Can anyone explain to me what was wrong with Nazism without using "muh Holocaust" and "muh Jews?"

Can anyone explain to me what was wrong with Nazism without using "muh Holocaust" and "muh Jews?"

Protip: you can't. I'm waiting. Sieg Heil!

Other urls found in this thread:–19

muh jews


its gay

You goddam right!

It's too restrictive in what roles their men and women are allowed to inhabit.
They also burned a bunch of books, trying to control how people think.

Its unsuccessful? never been accomplished and currently not in power.

Hitler overextended the credit of Germany and basically bankrupted the country. And his government was corrupt as shit. Did a lot of stuff just wrong that you don't hear about because of the usual stuff. Was an oddly charismatic leader, not so much a good governor of people.

you sound like a kike

You sound like you are confirming your bias.
I'm danish and an atheist.

National Socialism is still Socialism but with self-esteem

I also kind of resent you guys for occupying my country.

I can't

1. the nazis rejected democracy. after they came to power they stopped free elections.

2. the nazis were liars. they relied almost exclusively on what we might call today fake news.

3. the nazis based much of their ideology on now-discredited racial science. for example, a nazi would say a black baby raised by whites in a good neighborhood will still grow up to be a thief. we of course now know that mental racial characteristics are determined entirely by culture and upbringing.

4. the nazis seized the property of private citizens

5. the nazis invaded their neighbors for no purpose other than the acquisition of territory

6. the nazis relied on thug violence and terrorism to silence their political opponents

7. nearly all of the high ranking officials in the 3rd reich were shameless opportunists only seeking fame and wealth

8. the nazis signed treaties and broke them without cause or provocation

9. the nazis forbade free expression. it was a crime to have any opinion that wasn't approved by the government.

10. the nazis were rigid in their ideology, yes, but their ideology was flimsy, constantly shifting and contradicting itself depending on who hitler thought was his new enemy that day. were they against communism? very much so yes, because communism marx was jewish. but are the tenants of communism sound? yes, the nazis support a socialist state with government-managed markets and no property rights.

Nazi youth groups

If Nazism actually came to America, they would end elections, ban the bill of rights, end private property rights, confiscate the property of private citizens, and begin planning a permanent, never-ending war.

Its one thing to say "hey i'm right-wing and racist, the nazis had some good ideas!"

But its quite another to say you'd want to live in Nazi Germany. You couldn't exercise your 2nd amendment rights. You couldn't oppose abortion or euthanasia. You couldn't sue if a soldier or party official decided to steal your car or rape your sister.

Pro tip:

Nazism and Nationalism are two different things. Nazism deals with the who idealogical part of the German nazi party which does include the jews and holocaust. Nationalism is the belief im which one race is superior to all others. Congratulations ive just educated you :D +1 intelligence point to you OP

The Nazis believed in legal abortion.

The Nazis didn't believe in the right to bear arms.

The Nazis did not believe in free market capitalism.

The Nazis allied with the Catholic Church.

And most damning of all, most of the Nazi leadership was atheist.

Please, tell me what American conservative could agree with any of that??

The socialism part.

Ironic that the lefties probably love this quote if it didn't come from Hitler.

Actually your fucking retarded. Nationalism is putting the COUNTRY first, not RACE.

wait i thought right-wingers hated hitler?? weren't you dumbasses the one crying about how obama was just like hitler?

Hitler lost making him a loser.

my bad
I can already see it coming a mile away.

the books they burned were pornographic
>want to hazard a guess who runs the porn industry, and how it affects men?

you win, stormfaggots lose.

And the allies constantly lied about him and now control what you think about and can control how much you learn about him, the victorys write the history

>bankrupted the country
doesn't really jive with the fact that germany had a centrally administrated bank, and surpass Britain's GDP in the years leading up to WW2.

can you say what Jeffrey Dahmer did was wrong without using "muh serial murder" and "muh kidnapping and rape"?

Nationalism is not necessarily "putting your country first". That would be simple patriotism.

Nationalism means you believe the state is imbued with the spirit of its people, a national character, which is superior to other nations.

So, there's 2 things working here. A belief that the government does more than just administrate, it is a living entity with a character of its own that enriches the people. And a belief that the character of the state is morally superior over all others.

Oh, thank you for reminding me of another reason I don't want to join the nazis, they're prudes.

>the nazis based much of their ideology on now-discredited racial science. for example, a nazi would say a black baby raised by whites in a good neighborhood will still grow up to be a thief. we of course now know that mental racial characteristics are determined entirely by culture and upbringing.
not really discredited if you look at modern psych studies and realize behavior is 40-50% inherited

I could keep going but I'm lazy


I'm rather skeptical user, even if the holocaust was false or the jews were legit demons, I would still find things that they did, that I would not want to be part of.

>advocating getting married instead of fucking 10 thots before getting married to an opportunistic thots is preferrable to a pure waifu
gg answering the question though

here's the thing.

i imagine most of you guys would be ok if trump said "we're building a camp to house mexicans and muslims."

ok. but the problem here is that you've given the state too much authority. if the rule of law doesn't need to be observed, then the president could, let's say, take a billion dollars from the treasury and just say fuck you! or he could say i'm not getting enough support from my own party, i'm going to purge it. Now the camps will be for Mexicans, Muslims and Republicans.

And we would be powerless to stop it.

You have to maintain the rule of law because without it you empower arbitrary rule. Then a leader can start to do things you DON'T agree with, and you will have no recourse to stop him.

They also burned scientific books

Like everyone else itt, you are retarded

hitler did nothing wrong

I prefer being monogamous with my partner.
I just don't think that a bit of porn ruins anyone, the poison lies in the dosage user.

How much of a drooling retard are you? Why are all stormfaggots such self-humiliators?

Like many centrally-planned, socialist tyrants, short term gains are always short-lived and come at the cost of massive economic distortions which inevitably ruin the state.

racial biological science has been 100% discredited actually.

it was based on enitrely unscientific ideas that were never even tested before being published.

for example, there is no aryan race. there never was. what they were referring to was "germanic culture" not anything biological.

they also claimed race determined brain size. not intelligence, but size. we know all races have the same size brains.

they claimed that the smartest african was dumber than the dumbest aryan. that is demonstrably not true.

it was all based on completely made up theories with no actual science to back it up.

welcome to the club friendo

Questions only asked by the historically illiterate

Why is Sup Forums so bad at history?
Is it because they don't want to actually read books by qualified historians?
Or do they realise that their beliefs about Nazism, the Holocaust, and WWII are wrong?

they are socialists.. end of story

No, they weren't


what I'm saying is the ideas they had have substantial traction/ground in modern psychological studies, not that the exact ideas they had are wholly accurate

>How much of a drooling retard are you? Why are all stormfaggots such self-humiliators?
wonderful strawman, its kind of hard to determine if they would have been ruined when allied forces did that for them at the behest of Israel.
Why did Britain declare war on germany with the reasoning being they attacked poland, when russia did exactly the same?

so historical illiteracy is wondering why Germans in the 40's somehow made crematoriums that outstrip modern ones?

If you'd like to not be historically illterate you should acknowledge that the Red Cross' report on camp deaths only totals 500k. Only a 5.5 million jew discrepancy.

sorry but the nazis rejected private property rights, had a centrally planned economy, no free market exchange... fuck head thats called COMMUNISM. yes, the nazis said they were against communism because they thought it was jewish but in practice those niggers were commies.


>No socialism

stormfaggot "evidence": screen-grab of baseless claims by anons from Sup Forums --- and/or grainy youtube vids uploaded by other stormfaggots in giant storm-fag hug-box circle-jerk.


actual evidence: PhD historians carefully compile documents, photographs, videos and testimony from thousands of persons and sources and aggregate data into a coherent picture of actual historical events which lead to in irrefutable conclusion that 11 million were genocidally murdered by Nazis and their allies.

>meh genocide
>meh war against Europe/ the world
>trying to create a master race calling others inferior, Text book racism.
>wanted to rule the world

not to mention mass burial sites have yet to been found, along with the recent walking back of batshit crazy accusations like skin lampshades and human soap.

its pointless to argue with a holocaust denier.

notice that their arguments will always involve some element of antisemitism.

>at the behest of Israel
which didn't exist yet.

Keep self-humiliating, single-wide dwelling angry impotent cumvessel.

All wrong,
fuck me, I knew Sup Forums was retarded but this is ridiculous.

Give me more bullshit. I'm doing my doctorate on German history and I need more stuff like this for my reviewer

yup, I know. I'm not arguing as much as enjoying watching them get worked up into a frothy lather.

>still more strawmanning
must be difficult for you.

if they've managed to carefully compile such infallacy, then why aren't they unafraid to teach students that the reason Hitler didn't want jews around was actually because they staged an insurrection in an attempt to overthrow the German gov't in 1918?

Or does that question make me a faggot too

black people


youre logic fails

Not true. In 2014 archeologists excavated the area around the camp at Treblinka in Poland and found mass graves and gas chambers.

>even more strawmanning
you'd have called me a roleplaying faggot if I'd used the correct term. It is heartening to know so many people are getting tired of being lied to.

>notice that their arguments will always involve some element of antisemitism.
jews have been kicked out of countries about 100 times over the millinia. I guess all of them were just antisemitic assholes towards the ever-innocent jews?

Wait, are we talking about 1940's Germany of current US affairs?

Except it was literally national socialism.
Socialism can only function is a homogeneous state. Socialism also needs to be limited if it's going to be done decentralized. And that limitation is made up for with the nationalism aspect where communities are actually taking car of one another.

They've found a small (relatively) grave with kind-of (in the way a fischer-price pedal car is kind of like a real car) gas chambers.

Gas chambers are another interesting fallacy. They generally all had wooden doors and no sealing. Additionally, the claim that zyklon b would have gotten warm enough to turn to gaseous form from just prisoners' body heat (which is claimed), is erroneous.

Lastly, zyklon-b leaves a blue-green tinge on surfaces. This coloring is absent on virtually all claimed "gas chamber" walls.

Then I'm sure you're familiar with how in 1934 the Nazis passed a law requiring the state to establish all wages, as well as limiting the private consumption of goods. And I'm sure you're aware that in 1936 they established a general state-wide price freeze. That is called a state-controlled economy. That is socialism.

ha ha ha. Oh fuck, how deep is this hole that you dig for your own grave?–19

Jews had nothing more to do with this anyone else. "Jewish bolshevism" is a lie, as the numbers clearly testify.

It's Zeig Heil you illiterate fuckwad kys

you're not role-playing, you genuinely are a faggot. It's heartening to know you are laughed at by those with actual degrees.

Nazism is shit, classical fascism is good.

They found two gas chambers at Treblinka.

And you said they found no mass graves. They did in fact find mass graves in Poland.

is your doctorate from the university of Walmart at Biloxi?

Looking at the ratio of jew to gentiles in higher ranks, I'd beg to differ.

>To further undermine the Republic's credibility, right-wing extremists (especially certain members of the former officer corps) used the Dolchstoßlegende to blame an alleged conspiracy of Socialists and Jews for Germany's defeat in World War I, largely drawing fuel from the fact that eight out of the ten leaders of the communist revolution were Jewish.
>8/10 jews

>laughed at by those with actual degrees.
just like
I imagine.

we're all anons here so I'm just about as upset right now as when I lose an Overwatch match.

continue projecting, though.

I was wrong in using an absolute term, the amount of graves claimed by camp inmates should have made it easy to find many more.

>even more strawmanning
You sound like a SJW. The sad fact is every claim you put forth has been debunked by historians spanning the U.S. and Europe.

>jews have been kicked out of countries about 100 times over the millinia. I guess all of them were just antisemitic assholes towards the ever-innocent jews?

National Socialism wasn't actually socialism, but it did exploit social programs to gain support and takeover the population. Also, NS is hardly communisim given that NS was not classless or egalitarian.
Socialism isn't simply a state-controlled economy and many of the above listed things have occurred in capitalistic societies. Race, not class, was the focus. Hitler used the word socialism to attract various left-leaning supporters, but he hated socialism. There's plenty of quotes where is explains its downfalls.

close. Brown.

Hitler did some things right

t. leftist

The "winning side" had to ensure the global citizens believed that the 'good-guys' won and evil never prevails, so they made up a terrible lie that would do the trick.

It didn't work with Japan though. Once the world discovered that the U.S. government was cutting off Japan from oil and that is why they attacked... a simple question was asked; If another country had cut U.S. off from oil what would the government have decided to do?

Now back to Germany.
Adolf Hitler and the Nazis did not kill millions of Jews.

except SJWs don't do anything radical besides calling everyone they don't like a nazi

so if you met a girl that told you every boyfriend she's ever had abused her, and were assholes that kicked her out
>100 times
you'd believe her?

poor comparison but you see my point.

get ready to be called a cumvessel faggot by the resident good go- i mean boy

anyways, I'm off to greener pastures

Hier gisch so viele Idioten, die Nazis sind aber gar kein Deutsch sprechen. Im Gynasium lernten wir über Hitler und die Nazis. Die waren Tiere und fressten die arme Juden, Homosexuellen, Spastis usw.

Ihr seid Edgy Hurensöhne, die die Nazis lieben

> No purpose
> Implying that the liberation of Volksdeutsche is not a reason
> Implying that the Polish were not oppressing germans in their newly occupied territories in the east, given by Versailles. kek.

> Implying giving power to the uneducated mob is in any way a good idea
> Implying fake news is the same as propaganda. Fake news today is petty squabbling to undermine the integrity of the country. Propaganda was produced to strengthen the war-time productivity and prowess of the people.

> Implying jews are citizens, and the Right of Property isn't bullshit human rights mumbo jumbo. I really, really hate the 'enlightenment' and all the preconceived notions spewed out by a series of highly privileged noblemen and rich scholars, in case it wasn't obvious.

> Implying that the soviets wouldn't attack the Reich first, and that Barbarossa was not a service to the world.

> Implying the SA was 'Thug Violence' instead of an Organized Defensive wing against the numerous offenses of the Jewish Communist in the early days of the party.

> Implying treaties

> Implying Freedom of Expression is in any way essential to having a healthy and happy life style.

This is in not chronologically ordered at all.

they burned books written by Jewish authors , because they were degenerate

Hey, if I can't use jews to disprove nazism, you can't use them to prove it.
Rules are rules user.

Well if she has evidence then yes. Surely you just ignoring all the evidence that disagrees with yours?

Alter, es isch Sup Forums. Die sind alle Hurensöhne, die Nazis lieben. Die verstehn Geschichte ned.

Atomic physics is degenerate? okay

Ich bin nicht ein Hurensohn, aber ich bin ein bastard.
My german sucks, but I did take it in school way back when.

>3. the nazis based much of their ideology on now-discredited racial science. for example, a nazi would say a black baby raised by whites in a good neighborhood will still grow up to be a thief. we of course now know that mental racial characteristics are determined entirely by culture and upbringing.

You had me up until this point. The black bell curve falls well short of Caucasians, regardless of culture and upbringing, which is generally abysmal. Then there's the hormonal differences too.

Increased susceptibility to violence among blacks was a commonly accepted stereotype well before civil rights movement and the quashing of slavery in the west.

The research has been carried out. The evidence is pretty conclusive, but very few academics will touch this topic.

you learned well, user.

>The evidence is pretty conclusive, but very few academics will touch this topic

probably because it's inconsistent with reality

Also I'm not one of the nazi fags.
I had to, it's a requirement here in Denmark. I did enjoy my exchange trip to Winnenden back when I was 14. I became really friendly with this punker chick while I was there.

Didn't think so.

I'm an American but I learned German at Uni and studied there. My German professor grew up only 25km from Denmark. Her last name was even Danish.

While I was in Europe, I met some people from Denmark. Chill as fuck. One even helped me when I lost my keys. I'm moving back to Europe in a year and can't wait.

>Increased susceptibility to violence among blacks was a commonly accepted stereotype well before civil rights movement and the quashing of slavery in the west.

>The research has been carried out. The evidence is pretty conclusive, but very few academics will touch this topic

Cultural anthropologist here.
Could you provide source on this?

Well the border near that area has been meandering back and forth many times over the years. The people living there are basically equally danish and german.
Well we do tend to be a friendly bunch, albeit a bit unintentionally racist from time to time. The web comic Scandinavia and the world, really does a good job of describing us on a broad scale.
Where are you going to live when you get here?

Muh free speech. Also the authoritarian nature of the dictatorship.
Other than that, nothing bad really happened.

Turn on any news station nigger. It wasn't whites burning down Baltimore or Detroit

First, not everyone cares about US domestic politics
Second, how is that a source? How is that even relevant to the topic?

What're you, fuckin gay?

>Based much of their ideology on now-discredited racial science

You do know that they stole that ideology from america...right? Or are you that retarded? Also, like 7 of those things could arguably be true about modern day america...

.... Your wrong and your Tumblr is showing. Nationalism is pride in ones country and people, not race. I'm an American nationalist and my entire family is interacial. Also keep your emoticons to yourself faggot.

Socialism is gay

They lost

"Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!"

nice meme

I just don't like the idea of socialism. I like the work they did though. I think if done properly it could be expanded on to another great conquest

My nigguh