I'd attend a party and spike a drink with antifreeze.
dont get caught
Murder everyone.
Decide not to press charges on yourself.
by not talking about it
Tyvek suit, black industrial nitrile gloves, track-less boots, mask and a gun.
Car to get to person, ensure you're not using anything that tracks your location. Leave phone at home.
Shoot person, pick up casings, leave body & walk back to car.
Take off suit and flip inside out, flip gloves inside out, take off mask and boots. Place them in a black storage bag. Drive away.
Find a secluded area, get a fire going, burn the bag completely. Ensure it's completely burned.
Scrape the inside of your gun barrel with a wire-brush. Clean gun with alcohol. Take a shower, twice.
You just got away with murder.
You'd be surprised how many cold cases get solved this way.
Sup Forums is scary sometimes
Ensure the drink is very sweet already.
I wouldnt, I'd wait for the cops, plead guilty at the trial and take the jail time.
If I'm going to kill someone I'm going to be damn sure that it's worth it though. Do something headline worthy...maybe something clever with the head or (at the risk of being too edgy) write something on the wall in his blood.
>pleads guilty
>gets death penalty
foolproof plan
Poison something in the fridge that they might not eat for awhile, like jam or mustard. They'll die eventually. By the time it happens, you're nowhere around.
Alternatively, freeze poison into an ice cube in their freezer, wait for them to ingest way later.
Method only works if they live alone.
Sup Forums has always been home to the most fucked up of people.
do you really think cold cases are solved by people just talking about it?
And make sure that nobody else spikes the drink. Alcohol is the cure for antifreeze poisoning, if it is consumed before the antifreeze digests.
Knock them out.
Use boat to go out to the middle of the sea, ocean, etc.
Throw them overboard, drive away.
Nightmare material.
>Alcohol is the cure for antifreeze poisoning
Wait really?
Spike any alcohol drink with sleeping pills so they die and leave body. Cops rule it a suicide and do nothing.
Tell the cops you're the neighbor of someone you know.
Say that your neighbor is out of town and you can see someone inside their neighbors house. Tell them about a fake restraining order and how it looks like the person who was on the order. Make them seem dangerous.
Murder by cop.
Kill myself. That way they couldnt prosecute the killer and I could stop crying myself to sleep.
why tho
Im borderline crazy and it stops me from talking to the girl i love. im basically a high functioning Autist. I cant overcome the barriers i have to talking to her and it kills me. I dont know how to deal with it so i want to die.
Do it somewhere without witnesses, get a boat, go out on the ocean and feed the body parts through a woodchipper, once done wipe any prints off the chipper and dump it over the side
I've likely put too much thought into this....haha
>woodchipper on boat