What age is the right age to start transitioning.
What age is the right age to start transitioning
Never, you mentally ill nigger
Probably before puberty, but you probably shouldn't be allowed to make a decision like that at 12.
I don't know, how soon would you like to be called faggot and have 99% of the real world view you as a mentally ill reject?
11. That is as close as you can get to an adult mind before hormones reck their shit and make them have facial hair they don't want and shit. For females it matters less, they can become more manly way later than boys can become more feminine. Of course there's also to consider that different people age differently, pretty much you would need to check and see what hormone levels people that have gender dysphoria would be at so you don't fuck them with manhands (idk if that changes) when they seriously feel better in a different gender category. So there would need to be some leniency on the age limit but at the same time there should be a standard where pre-pubescent turns into pubescent.
my answer is before birth
Pretty much this...
holy fuck, the kid from stranger things is becoming a girl? shit parents
Oh sorry you said transitioning. Which I took as meaning when should they be allowed to take hormones if they wish. Transitioning as in, dressing up or growing their hair? Parents decide if they wish to control that for the most part, I mean it's an individual aspect of reality if your son wants to have long hair and you don't like it. But gender roles and such aren't too important until you get to where their body hormone levels will effect their life later on. In this case, it's more of a reason to let them decide, rather than thinking that something like taking hormones is like a haircut.
No, but he may as well be to please his 17 y/o boyfriend - seriously
Like, at least, AT LEAST 21.. The fact people are doing it younger and are actually being encouraged makes me sick!!
your parents must have failed teaching you common sense.
the girl is not him, simple things like nose, lips and face structur are different
At 18 at the earliest, when you can consent to it as an adult.
Nah, it's him. Well, her. He announced it on Finnstagram last week.
i would say 18 as your considered a adult. stupid as parents from my name is nazz
Well that was quick.
Probably 9 before hormones from the Y chromosome have a chance to contribute.
sorry you cant 'transition' from one gender to another , that's just fantasy. Every cell in your body has your sex encoded in its DNA.
Just to be an ass
>Born with a dick
>Y chromo already did
>Solution: ask individual sperm and eggs what they communally wish to be born as
Its a him. Dont call it a her.
No, it doesn't. Sex is determined by hormones, not DNA.
It's a pretty lady.
Citation needed.
Seriously it's more about the mental aspect of it than it is DNA.. Regardless you meant gender, not sex, in scientific terms.
>don't call "it" a her
stranger things kid and girl from chvrches
this thread is cancer
kill yourself
This is America, faggot. Don't ever tell me what to do. If some dumb fucker wants to pretend to be a woman, I can call it anything I fucking want.
Nobody views transpeople like that outside of 3rd world countries
Fucking faggot
Actually because gender is a social construct you can transition between the two, sex is the hard one. I'm not sure how biologically close a person is to their transitioned sex even after reassignment surgery.
no you can't you degenerate fucking retard
>Nobody views transpeople like that outside of 3rd world countries
Everyone views trannies like that, people in the West just have more tact/manners
That's your very limited point of view. For the majority they're just mentally ill freaks of nature.
How many delusional queers can be in one thread?
the age when you're old enough to want to suck a dick
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
>or abridging the freedom of speech
Doesn't matter. The number is still going to be higher than the number of sexual encounters you had in your life time you sad fucking neckbeard.
Finn doesn't look like that anymore, his hair is shorter
Go on then call someone a nigger out in public. See how much the government is going to have your back, you autistic fucking child.
Unfortunately the number is still too low compared to the punches that your parents should've given to push away the faggotry out of you,
Unless you live in a regressive European/Canadian shithole, it's not illegal.
>tfw try to clap back but the number of chromosomes is too high
These two photos are obviously different people. Completely different facial structures.
Since when does the law stop people from shutting up degenerates?
You're going to recite the constitution when Tyrone is squeezing you like you got the last bit of toothpaste for being a degenerate fucking queer?
Nobody can force you to respect trans people, it's true, but implying that people can't try to teach you about them, and how to be polite to them, is kind of closed minded.
Look in society we have standards for how people generally act, politeness and etiquette are two aspects of these standards. You don't go around calling fat people fat, you just don't do it, it's super rude and a great way to get yourself hated. Well here's another thing to add to that list, refer to people as the gender they identify as, it's just polite. There's no need to agree with them necessarily, and nobodies telling you you absolutely cannot refer to them by the wrong gender, it's just polite, and that should be enough.
Legality isn't the issue here, it's about respecting people in a dignified manner.
I have that same desk. I'll start shopping for another.
>Violence is okay as long as they said something you don't agree with
This is why the left is losing.
Despite what lots of nignogs in this thread are saying, being trans is just having two wires crossed. It is clinically and medically understandable, which to most people of faith or ignorance (often the same people) this is unacceptable.
Basically, it does break down to gender, due to how body parts come together.
Male Start, get there before puberty gets rolling fast, otherwise you will look like a mishmash.
Female Start, get there before late or not long after puberty (mid-20s) as the hips and 'hour glass' shape will take hold and is harder to shed.
Side note, I'm not trans, I'm just a person who does two (of several) things in life:
1) Examine if it hurts others and is valid by professionals.
2) Absorb logical information and work to better my knowledge based on point 1.
I'm no advocating for being rude to black people
I'm not even racist
I was replying to this faggot:
>call someone a nigger out in public.
>See how much the government is going to have your back
My point was that you can call a tranny whatever the fuck pronoun you want, and they can fuck off if they dont like it.
>I am too intelligent for violence
Said user as his teeth kissed the curb..
>My point was that you can call a tranny whatever the fuck pronoun you want, and they can fuck off if they dont like it.
or kick your teeth in
You didnt answer the question.
Are you cool with parents feeding their young children hormones because they think they should be a different gender than they were born?
What are you even trying to say?
>Violence is okay as long as the other person hurt your feelings
fucking regressive scum
violence is always the answer to life's problems. I have been violently masturbating throughout this conversation and you almost seem interesting.
When is the right age to be anorexic?
That's true, if we look at all matters as being completely black and white you can technically just do that. But being polite is something we consider to be important in this society, at least most of us do, and doing things like that is rude and impolite.
Finn Wolfhardt isn't trans you cuck
Basically never considering the inherent risks of cancer that come with jamming hormones into yourself in lol worthy amounts.
You come across as someone who couldn't handle violence outside an internet argument
Gender and sex are identical terms. XY and XX are the chromosomes and you should quit hogging all of them.
You seem to be pro at this jecting this you're doing.
So my issue with that is you're deliberately trying to restrict language so that we don't have a way to even discuss this. We can call it gender identity if you prefer, something that is by definition a social construct.
Either way, how society sees, treats, and expects men and women to behave, and your biological sex are obviously two different things. What would you call the former?
I answered OP's question.
> dipshit
As for yours, there is a give and take there, but the 'hard line' I would draw would be a diagnosis from a doctor, who works to ensure the child is not swayed one way or the other. But the child should identify the issue, the doctor should confirm it and the parents should be supportive.
>Any other unasked questions you are pissed I didn't answer?
never, that's like saying, what is the best age to get cancer
did you mean to say what age is the right age to start raping?
there you go op, first answer you get is the best one.
Is anyone else looking forward to the porn these trannies that start transitioning at 11 are gonna make? it's gonna be fucking delicious.
Just so people know, the woman on the right is the lead singer from the Scottish band Chvrches (yes, with a 'v'). She just looks super young. She's actually like 29 or so.
OP didn't say pic related.
> Invalid post.
So I'm right then.
You're the one getting pissy...
It's an odd balance. You're not smart enough to follow but you still want the last word. I am tempted to give it to you.
You can have it, this threads gone stale anyway.
Nope, didn't get pissy at all.
> But you did call out needing answers to things not asked, which makes you a dumbass.
Get yourself hung, drawn and quartered, you goddamned faggot.
He looks more masculine after he transitioned
fucking kek
I'm just asking, what do you call that concept? Sociologists have been calling it gender/gender role for years now.
No it's not faggot no matter how many times she changes her body to look like a boy's doesn't make her a boy.
>butthurt CAISfag detected
Your a boy you fucking faggot
Do you swallow your chew like a real man?
What makes you hate faggots / trans so much, the fact that your social construct does not easily allow you to be one?
(((Sociologists))) yep, it checks out.
I'm not even asking you to take their opinion as fact. I'm just saying, what do you call the way men/women are treated and expected to behave in society?
Because they're scum. I've had gay friends before, they're disgusting shit bags inside and out. Not everyone that rejects your degenerate ideology is a hillbilly, you vitamin deficient cunt.
I always wondered, how do traps start hormones so young but still end up with such big dicks
You should transition from the living to the dead TODAY faggot. Kill yourself TODAY.
around 4-5yo for best results
damn that kid is good at that game
Well, the simple fact that you paint all people of one type as being a particular way makes you a bigot. That much is at least a fact.
I do wonder however if you have internal struggles with your own sexuality which makes you have such an immence hatred for 'dems der fags'? Perhaps not, perhaps you just live in the backwoods and have little exposure to normal homosexuals who want to be normal people living normal lives with the exception of who they desire to fuck. If it helps any, I can assure you that there are many people of that type, you don't notice them because they are not 'fem' and they are not 'activists' and alike, they are just normal people, with the one exception that they like the same gender in their bed.
But really, there has to be more reasons for you to become a bigot and declare all people of a type as you choose to define it and force them into that construct, there are more reasons, yes?
Never because it is a mental illness.
18, because transitioning is an important decision in someones life. Letting someone whos possibly going through a phase transition would be a huge mistake later down the line when if they decide that they dont want to be trans anymore.
It's hard though because when one begins transitioning before puberty, the results are a lot more believable. I get that decisions this big almost certainly must wait until the person is an adult, it just sucks that the best time to be making it is, by definition, before then.