What makes you angry about Sup Forums?

What makes you angry about Sup Forums?

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People who get surprised and angry when they see degenerate stuff on here like trap threads and cuck threads

As if they thought intelligent debate and deep theological discussion is what this board is for

I sometimes don't like how quickly a thread can 404, but I guess it keeps things fresh and interesting.

bananas, traps/femboys, summerfags, newfags, euphoria

Fuck off right there. You can use imagefap and you know how. You just want to pollute our keks and lulz because we hurt your feeling when you try to be funny. Seriously fuck off back to trumblr

Fucking same

Animal rekt threads. Too Normie I guess. But why do they keep animal rekt but 404 beastiality??


porn threads and gay threads all over Sup Forums

me too, satan

So you'd rather see animals get abused(fucked) than killed?

Mods deleting furry/anthro art on blue boards when the art isn't even sexual while a bunch of faggots shitpost actual hentai and loli porn left and right

nothing really other than the super repetitive waifu posts featuring eliza or some other stupid underage attention whore.

Beats the hell out of reddit's community of parrots who say whatever is necessary to gain karma points.

I'd rather see you get abused than killed... So...

The number of shit threads that pollute the boards - especially Sup Forums

i've been on this site since for 11 fucking years and this is absolutely the worst state I've ever seen Sup Forums in.

yes, even for Sup Forums this is shit.

85% of threads are literally the exact same garbage repeated ad infinitum.
You'd probably puke if you saw my filter list.

I don't come here for low quality shitposting.

I come here for REAL shitposting.

Kill yourself disgusting excuse of a human being

That there are too many good things about it to drop my habit.


Pic related, this pathetic shit happened just yesterday.

I don't get it explain

Wasted get, newfag. There were no lulz in his post. He didn't even post a fucking image. It was just a newfag begging for attention

oh well shit



Traps / boi pussy

Dick rate

Attention whores


Sup Forums was once great, now it is shit.


gg 12 year olds, you win Sup Forums, luckily true anons are partying hard. elsewhere. without you.

Everything. Sup Forums is full of little suburban white boys who just cry about how horrible life is. Seriously. Just end yourselves.

lack of "almost" and 'barely legal' girls doing shenanigans.

white race traitors

People have been describing Sup Forums as you described for years. Nothing has changed, it's still cancer that people go on when they're bored

how newfags don't lurk and add nothing but cringe to the fold of already disappointing threads. this tbh famalamz

The fucking loli/shota pedos. They really should be banned and reported to the FBI. Also, there are wayyyy to many gay traps on here.

the Sup Forumstroons

the 14 year olds that mainly inhabit this board


How boring it has become. I started using Sup Forums sometime in 2015. Everywhere I looked, there were FB fap threads, Trap threads, porn threads, YLYL, raid whores, and that weird anti-atheist thread that always had pictures of the Child-like Empress from Never-ending Story. I was told that Sup Forums was a place of creativity and unpredictability. Now, it's a place of stagnation and trite. Apparently, some Small Amygdala; Large Anterior Cingulate fuckwits still haven't learned that being edgy isn't edgy anymore. It's just repetition. That's why I prefer /r9k/. At least they have standards!

Im a pedo AMA

People who chew food with their mouth open


I don't like people calling me a newfag when I've been here for almost 2 weeks

Oldfag here, started surfing Sup Forums in 2005. Shit will never be as good as then. Barely any cheese pizza since Snacks and lots of OC. Habbo raids and all that jazz. Now it's just my little pony shit posts.

Animal Abuse threads I hate them.

then fuck off to tumblr and sympathize with the cause then. jfc everything you find on here is not something you're automatically going to agree with

I'm not that user but I agree with him. Automatically

This thread is about things you hate about Sup Forums this is something I hate about Sup Forums so no need to get so pissed faggot

i don't agree with animal abuse either, but i'm not about to sit here and say what shouldn't be allowed here because i know that i'm in no position to do so and whatever you want to say or do should be allowed. that is true freedom. not censor out everything i don't like

>no need to get so pissed faggot
>thread about what makes you angry
do you know where you are rn? double check that shit

Same I am not saying that it should be censored, I mean come on this is /b its horrid/free place I just do not like it I love animals

sorry man went off the rails a bit.

Those Gay Threads and loli and shota fags

Nah man its okay!

Animal abuse threads, makes me want Sup Forums.org to die like .net did


The fact that faggots with manbuns and skinny jeans took over the internet three years ago and now they all live on Sup Forums, the shitiest of all boards.


>Sup Forums has been subverted by porn
>no more serious autism in Sup Forums anymore
>no more /mlpol/
>no more /mlpol/
Mainly no more /mlpol/

They don't even lurk anymore they just start posting right away. Sup Forums has lost its ability to strike fear into people like old Sup Forums did. Now it just serves as a base for right ring political activism mostly and that's not that scary

Honestly, animal abuse threads remind me of old Sup Forums. While I don't understand why they came back, I'm glad they did in a strange way. No one should care about the threads themselves, except for the exceptional few who post their own oc in said threads. But, instead, all the newfriends care and post in them; if they didn't, they wouldn't have an easy time existing. I'm under the belief that the constant bombardment of copypasta, troll threads, and gore/rekt/animal abuse threads will change those who stay into proper anons.


No you're not stop larping to act cool. How do I know? I'm Robert Bopkins newfriend that's how.

People who know seem like they know who you are

I miss the Lolita board

More relevant than you faggot nigger

Some of them aren't even really traps, just guys who shaved their ass hairs away.

Can confirm the days of old Sup Forums is dead. Now you have to larp as a frog worshipping nazi to be relevant.
>July 12
>December 1
Habbo raid dates be prepared user

i know what thread you were just in

sarcastic birds

So we all 3 fapped to the same picture? That's something I love about Sup Forums

Maybe since Sup Forums gets 50mil hits a month we should start a new petition to bring back snacks?

It's because of all the spinoff boards. All the previously "random" shit that was posted here now has a legitimate home. So, all that's left is self-referential nonsense and memes.

ancientfag here
b has always been shit
but can confirm now its shit-er

Sup Forums

Post your filter user
Not true everyone would just rather fap to Facebook pics the real anons that pushed the content on Sup Forums and drove the memetic evolution have long left to go to other places and only come here occasionally when bored

People who complain how Sup Forums has changed over the years (i use 4 chan for 6 years or so). If you don't like it: just fuck off and don't come back. Go be a little whiney cancerous bitch ass motherfucker somewhere else.

That Sup Forums has become a 95% porn board.
>what would you do to my gf
>what would you do to these girls i just found a picture of online?
>post facebook friends you fap to
>pictures you promised not to share
>post shittier, smaller .webms of content available on /gif/
Endless amounts of them, 24/7. I agree there needs to be a board for everybody, and Sup Forums always had porn, but it wasn't this excessive. The ONLY other board you can make a thread about any topic whatsoever on is /r9k/, and they don't have nearly as many users.
And? Now everything is an "attempt" at "trolling". You're always "rusing" or "baiting", there are no jokes, there is no pretending to be retarded for a laugh, setting up someone else to joke at your expense. Everybody is turbo serious because they don't want to be the fool.

Nigger, fuck you, I've been here for 11 years.

All the fucking porn posters not going to the fucking porn boards

How old? 2006 here. I was sent here by O'Rielly and I stayed because I was a small boy and felt edgy.

is this bait

the amount of porn reflects the amount of preteens whos hormones are raging, theyre always horny, and thus just post porn endlessly on Sup Forums.

your average Sup Forums user is between 13-17 years old imo



ThTa not true

18-25 they haven't listed on the site newfag you can fucking look at it

People swear too much

Fucker kike bitch nigger

I'd believe it. I found Sup Forums when I was 17 and was afraid of getting one of those super long bans you see in screenshots, so I didn't post until I was 18, just lurked. Nowadays you can just say any old shit you want, no public bans.

I don't mind porn, but the shit that Sup Forumstards post here is repetitive and less than shit quality.



Hahaha you missed the good days. When I found Sup Forums I was afraid to post at first for year of getting doxxed


Funny how this one post gets so many replies, children don't like being called out? haha.

LEAVE Sup Forums the fuck alone...i hate everyone of you. If you don't like something dont fukken go in the thread

That goes along with people bringing their myspace and real life shit here. You used to keep them separate. You'd real life real life shit, facebook on facebook, and Sup Forums on Sup Forums. Now they're all intermingled, no "is this appropriate?" thought before posting.


Wwyd, fb/ig, porn, bananas, same threads every day, etc
All that cancer

That image is absolutely disgusting.

B bored but injust cant leave


Props to anyone who knows who these people are!

disturbing lack of skyrim threads