten too soft.

Too much has happened in the last 100 years to not account for.

t. rich actor

So what does that make you faggot, you're here too. And I could probably beat you up, on top of that.

You mean those kids who say they were born in the wrong generation because they like classic rock? You've never seen the youth counter protests of the 70's reacting to hippie culture? Most of the people holding up signs in front of schools saying "No niggers in this school" were not old men. They were kids in that school.
Yeah, and in 20 years it will be embarrassing to bring up. Those kids will grow up and get more conservative and distant from the youth's desire to tear down establishment. They'll become like their parents when they have kids.
Hippies and anti-war protesters were considered draft dodging pussies. Maybe also faggots, but pussies nonetheless. You think drug use made the older generation think their kids weren't yellow?

I was on /qa/ and a thread showed up about Sup Forums's moderation (or lack thereof) so I stopped by to take a look

Nice board you have here

I hope he manages to direct a couple more films before he dies.
After he's gone they may as well nuke Hollywood.

>Those kids will grow up and get more conservative and distant from the youth's desire to tear down establishment.
They want to tear down 'white privilege', they want to tear down 'the patriarchy', they want to tear down 'transphobia', but they don't actually want to do anything to tackle things that are actually establishment in any way shape or form. The establishment is what's enabling them.

>Michael Caine and John Cleese support brexit
>It passes
>The fucking man with no name supports Trump

Sure you did. Don't respond to me again.

This isn't entirely true.

The generation prior to particularly heinous historical times will often talk about how tough their children have it, and there is a sense of doom about things.

The Lost Generation heading into WW2 felt like they had failed their children, understanding that they were going to go through hell, despite themselves having endured it.

In a lot of those cases there is also fear.

Rome prior to Caeser looked at their youth as strong, capable, brave etc - But also misdirected and dangerous.

Or what?

Clint Eastwood is 86 years old, and his comments will change nothing. It will not damage his career or legacy in whatever way.

What it will show, however, is how ageist this new generation is when they start whining that he's "an old bitter man who doesn't know what he's talking about" when he has more life experience than all of them.

I'm warning you, man.

The perfect solution is to let Trump leave somewhat gracefully, give him a psychologist, then tell everyone he went through megalomaniacal psychosis, a rare condition you will explain, luckily, we live in a time where it didn't sprout a Hitler, we nipped it in the bud.

Further explain that Trump is getting help and his kids are still pretty cool and shouldn't be blamed for all of this thereby allowing them to run for president in due time. Hopefully Ivanka.

Trump is judged mentally unfit to be president, therefore giving him a logical out and you send him to rehab. aka put him in a medically induced coma for 2 months so he can't fight this, then return him to life, explaining that his kids get first dibs on the nomination if he shuts the fuck up.

It could even be inspirational to watch Trumps "recovery" then his book memoirs should be incredible.

Next, you apologize to all of his supporters and promise to nominate a true conservative who is a antidote to Hillary Clinton, Mike Pence.

Then damage control/clean up isn't that hard actually. You honor Trump's choice and make Pence the nominee, hopefully throwing people a bone so they continue to consider the GOP.

Now you bring in the GOPe. Ted Cruz is rewarded with a VP. Maybe Rubio if he will do it.

Pence/Cruz/Rubio is a strong ticket, it appeals to Latinos and Christians, if you can get Rubio he can bring in moderates and you veer HARD to the center.

Hillary will attack Pence on abortion and gay rights but Pence plays the "right to disagree card" and calls HRC unamerican for daring to tell someone they can't practice their religion.

Rubio/Pence then goes in and reiterates that the laws on the books will go unchanged (unless a Supreme Court decision *wink wink*)

With Cruz you have a guy who can do dirty tricks at a near-Hillary level which we need. Pence gets no dirt on him. Cruz is the boogieman.The Dick Cheney of this bitch if you will.

I think this is a achievable rescue scenario that can win.

To be fair - Clint came about hot on the heels of some of the largest human suffering in human history.

If your parents and grandparents had endured the great depression or the World Wars, of course today's children would seem pathetic and weak. But they haven't been put to the test yet.

The years between WW1 and 2 were equally petty and frivolous for a time. But when the crunch time came, the people adapted.

There is also the fact that every civilization has these dips and rises.

They are built with blood, sweat and tears and then they stagnate and decay. It's hard to stay hungry when you're well fed.

while i think the current generation is the pussy generation, ageism is an attitude every youth generation displays

im inclined to agree.

is this asshole talking about me or other pseudo 'men'. because damn clint.

>t. rich actor

>pussy jealous as fuck

He earned his riches.

And Ghostbusters proved viewers don't actually care what hipster sites say about movies/actors

Fuck off nigger.

Pretty much. Despite all the wailing and gnashing of teeth, Suicide Squad is going to have a bigger opening weekend than Ghostbusters entire run to date.

Pretty funny really.

He's almost 90. American Sniper was incredibly successful. Do you think he cares?

*Punches you in the face*

Shut the fuck up

>And both candidates are shit.
This. I don't understand why anyone would vote for either of them.

*unsheathes katana*
*teleports behind you*
nothing personnel kid

No matter what two people were candidates, people like you would exist and think they were shit

between wwI and wwII was the great depression.

Clint Eastwood didn't even really endorse Trump. He admitted that Trump said some stupid shit, but would pick him over Hillary because she's suspicious as fuck.

That came after the roaring, bra burning 20's.

That's when they knew their kids were in for a whole bunch of shit. Before WW2 even really got into motion.

Yeah because fuck reasons, right.


prove it

Is this a copypasta?

>Mike Pence

>Mentally unfit

>Eastwood is finished

Clint is one of few directors that can say and do whatever they want without anyone giving a fuck in Hollywood because he makes money to studios with all his movies.

So you're saying that you'd want one of those two lunatics to represent your fucking country?
At least Romney and Obama were charismatic and had some neat ideas but these two look like fucking psychopaths and I'm pretty sure they'll start a war with Muslims or with fucking Russia during the first year of their term.

Fuck off. My dad is a mod he'll ban you so fast your head will spin