Old game/ "I can't remember the name of this game" thread.
Describe games that you don't know the name of and hope some user can help you out.
Old game/ "I can't remember the name of this game" thread
Isn't that "Starsky and Hutch"?
I would like to know the Name of a Certain Game... I will try to detail as good as possible.
>Sort of "top down" 2D Space Ship Game
>Can play Races
>Can play Deathmatch
>Hold right Mouse to accellerate
>Left Mouse to Shoot
>You could load your ship with guns (light Laser, heavy Laser, Mines)
>If you shoot an Opponent, the Parts can touch your Ship making a "ding" and "pling" sound
>Steer with Mouse
>I have played a Map in Space and in some sort of Cave
No Picture available
plz help
>all you had to do was follow the train
Star wars game just like kotor but in the beginning you get asked what side of the force you wanted to be on
You race motorcycles and pick up weapons and knock other riders off their bikes
PC very early 3d shooter. vaguely remember being able to play as a woman or 2 (maybe 3) men. vaguely remember a desert setting but that could be wrong.
Road rash
Road rash
road rash
road Rash
love it. still play it sometimes on mega drive.
Is this loli or a real girl? swingeer.com
Redline Racer!
unrelated but I don't want to make a new thread. I wanna get into rts's but I don't know where to start or look, suggestions?
C & C of course.
Help me out anons, I believe this game is about twelve years old. It was for original xbox. You where a blue guy who had a staff I think and controlled the four elements, anyone know it?
I know this already but please try guess anons
>whizz around in future racetracks
>"boost activated"
>rockets and tron lines
Blizzard made RTS games what they are.
C&C Generals
C&c for sure, my favorite is timbirium wars and kanes wrath
the original starcraft. idk if you can still play online but i would definitely play through the campaign. great story and great mechanics that are easy to learn
I think Snes RPG maybe playstation?
Overview of world map has mountains with clouds above em and they are huge on the map. Wish i could remember more
>really good graphics for the time (released years ago)
>your character is randomized when you start
>the objective is to just survive and fuck over other players in the process
i think it's still online but i can't find it anymore
XG3 - Extreme G Racing. Loved that game
Jedi outcast?
Top-down racing game (2002ish?) on PC where you can upgrade the cars with weapons.
i thought it was called smart car racing but I can't find it
Do you mean this?
vigilante 8
Nope, i just remembered it th
eGames mini car racing
The game i am looking for looks SORT OF like this
top-down racing game, cars almost looked like toy cars, you could get weapons for your cars and upgrade them with each turn. You climbed a list of players as you progressed. One of the big ones was called "mad farmer" or somthing like that. Early 2000s maybe even 1999
Looks like this... Maybe the guys name is "Farmer Ted"?
There are loads of games like that. the one I play is called Gravity Force.
It's an old game, probably 20-25 year. You play a dude driving a red sport car but the gameplay is very limited as far as i remember, it's more an interactive cinematic than a game, you must push the right button at the right time or you crash.I believe it was on a sega console maybe megadrive, or the console before.
I remember it being in rudimentary 3D but it probably was in 2D.
Holy shit user, that's the game I was asking about I've been looking for that for fucking ages!!!! Cheers!
Road Blaster (AKA Road Avenger)
Bet none of ya'll remember the "cannonballs" game from Wildtangent. It's that shiddy game client that came with HP pcs back in 2002ish and around the turn of the century. but that one game was awesome best multiplayer experience i had haah.
a game about a flying toster
Browser games both of em:
1. You are a guy that jumps over different buildings in a 2d world in i think black green and white. Remember there was 3 ish layers of houses that you need to jump over and if you hit a house you fail.
2. Another 2d game where you fly a helicopter in between green lines and you have to restart if you hit anything. Helicopter also left clouds after it as it went. Early 20th century games or something.
I've got a bamboozler.
>Racing game
>can't remember if original playstation or pc
>retarded upgrades to where I managed to get a Miata down to like 300lbs with weight reduction and beat a fully upgraded dodge viper boss
I swear if anyone knows which game this is, I will post nudes of my gf
pic unrelated
Glad to help... Can you help me find mine?
top down car racing game, you had weapons for each car, kind of like micro machines but 1999/2000 and on PC
Gravityforce looks too old...
Graphics are accurate like Retrobooster
>Road Avenger
Anyone remember the name of this game?
OP here
If you have the time and patience to browse through countless pages of games (i think it ranges all the way from 1980s to 2000s), then have at it.
nigga I still play magic pockets to this day.
This game is called OP is faggot
Magic Pockets
Bless you niggas I was too young to know games had name when I played it
what did you play it on?
>XG3 - Extreme G Racing
looks dope ima emulate that shit
RA2 is better than timbirium IMO
RA1 is also the shit
Pseudo 3D game, you played as a humanoid ladybug, the first level was a dark rainy forest.
Can't recall much else, I think the game crashed whenever i jumped onto a certain leaf.
no one for this? I REALLY need to know what it's called.
you mean 2.5d like the original duke nukem or doom?
or like iso projection like sim city?
3rd person camera
you played as a floating car, no wheels, you were in another planet, no plot, no story. All you did was drive through the air searching for colored balls that would latch on the back of your vehicle as you collected them.
The ground was bright brown iirc
At the start of the game there'd be a voice saying "play ball".
2.5d yeah
It used the same art style as DK country
HOLD ON...............
Now go and help me find mine...
N64 game with wizards in it. Kinda top downish perspective? I can remember a level with a maze or something. Fun as hell
Games similar to or inspired by Thrust[edit]
Drop Ship, Fourth Dimension, Acorn Archimedes, 1990
Gravity Force, Amiga
Zarathrusta, Amiga
Rotor, Amiga
Sub-Terrania, Sega Genesis
Fly Harder, Amiga
Solar Jetman: Hunt for the Golden Warpship, third game in the Jetman series
XPilot, a multiplayer open-source game
Gravity Crash, a single and multiplayer game for the PlayStation platforms.
TerraFire, MS-DOS
check these
thats just 2D, not 2.5d or 3d.
Game where it was 8bit old looking and u can cast holes to the left and right of you and there's ladders and the enemies fall into the floor hole 2d flat platformer game
It has similarities with Transcendence and Retrobooster
Thank you
there was this one spongebob game i played once, it was top-down 3d with fairly low-resolution textures, there was a section where it was mostly dark and you were fighting numerous smallish blobs
i also swear i remember this one game i could never beat, it was nick-themed and you had to defeat bosses or something and i remember there was this tiled area with this one boss i could never beat. if any anons could help me with finding either of these, i'd be very happy
Guantlet: Legends? Only has one wizard, but worth the guess.
The ship?
I played it in 2008ish, computer game. It was like Mario cart but it wasn't Mario characters.
Couldn't find.
mobygames.com is the best resource for all sorts of games.
Also there is a somewhat active forum with people helping eachother out. dosgames.com
I've been looking for old games for about 10 years now.
I have memories of playing sort of a Lego second-life thing. I don't even remember if it's real or not, because I used to have extremely vivid dreams that seemed real.
does it exist?
I need it
well it's a Thrust clone so go look on Google for it.
the government and your isp are monitoring your online activity ipanon.com
it was a sidescroller, shooting game where you start in a town under siege by aliens (?), there are random cops in the background, you can climb buildings I think, you go on through the levels like this, then there's something like a jungle level where you have to jump on the branches. it was quite oldschool, early 2000s maybe even older, had that oldschool arcade vibe
>get stars
>win the prize
>cant stop playing the couch
what is it Sup Forums
>drive car
>time limit
>you could bump certain parked cars to change to that car
>was on ps1 or ps2
Test Drive 6?
I had that game. I bought a Xbox package from the PX that had an extra controller and a few games that were somewhat lame. This, Ford Racing, and some other crap that I can't remember.
it wasn't roblox
Played this game with brother-in-law years back when I was younger, not sure the year.
>First mission (I think) prison break
>lots of carnage and people
>something about getting people guns
>one guy kinda fat
>gets called fatman near the end of mission
Really vague memories and probably sounds impossible but been bothering me for years Sup Forums
>first mission prison break
saints row 2?
Nah I remember SR2. Thanks though
Sounds odd but maybe helpful? I remember the whole game being quite a dull blue and grey but might just be my bad memory of it.
GTA San Andreas?
Toon Car?
fuck you all reading this. .. internets over. quit reminisncing im better htan all you. I got my internet by the minute charge you would never let me have my making a ton of companies attack you and act like their being attacked. enjoy nothing so shutup, im better. just get bavck to your turnips
yall are forgetting one... VIEWPOINT.
yep, i'll enjoy my turnips, thanks for checking in
Unfortunately I have no pics but this game was a futuristic racing game with different characters on different cars. In between each race there were funny little commercials for futuristic products and shit. I want to say it was a pc game probably made in the mid 90's. Someone plz know I have wondered about it for years!
Magicka Wizard Wars I think.
Played it on my pc when I was a kid.
>Probably windows 98/95 game
>Maybe late 90's early 00's
>Yellow suit guy
>Kinda realistic graphics?
>thirdperson 2D moving along the screen kinda game
>Had enemies like savages or tribe men or something
Been looking for this game for ages for nostalgic sake. I wish someone would know what I'm talking about.