Convince me that Earth isn't flat. I dare you.
Convince me that Earth isn't flat. I dare you
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damn, checkmate.
How can it be day in the U.S. and be night in China? Answer me that, faggot
The sun still moves you dingus
When I put a camera on a strong gas balloon, equipped with a parachute and pick it up after it has fallen, I've got a video of the marble Earth.
You've been brainwashed by so called "scientists" to believe in their image of what the Earth looks like. I pity you, you poor little sheep.
Ok, but how does that make your retarded concept make sense?
The earth has slight curves, but that does not mean it is round. Try harder, fool.
Awesome. Flat earth confirmed with only post. I'm convinced.
How does it feel to be an enlightened intellectual?
::qeues up Tool album::
Mood : euphoric.
I always knew that I was unique and different from everyone else. Some people just don't get it like we do man. I pity them.
Here is a map of the flat earth. As you can see, it's very different from what you have been brainwashed into believing. The main difference is the fact that the sun revolves around us.
Apology for poor english, I am russio
Triangular is planet moon sun
pyramids are triangle
Thisfore earth no flat
You are of thanks
Convince me the Earth is flat. Something that can't be explained by a round Earth. I dare you.
The earth is actually a trapezoid.
So there is a huge ice wall at the edge??
Also how do you explain ships over the horizon coming up instead of simply materializing??
C'mon faggot, try to convince me this world is flat. Name 1 thing that can't be explained if the world were round.
You're a trap, eh Zoid?
Well first you must be a creationist, which is the TRUTH of the origins of the universe. Then you must believe that some higher power, a GOD, created the universe to revolve around Earth and all of it's inhabitants, his supreme creation. We are not clinging onto a floating ball in the sky, that is a disgustingly ridiculous belief. I laugh in the faces of brainwashed people every day. God created Earth for us to walk on, so of course he made it flat. It is held together by the magic of God, or as you fools like to call "gravity". Stay enlightened, my friend.
Didn't answer my question
You're not addressing the challenge. You're hiding behind a fiction written in a time when witch doctors and medicine men held sway over the stupid through the use of threats and unjustified knowledge. Explain yourself.
Convince me the Earth is flat. Something that can't be explained by a round Earth. I dare you.
The Ice wall is due to the way the sun moves. Here is an illustration.
Prove to me that these so called "photos of space" aren't just faked by Hollywood?
If the earth was flat then the sky would always be lit by the sun. The sun is so far away that there is no way the light wouldn't shine everywhere on the earth even if the sun was directly on the earths edge.
take some lsd and listen to this didgeridoo, then you will understand the mysterys of the universe.
Stand up without falling. That's your proof. How can you be so blind??
How do you account for the corrections that artillery teams have to make because they're firing shells in an accelerating reference frame?
Prove to me they are you poor ignorant
Prove to me the ice wall exists.
>inb4 This picture of a cliff of ice
You can't use images. All images are fake CGI, remember?
At least those are actual photos, not some mythical drawings. And there are many of them, how come no one has ever exploited the big "secret"?
inb4 Newton's law of universal gravitation
Travel and you will see
Why does fluid circle the drain in different directions across the equator? Why does a bullet skew in opposite directions across the equator? Because the Earth spins.
In what way does a flat Earth make this possible where a round Earth with gravity doesn't? How can you be s vague?
If this was the case, then in the summer solstice the days would actually be shorter.. as in less than 24 hours between noon to noon.. or during winter more than 24 from noon to noon. Additionally, for people in the southern hemisphere, durin
SeeGravity isn't a thing
Have you heard of Kepler? Read Einstein's papers on gravity and light.
Look at big movies like Star Wars. It's easy to make something like "Space" look realistic. Be skeptical and don't believe everything NASA tells you
Please explain sunset, cause it doesn't seem likely to happen from that pic
>Cavendish Experiment
If you use a high powered telescope you cant see past the horizon.
>The sun is round
>Mercury is round
>Venus is round
>Earth is a flat disc
>Mars is round
>Saturn is round
>Jupiter is round
>Uranus is round
>Neptune is round
>Pluto... actually doesn't have enough gravitational force to be fully round
Do you see a pattern yet
You're able to get on a plane and fly one direction around the world.
With that picture the sun always has a direct line of view all over the world. In order for everyone to not see it no matter where it is, it would have to be a heck of a lot dimmer and smaller. So how big and how bright is your sun with the flat earth?
The flat earth thing is just a hobby, some people collect cars, stamps, or Made up articles from the trustworthy and legit interwebz.
You're still not proving anything You're completely avoiding using any explanation. You're parroting. You're a sheep, just spewing crap that you have been fooled by because you yourself think it's clever. That's why you're part of a "flock."
YOU travel there. Then you'll see.
You're ignoring high powered telescope and flying in one direction arguments because you can't refute them
Man stop being logical user
What about the other planets in the solar system? Explain that you dinguss
the Norse figured this out a LONG time ago. When you're looking across the ocean with a telescope and you see another ship really far away, you can see the mast before you can see the hull. The closer you get to it, the further down you can see. That's because the earth is round. Also the ancient Romans and Egyptians knew it because the day the sun is directly overhead, when you can see all the way down to the bottom of the well, is a different day in Rome than it is in Egypt. They even used the number of days difference to calculate the diameter of the earth, but got a number around twice the actual size because the wells weren't exactly straight down.
Also. Are we assuming the sun doesn't shine light 365 degrees and it has some sort of shutter system to make it shine in a straight line?
What is stellar parallax?
Oh SHIT! Did HE just say truth and god in all capitals?! That IS the only way to prove A belief! That certainly wouldn't be a stupid way to say something done by some FAGGOT!
The sun is obviousky not near as big as NASA wants you to believe. This is all part of the lie. Both the sun and the moon are 32 miles in diameter.
Holy crap! What are you injecting into yourself? That doesn't even make sense.
Just explain the sunset. Cause from the pics provided it just doesn't happen. If the sun went BEHIND the disc, it would solve those issues at the price of not explaining timezones. But from all the pics in this thread... i mean, how does the sunset happen?
Earth is flat according to light
Because Jesus says so
Using a high powered telescope.. you can't see past the horizon.. assuming a 6 foot height of eye.. you're going to be able to see ~8 nautical miles... maybe up to 10 if you're lucky
How about the fact that the seasons are reversed between the northern/southern hemispheres????
Shit dude, you're not helping. Telescopes didn't come around until the mid-17th century. Vikings (I assume you mean them when you say "Norse") basically stopped their adventures in the 12th century.
Please explain to me how atmospheric cells and Rosby waves can ever work on a flat earth? And why hurricanes revolve?
why does everyone keep taking the bait
Flat earth vs round earth
I also get you're not actually responding with a counter.. you're just being a fucktard for the bit. I'm just saying things people should tell Kyrie Irving
Why does everyone keep trying to come up with smart arguments when the pic provided doesn't explain something as simple as a fucking sunset?
Careful with your quote attributions. I'm not a flat-Earther, and I think your mixing up my challenge to the flat idiot to prove some phenomenon requires flatness to be true.
Dude.. fuck off.. we get it. I think this is really a "shit people should tell dumb NBA niggers"
if the earth is flat, then why isn't it daytime all over the planet at particular times during its rotation when it lines up with the sun and should thus be shining light on both sides.
You could actually explain that with the sun moving in gradually widening circles for half the year and then gradually narrowing circles for the other half. When the circle is widest, it's shining most directly on the outer ring (southern hemisphere) and when it's narrowest it's shining most directly on the inner ring (northern hemisphere).
I don't believe this, of course....but it would fit within the flat-earth model and explain seasons.
Because the sun shuts off
I think you mean to say "around" the horizon. Example, at sunrise we're seeing something 145Mkm away. And actually, at sunrise (or set) the Sun is below the horizon, but atmospheric distortion bends the rays around so in fact we *are* seeing a bit around it.
Mostly though, you're confusing my challenge to the flat Earther to prove himself.
Holy shit, Australia is the largest country in the world... like twice the size of Russia. Who knew?
okay, just curious though, if NASA really is run by a bunch of Jews who want us to think the Earth is round, why? Do they benefit from keeping people in the dark about the flat Earth, as you claim it is?
Ok, sorry for the wrong quote. Do you have any idea how they explain the fact that the sun clearly goes down behind the horizon every day?
No.. i'm proving that earth is rounded. The sun is fixed and we're angling to see it. On earth you can't see past the horizon because you're looking in to space.
Your last explanation about light bending has nothing to do with my assertion or what you were trying to prove. I think you threw it in there to seem smarter.
Now why the fuck would scientists want to "brainwash" us? What would be the harm in releasing this great "truth" to us? This is retarded.
Except air bends the light the other way. We see stuff over the horizon when it's actually below, not the other way around.
I do not. I got one attempt, where the joker showed some video where a ball hanging from a hook was slid along a string past a shield. Flat motion, but of course the angular speed is different than in real life and the barrier wouldn't exist at a sunset over an ocean view. Never got a response after pointing that out.
When you see ships come over the horizon you see their masts first.
Also the edges of the sea when it is perfectly flat show a slight deviation from flat
>On earth you can't see past the horizon
I concur the Earth is round(ish). But I take issue with your selection of the word "past". As I say, at sunrise or set, you're seeing millions of miles past the horizon which, as you said earlier, was just a few miles away.
Ja... that's what I thought I said. ?
If the earth was flat, Coriolis forces wouldn't exist - clouds wouldn't move, we wouldn't have weather. If we account for this in the flat-earth theory, it would have to spin on a single axis, unless you propose that the sun is also spinning PERFECTLY with the "flat surface" the entire theory falls apart. Air/water currents would be completely different if we were spinning on a singular axis. Unless you propose that we are spinning on all axis somehow in a perfect circle???? The question then becomes why are we spinnning like that? there's no explanation/theory/logical leap you can make to justify that logic. Also. My GPS seems to work pretty well , so, unless you're telling me we have satellites that have unlimited amounts of fuel to stay at the altitudes needed in this crazy spin theory I just came up with to poorly try to justify the stupidity of the theory - another giant hole in your precious theory presents itself. Where does the sun move? Why is the sun circular? What are stars/ observed planets in this theory? Again why is light bouncing off of them in a spherical form? If the earth is flat, how thick is it? Is it flat and round? or flat and rectangular? If you can answer all of these questions with science instead of "your government is lying to you" then I will reconsider my opinion. I'll have you know many of these considerations can be observed by average people with the right don't have to be a part of the government to prove scientific theory.
ITT: Some retarded fucking shit.
Yeah i just quoted you instead of the guy you were responding to
What is your education level user?
I think Elvis has left the room.
If the earth is flat then how did pearl harbour happen? Japfags would run out of fuel
You read that stupid ideas from Qur'an did you fucking Islam Dick Head.
How do the northern and southern lights work on a flat earth?
When is nighttime. If the Earth is flat then the Sun's light would reach all of the surface at one time and not get any brighter or darker
You still need gravity for a flat earth you stupid fuck
Hey flat earth faggots. Explain how seasons work in the flat earth model.