I just ate like 35 creme eggs, waiting for a massive diarrhea. Ask me anything

I just ate like 35 creme eggs, waiting for a massive diarrhea. Ask me anything

Do you still want more?

were they good?

My tongue hurts but ye I would eat more


Do you fap during or after the diarrhea?

No I did not and I won't since I already fapped 1hour ago

Why wait for the shits when you can get it over with now?

Stick your fingers down your throat and show us the inside of the toilet.

how much do you weigh

I'm 85Kg or 187 punds

how fat are you? theyre so sweet i barely take more than a bite of ONE

oh damn. competitive eater?

Im not fat at all. Im very avarage.

Nope I'm a regular dude

you do this a lot you tard?

So... incredibly obese

No very rarely, thats why I thought I would make a thread

Overall, was it a positive or negative experience?

Son... I am disappoint

In overall I would say it was a good experience.

are you gay

how much do you weigh?

>I just ate like 35 creme eggs

Sugar makes you stupid.

Have you tried eating some while high?
