this ugly faggot had a kid when he was 17, providing definitive proof that he had sex when he was 16
i am 26 and never hugged a girl. how fucking ugly must i be god fucking damn
this ugly faggot had a kid when he was 17, providing definitive proof that he had sex when he was 16
i am 26 and never hugged a girl. how fucking ugly must i be god fucking damn
He definitely raped the girl tho, hia caveman blood demands a lack of consent
Thats due to the fact that you are a dumbass. Looks arent everything, you're probably too much of a pussy to even talk to a girl
Money,you retard.
What is he, your big brother? Go suck his dick while you are at it you fucking faggot.
casey neistat does more cool shit in an hour than you'll ever get to do with your entire lifetime
He answered the question your defensiveness shows he's right
Where you live at dood?
He was broke at the time.
lol no nigga.
casey was broke as fuck back then. he was staying at 2 girls home,and one got knocked up. by him. how? who the fuck knows
Your reply shows I'm right.
He was living in a trailpark working as a dishwasher at 17. Looks like you're the retard here. Fucking moron.
and what's he doing now? exactly what i said beeitch lol
Maybe you're ugly, maybe your fat. However, that really has little to do with your lack of success. The real reason you can't get any action is that your personality is crap. Thankfully, you can fix that.
I speak from experience. I'm a relatively fit, handsome guy, and I never even kissed a girl until I was 20. Reason I couldn't get anything going was that I was an unconfident brat with a boring, negative personality. As soon as I changed, I actually started to attract women. I'm still 20, I'm still a learning, and I'm still a virgin, but I'm seeing a girl and we'll probably fuck next time we hang.
Work on your personality, user. Godspeed.
your fat
You're still likely toxic garbage on the inside. Given enough time it will always show through. Then again, you're "20", so you don't really know jack shit.
He's also an interesting, driven, charismatic person. Can you say the same?
it's not all about appearance
looking like casey is like playing the game on hard, you just gotta figure out how to win
user i would hug you
I lost my virginity at 14
Your probably just scared of pussy and don't know it
how is that relevant? we're talking about ~20 years ago. casey didn't do any cool shit at fucking 16
Na I've never been toxic on the inside.
Anyways, assuming you're older than 20, how fucked are you to be spending your time trolling kids on an imageboard? Move out and get a job faggot. I might be 20, and might not know jack shit, but I'm certainly more mature and knowledgeable than you lmao
This is some low-tier bait, but I'm bored
hes been rich his whole life. thats why he has a wife. nobody in their right mind would fuck a rodent like him unless they got a lot of money out of the relationship
you're so fucking stupid.
Guy looks just like Sean penn
bite the bait, honk the honk
dont let toxic things consume u user
At least say something remotely offensive or interesting. You have the same affliction as OP, you're a fag. I'd scare you away just with a stare.
I went to school with Casey before he dropped out, partied with him a few times, some mutual friends , he was cool in school , cool in a bad boy type of way , he did just fine with the ladies
ur a bully
but thats kinda honk
take your fedora and leave
please do i accept
Nice, you're getting there. Now try saying something that hasn't already been 9gag'd to its grave. Do you even have an ounce of creativity? I'd bully you too if I was in school with you, kid. You suck.
>I'd scare you away just with a stare.
top lel. sorry about your autism
you should probably quit arguing with him. your insecurity is showing
t b h a bro of mine is a legit amateur male model with that dark n handsome look. the type of guy who worked at abercrombie jus cos he handsum and they want that associated with them.
was a virgin till he was like 23 cos he was a recluse, just played video games all day.
wat im sayin is you might be ugly, you might just be a fuckin recluse.
pussy doesn't gravitate to your room which you stay in all day everyday.
lol user all this proves is that ugly people can still get pussy if they're not retarded. you must be retarded AND ugly
i haven't roasted a fag in a while, i'm rusty
how ugly are you?
He's literally non of those things. I can't think of a more annoying, arrogant youtube person.
Not to mention, he is ugly as shit. I don't know how people can watch his videos on that fact alone. He thinks his stupid shades hide it, but they don't
He looks like a cross between a chihuahua and a down syndrome baby
lol... you're still a virgin, faggot.
i hate how this faggot thinks its cool to break expensive things. if i ever saw him i would kick him right in the nuts.
i don't think you've ever roasted anyone, i do think you have severe autism and maybe you suffer from mild delusions.
you can't just say that, it hurts when i then proceed to continue never getting hugged ;-;
significantly uglier than casey neistat
This guy is Casey Jones. He lives in New York and is friends with the Ninja Turtles.
do u need more honkquatinces
damn you're really an unpleasant person. I hope things turn around for you, user.
he doesn't deserve to be as wealthy as he is
i don't believe you
dafuq? you're comparing yourself with casey neistat to say how come i don't have a chance when that guy does?
neistat is talented with multiple skills and a ripped body. has money now too. he could have a whole harem of girls if he wanted to but keeps with his wife.
moral of the story is: dont' compare yourself to others and just kill yourself.
OP you and i both need more friends
honking honkit
this nigga has a point
Who the fuck is this guy?
>neistat is talented with multiple skills and a ripped body.
he had none of that at 16. he was chubby and talentless.
you can be my friend
nice fish
Whoever you are you're a strange creature
U def don't have to believe , but that don't change the fact i graduated '97 a Ledyard Colonel
what does the kid look like? imagine being ugle and being able to blame one parent.
pic of yearbook required
He i$ ugly but got something bitches like to spread their leg$ for. ;)